View Full Version : Captivating Carla and Angel MEET!!!!

10-20-2001, 04:11 PM
Here are some photos from our meeting today!! :D! It was fantastic and Carla is amazing! She is beautiful and sweet and I feel like I have known her forever! And her mats are FANTASTIC!

Oh by the way... I JUST GOT A DIGITAL CAMERA LAST NIGHT FOR MY B-DAY! I am still learning how to use it so the pics may not be that good... but you'll get the idea!

Carla :D!

Carla's booth

So sorry about the quality of this one... I didn't wipe off the lens... That is Carla and Me though!

Us again with a pug!

The rest of the pics from today are in my webshots album called "A Little of Everything" The link is below!!!

[ October 20, 2001: Message edited by: doggiemom ]

10-20-2001, 04:27 PM
It looks like you two had a lot of fun!! ;) You guys are soo lucky!

Happy Birthday, Angel!!!!! :) :) :) I hope you had a wondeful day!

Carla- you make such adorable mats!!! I just love them!!!! I want one for my sweet baby Sadie! ;) :)

Thanks for sharing the wonderful pics, Angel!!

10-20-2001, 04:55 PM
How terrific you guys got to meet! You two look you've known each other forever! Carla, your mats are wonderful! So nice to see you two lovely ladies! :)

Golden Smiles
10-20-2001, 06:03 PM
How fun!! Looks like you guys had a great time! That Pug is a cutie!!! :D

10-20-2001, 07:34 PM
Angel! Sorry I missed you on AIM. I accidently left it online while I was gone all day. I love the pics. I'm sooo jealous of you two! I'm really glad you got to meet and it looks like you had a great time!

10-20-2001, 09:21 PM
Wow, you girls look like you had a great time. The photos are great, looks like new friends for life. Thanks for sharing the photos it was almost like being there, but not quite. :D

10-20-2001, 09:29 PM
Wow, more Pet Talkers meet each other! You guys look like you have always known each other! The pictures are terrific! Thanks for posting them. What a cutie pie Pugster. I love him/her!!

10-20-2001, 11:07 PM
You two are so lucky to have met each other! i wish i could though-but I live so far away that it's kind of impossible.

Daisy's Mom
10-20-2001, 11:11 PM

You guys looked like you had a blast. And you are both so pretty too! :) And look at that: palm trees and shorts! Jeez... I'm jealous!

10-21-2001, 09:19 AM
Wow! How fun!

Happy (late) B-day Angel!

10-24-2001, 02:53 PM
OMG.....I love the pics of us. We look like we have known each other for a very long time.
I first have to say to everyone here at Pettalk about how I felt about Angel. She is soooo amazing too and I have the privledge to say that we are friends. She is such a compassionate human being and I can't even begin to tell you the love she has for animals. One thing I remember her saying to me while we were "dog watching" was..."Is there anything more wonderful in the world than a dog?" . And she means that from the bottom of her heart. While Angel and I sat and looked and enjoyed all of the dogs there, we had a fun time laughing with each other and seeing some amazing dogs. I know that she took alot of pics so I won't tell you all about them and let you see for yourself when she uploads them. Angel is always smiling and is very friendly. I hope that we get together soon and our dogs can finally meet. We would like to meet again at this doggie park where all of the dogs are off leash, except Angel will have to choose which dog get first dibs on meeting LuLu because 3 of them is too much for her to handle all by herself.
Well, I got a call yesterday that we won't be getting our DSL service for another 15 days :mad: :mad: and that makes me real mad. I am at the library using their computer so I have not been able to post here that much because of the simple reason of bringing a 16 month old in to a very quiet library.... :p ......so I just wanted you all to know that I am still here, alive in kickin' in this heat of AZ and doing well and I will be back soon enough to make up for the lost time.
So, to you Angel, you are great too and I'm glad we had fun together and lets make a plan soon to meet again, ok!!
I miss all of you here too at Pettalk and I look forward to us chatting soon.

10-24-2001, 03:22 PM
Oh Carla! I just read this and I wanted to cry! The things you said are so sweet! You are most definitely my friend and I cannot wait to get together again :) - I think, well, I know that I miss you already! Ha ha ha :D!

Anytime you are free let me know :) Maddie will be the first to meet Lulu :) - I will call you tonight... not sure when you will get back to the library again and read this. I can't wait to meet Robbie too!

Thank you so much Carla - Saturday was a fantastic day and the best spent birthday that I can remember :D!

10-24-2001, 03:32 PM
Can I possibly be jealous??? YES!!!! I am!! I have been so fortunate to meet my buddies from Pet Talk and from the GR board, but seeing the pictures and hearing you both tell the stories is wonderful!!! :D

More pictures....please??? :)

Daisy's Mom
10-24-2001, 06:45 PM
Hurry back Carla! We really miss you! I am glad you and Angel are friends. You're both lucky to have each other :)

10-25-2001, 08:17 AM
What a fantastic day that must have been :) You are both beautiful, and I am so jealous of those shorts! We have actually had snow flurries here, and we will be getting more this weekend!

Carla, hurry back! We miss you :) Angel and Carla, make sure you take pics of Lulu and Maddie playing together at the dog park :) That'll be a blast!

10-25-2001, 09:18 AM
Oh My Gosh, snow flurries already, I'm still wearing shorts etc although it is a little chilly when we get up, but warms up to about 76 mid morning. I think our cooler weather is just around the corner though. No wonder these gals live in Arizona. :D

10-25-2001, 07:58 PM
Lucky, lucky, lucky!!! :) :)

10-25-2001, 08:00 PM
No kiddin! lol
Yesterday, I went horseback riding (in a tanktop)and got sunburnt! It's so crazy how some ppl are gettin' snow and here it's still in the high 80s/low 90s!

10-26-2001, 11:15 AM
Hello friends,
I'm back here at the library at 9 am. Just dropped the hubby off to work. It's hard having 1 car, but maybe after the holidays we will get a 2nd...would like a jeep!!!

anyways, yes Angel, let's get together. Maybe I won't be able to wait for my hubby to get a day off so he can watch Robbie while we meet with the dogs so whatever is good for you. Actually let me see what he has for a schedule next week, there are some days he gets off at around 5 pm and then we could meet at say, 7:30?? Let me know!!

Thanks for all your kind words of missing me and that you all can't wait for me to get back in action. I miss you all so much too!!

gotta run now, my son is acting up and does not want me to type anymore.....bye for now.
