View Full Version : i feel like the most terrible kittymum.............and i probably am

06-10-2003, 04:42 PM
I am so unhappy right now, i have accidentally caused my precious baby lexie to be hurt, this morning i was looking in my daughters draws for a singlet for her(Its a cold day in nz today) i did not notice lexie follow me, and i jammed her tail in the draw, they are kinda stiff draws, she did not even make a noise, i just saw her run away, and her tail was all fluffed up, i realized what had happened , i picked her up and blood poured onto the floor and my foot, i panicked, my god what have i done.
I rushed her off to the vet, they say it does not appear broken, but shaved it, and said it needed one stitch, so now my baby is at the vets all day, frightened and alone, and needing a sedation, at least they will give her pain relief, thank goodness, i hope to pick her up this afternoon, unfortunately she ate a meal before we left so they will probably wait to do the sedation.
I feel so stink and sick in the stomach, my gentle, loving wee kitty, who gives me so much, and i have put her through this.
I cant forgive myself for this . I hate myself right now for hurting my baby i really do. Thanks for listening.

06-10-2003, 04:45 PM
I am so sorry lexie was injured. BUT, IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!!! We accidently hurt things, babies, children, pets, ourselves, ALL the time!!! Please, don't beat yourself up. Now, you will be extra careful...but, even yet, accidents do happen. If not, they would all be called PURPOSEFULS!!!

I am sure Lexie will be fine. I bet in two weeks time, everything will have been forgotten. So, give her some extra loving when she comes home, and all will be well.

06-10-2003, 04:49 PM
It wasn't your fault. Don't feel too badly Carole. :(

I can't tell you how many times I've stepping on Micah's paw, Noah's tail or hit Basie with a foot while walking. They just get too close and its hard not to accidentally hit them. I hate it too, I cry every time I do it and my heart breaks. But they are the most wonderful beings on this planet, they forgive and come back three minutes later for love.

I'm sorry you are feeling so badly. We all know how you feel and we know it was accidental.

Take care. :)

06-10-2003, 04:57 PM
Thank you guys your kind words do comfort me a little, but i wont be happy again until my baby is back home and well again, i just feel so bad that i have caused her this unecessary pain and suffering, oh yes i will be extra extra extra careful, i usually am, my sooti used to have an extra long tail, and i was so cautious with him, my poor lil lexie, i miss her so.

06-10-2003, 05:05 PM
You are a good mum to your furkids, sadly accidents happen sometimes.

Lexie will be back to perfect heath very shortly, don't beat yourself up about it.

06-10-2003, 05:12 PM
Thanks guys, i will try, i just love her so much, she is so special to me, i will let u know how she is, thanks for listening everyone. you guys are great, i knew i would feel a little better once i told you all. my guilty conscience i suppose.

06-10-2003, 05:19 PM
Please don't be so hard on yourself, sweetie. Like everyone else said, it was an accident. I too have accidentallly stepped on paws and tails from time to time and I always feel terrible, but it's always accidental. My Marius in particular loves to literally be underfoot, which oftentimes causes me to trip over or step on him. He still hasn't learned! :rolleyes: Your girl will be just fine. Give her some lovins when she comes home and she won't think anything of it;)

06-10-2003, 05:39 PM
Gosh Carole, don't beat yourself up over this! When Yoshi was a baby he would constantly stick his paws in EVERYTHING! One day my girlfriend was here, opened the refrigerator door Yoshi put his paw in, she didn't see it, and closed to door. He let out a yelp that scared the s*** out of both of us! I didn't know who to comfort first, Yoshi who had finally learned for the last time not to stick his paws in things, or Kathy who was in tears! :(

Accidents DO happen, luckily I don't think animals hold a grudge! :)

Just shower her with lots of kissy's & treats when she gets home, I'm sure she will love you any way!

Prairie Purrs
06-10-2003, 05:39 PM
I echo everyone else--it was an accident, and accidents happen. Tail injuries bleed like crazy, which is always scary, but Lexie will be fine.

Sara luvs her Tinky
06-10-2003, 06:40 PM
Lexie is going to be fine....
don't blame yourself....
I know it is hard to see our babies hurt.. and when she comes home you can cuddle her silly.

*HUGS* to both of you.

06-10-2003, 08:16 PM
Thanks everyone, but im afraid its much worse than we thought, the vet rang me and lexies tail is broken, i cant believe it, i thought at first she had just bruised it, until it bled, now they have to amputate the end of it, i feel so bad, shes such an angel , she does not deserve to go through this, and im to blame, im so worried about her, i just hope everything goes ok with the surgery

06-10-2003, 08:18 PM
It still isn't your fault. Even if the absolute worst happened, it was an ACCIDENT!! These things do happen. So, know that Lexie is having the best care possible, and you and Lexie will survive this.
Hugs to you both,

06-10-2003, 08:22 PM
yep i know u are right, we will come through this together, my little furangel and i, i hope she does forgive me, wouldnt blame her if she doesnt though,im gonna be here for her 100 per cent to take good care of my little baby when she comes home.

06-10-2003, 08:36 PM
Just as everybody else promised, cats are magnificent creatures and they forgive and forget! Lexie will not hate you for this, and I think she knows that you didn't and would never mean to hurt her! Its unfortunate what happened, but DON"T BLAME YOURSELF , or try not to anyway. I know its hard right now, anyone in your shoes would feel guity, but just know that it happens to the best of us, and Lexie will be fine. She'll be more than happy to see you again I'm sure! Take care.

Cinder & Smoke
06-10-2003, 08:40 PM
Aw, dont sweat it, MeowMee...
God made Tailz a lil extree-long,
jest in case sumpin like dis happinz! :rolleyes:

Lexie will be *swisshin* dat Tail inna few daze like
nuffin ebber happined!

Look atta *brite side* - now it'z gonna be too short ta get
jammed inna same draw agin! :p

06-10-2003, 08:41 PM

Like Johanna said, it was an accident!! I can't count the number of times I've stepped on one of my cat's foot, tails, etc. One time I actually TRIPPPED over Moo while carrying something out of the oven. Fortunately it landed in the kitchen since instead of on him.

Believe me, he'll live. Just give him lots of love and kisses when he gets home. I'm SURE he'll forgive you.

06-10-2003, 09:02 PM
Oh Carole ........... not your fault, ever!!! Accidents do happen.

Precious sweethearts tail will be shorter, and less likely to get caught again ............ :) (as Phred said!)

.... and you are not a terrible kittymum!!! As if ..!!!!! :) :)

06-10-2003, 09:22 PM
Oh Carole.... accidents happen... and kitties are notorious for getting into dangerous predicaments!!! Don't feel bad... your baby will fine and forget all about it soon!!!!


06-10-2003, 09:34 PM
Lexie came through with flying colours, she tolerated the anesthetic really well according to the vet, she has her tail shortened about 4-5 cms i think thats around 2 inches, more than i expected, she has 3 days pain relief and 3 days antibiotics injected into her, dissolvable stitches, and starts another course of antibiotics on friday, she will need one further check up, so it sounds hopeful, we will pick her up at 5.30 tonight. i cant wait to see her and love her again, i know i will cry when i c her, but i miss her presence so much.
I never thought about that, less tail to get caught , not that i intend for it ever to happen again, having this awful thing happen today, just made me think how hard it must be on naomi with her bassett and what she has to go through, i really feel for her, its so hard, to watch your furbaby suffer in any way.
You have all given me such warmth and words of encouragement, thanks i feel somewhat better now, also knowing lexie is on the mend and not in pain.

06-10-2003, 09:46 PM
Lexie sounds like she's going to be just fine! Now Carole, it doesn't matter what happened to Lexie, you didn't deliberately jam her tail in the drawer! She knows that! One night, Scott accidentally stood on Pixel's tail, a potato fell on her head and I tripped over her as I was coming down the stairs. The little mites have an unfortunate habit of sometimes being in the wrong place at the wrong time ...

06-10-2003, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by IttyBittyKitty
! One night, Scott accidentally stood on Pixel's tail, a potato fell on her head and I tripped over her as I was coming down the stairs. .

Pixel SURE WAS in the wrong place at the wrong time that night :eek: :D :D :)

06-10-2003, 10:28 PM
Poor Carole! Of course you feel guilty, just like we all would, but Lexie, like most pets, will not hold a grudge! She'll be fine! And what a unique tail she will have now!! I was thinking about all the animals I have seen that get around on three legs, and thank goodness, Lexie won't even have to think about that!! And what about all the tailless squirrels.....God only knows what happened to them (and I see a lot of them) and they didn't have a loving mom and good veterinary care and they are fine!!! She'll be fine, especially when she's home with you!!

Chin up!! And give Lexie some extra hugs and kisses from all of us!!! :)

Steffi N
06-10-2003, 10:50 PM
I'm sure Lexie will be swishing her tail around again soon. I know that its been a bad day for you, but just give your furbaby extra lovin (and a treat or two).

06-11-2003, 12:18 AM
Carole, I just wanted to add that like the others have said, it's not your fault so please don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure she'll forgive you and be just fine in no time at all. Please take care.

06-11-2003, 07:33 AM

Please know that it was an accident and accidents happen. We have all had them over the years, but our furbabies always forgive us.

I know one day I accidently shut the linen closet door on Tanner's foot (it was very early and dark). I felt so bad when "he screamed", but after a few cuddles and some treats he walked away as if nothing was wrong. So Lexie is going to be just fine.

06-11-2003, 09:07 AM
Carole, don't blame yourself for that! You did not do that intentionally, and cats are so fast sometimes! Luna once crawled behind a drawer and I didn't notice. When I couldn't close it completely, I first thought something has fallen out of it. Luckily, before I pushed the drawer again, I noticed there was a movement behind it and I found my kitten.

I'm so sorry that this happened to you, but like the others said, it's not your fault and now way you're a bad cat mommy!

Get well soon, little Lexie, and take better care of your tail in the future!


06-11-2003, 09:14 AM
Carole, just like everyone has said before me... don't be yourself up about it. It wasn't your fault.

Lexie will be as good as new in a few days. :)


06-11-2003, 09:32 AM
Carole , the thrads are right, as Accidents do Happen! Cats are so quiet and they sneak up on you, I wish I had a nickelfoe everytime I have stepped on a little paw or rolled over onto a sleeping cat!I just hope that she will be OK. Please keep us informed! Gary cata And Cat Angel Army1

06-11-2003, 09:41 AM
Don't be so hard on yourself,...I am sure Lexie will forgive you as soon as she sees you when you go to pick her up...Things happen sometimes and they are beyond our control...when my son was a year old, he use to follow me around all the time everywhere I would go and he was always right there...well, I was pregnant with my daughter at the time, and on my way out to a doctors appointment while my sil stayed at the house with him and his older sister, but what I didn't see is I closed the door on his 3 middle fingers..and I closed it all the way too...when I heard the scream, I opened the door and I just knew something was wrong..well, guess, what it was me that closed the door on his fingers! I didnt take him to the doctor..he was still able to move them, but I felt soo horrible afterwards.....so just know accidents happen so you are not alone ok? ((hugs))

06-11-2003, 10:56 AM
I was very sorry to hear of Lexie's mishap! I'm sure she will be just fine, cats bounce back very quickly! I am glad she is back home with you.
Don't blame yourself! You are a great kitty mommy!:)
Cats tend to be a little TOO curious sometimes, and they
are often in the wrong place at the wrong time!
I had to put a collar with a little bell on my Romeo, because he is constanly under my feet! And the poor little thing is so small and light(he weighed in at a HEFTY 2 pounds today at the vet!):D As I was saying, he's so little that the other day he was sleeping with me, and I accidentally stretched out my leg, and literally "punted"
him off the bed, and he flew right into the verticle blinds on the window!!:eek: Poor little guy! I ran to check on him, scooped him up, and he had forgave me that quickly, he was purring, and we went back to bed!
You'll see, I am sure Lexie has forgiven you already!
Hugs,& kisses to Lexie

06-11-2003, 11:12 AM
Carole, you poor thing. You are being way to hard on yourself. All of us know you would never intentionally hurt Lexie and she knows that too.

I cannot tell you the times that Rascal has had his tail stepped on because he just loves to sit right behind you - especially when you are in the kitchen and moving around rapidly. He never makes a sound - just parks himself right behind you and in just the right position to be stepped on.

Lexie is going to be so happy to be home and with you. Just wait - she will quickly let you know that all is forgiven!

06-11-2003, 07:06 PM
THANK YOU all from the bottom of my heart, you are right lexie has forgiven me immediately, she was just so happy to be home again, she is doing ok, her tail is very unusual at the moment, looks like a candle with the wick at the end of it, as its all shaved half way up, did not realize how skinny cats tails are, she ate well, did her toilet business no problem, and i decided to sleep downstairs to keep an eye on her, we were playing with her favourite gold beads, at 12 am, i had to whisk her off to the vets today, as unfortunately she wont stop biting , licking the wound, so now she has one of those awful collars on, and she just hates, it, i can take it on and off, but i tried for a short while and straight away she is back into biting the wound again, it needs around 3 to 4 days to seal the wound, she is none too happy, i hate putting the collar on her too, but i know we have to, so she is one funny lil cat to picture right now, but she is still as sweet and loving as ever, poor girl, she was real scared at the vets again, her paws were sweating like mad, i still feel awful, but at least i can eat a little today.
I know she will be back to normal soon, with only a slighter shorter tail, she will still be my beautiful lexie.

06-11-2003, 07:10 PM
I have to tell you as i am typing this lexie is sitting on the window sill, looking down at me, with her collar on and funny lil tail, but she is purring so thats good, have to really watch her though as she tends to try and jump up and hurts herself with that collar on, lots of catsitting ahead for me, but i dont mind one bit, its the least i can do for my baby, also i was very fortunate, yesterday, one good thing happened, an unexpected tax return which covered lexies vet bills completely, so that was good.

06-11-2003, 07:16 PM
I'm so sorry this happened to lexie. I hope she's doing well and isn't hurting too badly. Don't beat yourself up.....things happen all the time. She'll be ok.

06-11-2003, 09:47 PM
Good to hear she's back home and back to her old self. See, you had nothing to worry about. I know what it's like ... Sigh, that Pixel, I don't know! I don't even keep her collar on any more as I'm too afraid of what she might do to herself.

06-12-2003, 11:50 AM
Glad to hear Lexie is home, and recuperating...it won't be long til she is her ole' self again!!

06-12-2003, 02:28 PM
you didn't do it on purpose, so don't hate yourself! I know it feels terrible , my mother once slammed Muffins tail in the front door! and I have stepped on cats feet, and kicked them, well not "kicked" of course but the same as, not seeing them, and then all of a sudden, mreow!so I know how it does make you feel terrible but it is bound to happen, so don't feel bad. I think they know it was not on purpose. those little sneaky things just have a way of being in the way and not seen.

get well soon Lexie!

personally I think they do it on purpsoe so we feel guilty and they get treats and even more spoiled for a while:rolleyes:

06-12-2003, 02:32 PM
one time I felt sooo bad, Cookie was just a little thing, about 3 months old, and I opened the frig door, it sticks at times so I really pulled it, and wham! hit her in the head!

and I went to move the cat tunnel over, with my foot and there was Callie in it! (just one of the "kicked" stories ) but it was not very hard, just enough to scare her AND me! now I LOOK first.

Kona & Oreo's mom
06-12-2003, 02:37 PM
My childhood cat lost her whole tail due to an injury with a car, and she adapted without a problem. I'm sure that once the wound heals, Lexie won't even notice that she's a little shorter.

Get well soon, Lexie!

06-12-2003, 03:54 PM
Well folks, this collar from the vets is very distressing for both lexie and i, its a big plastic thing all around her head, i hate putting it on her, she gets very depressed looking and just sleeps as she cant do much else with it on, its kinda dangerous too, as she trys to do what she normally does and it can get in the way and caught, so i have to really watch her a lot when its on, i take it off now and then so she can eat and groom herself and try to keep her occupied, but she always starts biting her tail, so it can only be off like for 20 mins at a time, im sleeping downstairs on the couch to keep an eye on her, she likes to sit on the windowsills and look outside, but has trouble getting up there with the collar on and nearly always falls, im so scared she will end up hurting herself.
Oh i wish this never happened, i just cant wait until she can have the collar off, another two long days and nights, i hope this trauma doesnt change her sweet loving nature. she just looks so very sad when the collars is on, it tears me up inside, i took it off at 2am this morning as she slept on me for 3 hrs, and she is not normally a lap cat, and i was getting concerned she was ok, and then we had a little play with her fav gold beads.
She is eating well and doing everything else normal so thats good, had her pill antibiotic today, little monkey we thought it was down there and she got up and spat it out, second time around we were a little wiser and kept her mouth closed a little longer and it worked.
Well i guess thats all for now, keep u posted, but once again thanks for all your replies and kind words, you have really helped me heaps.

Cinder & Smoke
06-12-2003, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by carole
... this collar from the vets is very distressing
for both lexie and I...

... its kinda dangerous too, as she trys
to do what she normally does
and it can get in the way and caught...

... she likes to sit on the windowsills and look outside,
but has trouble getting up there

...she can have the collar off, another two long days and nights...

Hey Carole ~

Did the VET say to take it off in TWO more days?

I wouldn't be in any great rush to take it off!
In only 3 days - that Tail may still be pretty Raw & Tender! :(
And if she starts :eek: Licking & Chewing on it -
it may never heal properly.

While Boots, da Kat, was having his difficulties :( ...
he had a ConeHead collar 3 different times;
the last (after the Operation) time he wore it 24/7 for
about 2 weeks straight...

He certainly never got Graceful with it;
and often ran into things :o,
but he DID learn to *manage* it without too much stress!

He'd walk up to his food or water dish, pause and calculate...
then Very Deftly PLOP the Cone over the target bowl
and begin munching or drinking!
NEVER missed a meal on account of that ole Cone!

And after a few *spills* - he decided there were a few of his favorite
higher haunts that he'd pass on - for a while!

His *favorite* window was temporarily provided with a relocated
stuffed chair - which he COULD climb up on - cone plus Kat!

The point?
Lexie *WILL ADJUST* to her new ConeHead ...
Leave It ON until the Tail is well-healed to the point that her
licking and fussing with it won't do any damage.

06-12-2003, 09:14 PM
Oh Carole, how can you say you are a bad meowmie. When this unfortunate accident happened, you brought your baby lexie straight to the vet. It's not like you took her tail and slammed it in the drawer on purpose. It was an accident. I caught Mooky's paw in the door, my RB C-Fer got his tail caught in a door and my Katie girl was locked in my closet all day. Why did these unfortunate accidents happen? Cause cats are so quiet and fast and have a tendacy to run right in front of you and you not even notice. As with the cone, yes it is very uncomfortable for them, but as Cinder & Smoke said, they learn to adjust. Don't worry, your baby will not seriously hurt herself. The main thing right now is to let her little tail heal properly so she doesn't need any more treatment for it. That unfortuately means having to deal with the cone a little bit longer.
Good luck Carole and you are a GREAT MEOWMIE.:D

06-13-2003, 04:05 AM
Thanks for the welcome advice, re-the cone, yes the vet did say 3 to four days, but you are right, its better to get it healed properly than have to go back for my treatment, which could be uncomfortable for her, she is getting better with it, although today i did keep it off her most of the day, but i watched her like a hawk, and to be honest im had it, so i guess i will just have to put it on her, she is getting sneaky and runs and hides to get the end of it, gently biting then licking my hands when i try to stop her, today she wanted to groom herself so thats why i took it off, and i just stayed and watched her, my hand over her end of her tail, she groomed for over an hour, much longer than usual, and tryed so hard to get it the lil monkey, but she didnt.
The nicest part of all was my baby slept on me for 3 hrs last night, and thats not usual for her, so one added bonus.
I know it was an accident folks, but i still feel stink about it, i wish i could re-start that day all over again, funny thing it was 11th of june, my sooti died 11th Feb, its like 11th is bad luck for me. id better watch those days eh.
Right well just got to get on with it, and put it behind us, and get my lexie back to normal, i measured her tail and it will be only slightly shorter than ashes, of course it wont have the nice pointed end likes his, but it wont look drastically odd.

06-13-2003, 05:45 AM
I always felt sorry for kitties and doggies wearing them, they always looked sooooo awful! But, they are necessary with lexie being a normal cat, i.e. a cheeky devil! If it were Pixel, it would need to be made of surgical steel. :rolleyes:

Nevermind, Carole, it will be off before you know it! I know it is hard watching Lexie get irritated, but the sooner the little tail is healed, the better.


06-13-2003, 06:08 AM
My mom's 10 years old cat Pantera, aka Panterusha, with a very short tail sends her love to Lexie. Unfortunately, her tail was not amputated by vets, but, by some VERY STUPID neighbors. Still, she's fine, and for her age and her status of outdoor kitty, she's very well - actually, the best hunter in the neighborhood :)

06-13-2003, 11:02 PM
Well its been another stressful day in the household, but lexie is doing well, she has become ever so cuddly since having the cone on, i guess she figures she cant do much with it on but sleep, and she chooses to sleep on us, which isnt like her, shes a very sweet loving gentle cat but not normally a lap cat.
I try to take it off every now and then to give her a break from it, and to groom and drink water, but she is so naughty, i will only beable to do it for a very short while, as she is straight for that tail end.
Today she snuck in the bedroom without it on and under the bed, man what a pain trying to get her out, four of us finally did, she is just soooo sneaky. but i love her.
I never realised how stressed out one can get when your furbaby is ill or recovering, she is a good lil patient really, just wants to do whats normal for a kitty kat.
I think im more tired and stressed when even my children were little and were sick, i worry about her constantly, always fussing, making sure she is ok, 24/7 lol

06-13-2003, 11:03 PM
By the way Pantera, lexie says hi back and says us short tails gotta stick together.

06-16-2003, 07:30 AM
Originally posted by carole
By the way Pantera, lexie says hi back and says us short tails gotta stick together.


06-16-2003, 04:17 PM
I am glad Lexie is getting better. :)

How do you cuddle her with the cone on ?

06-16-2003, 04:47 PM
I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner!!

Carole, I'm so happy that Lexie is happy to be home.. it sounds like she's quite the kitty with cattitude, as she keeps on chewing that tail! :)

Don't feel bad.. sometimes accidents happen and it's what we do to make it up that counts - so I would say you are a GREAT kitty mom! :)

06-16-2003, 04:54 PM
if it makes you feel better.....

i was leaving my mom's house with eddie in my arms...i closed the door with my foot when i had a sharp pain between my shoulder and nipple....

it took me about two seconds to count THREE claws
in my skin......i said to eddie, LET GO.....

he wouldn't....

when i tried to pull him close to me to take the
tension off my skin, he'd pull in the opposite and most painful direction.

again, i asked him to 'let go'.......nope, no good..

i put the glass i had in my other hand down and tried to get the squirming cat still so i could
get his claws out of my chest....

after about 20 seconds, and the "help, my cat has punctured my breast and will not let go" dance, i managed to pull him close, keep him still and get his paw dislodged from my chest......YEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW.

moral of the story?

please keep your arms, legs and TAIL inside the car until the ride is over.......


don't close the cat's tail in the door...

06-16-2003, 07:30 PM
Thanks nomilyn, richard and payitforward, lexie is progressing very well indeed, she still loves to give the tail a good ole chew if she gets the chance, but mum is always near hand to stop her, i have managed to keep the collar off most of the day now, thanks goodness, it stressed me out more than her i think, however she looked very depressed when i put it on, and it made me feel bad, but i knew i had to do it, but now the healing process is well underway, i only put it on a night time, the cones can be somewhat dangerous, as they can get caught in things, so supervision is a must at least in my house with a dangerous stairway open to the lounge, and a large gym set in our bedroom courtesy of my son, so i chose to sleep downstairs on the couch for 3 nights until lexie got accustomed to the cone, oh its nice to be back in the big bed again.
Well u cant cuddle her face much but, you can still get heaps of cuddles in, just try and stop me lol.
Back to the vets on saturday for check up, stitches should have desolved by then, but she will take them out if necessary, well my girl may look a little different in the future, but not everyone has such an expensive tail, mind u i thought 150 dollars for the whole lot was very reasonable indeed.
Lexie is just as loving as always, u could not wish for a sweeter little kitty kat, i grabbed her last night and she snuggled in my arms, cone and all an slept for hours with me, which is something she does not do normally, so i am getting extra cuddles right now and taking every advantage of them lol.
THANKS for all the support folks, its really helped, i probably wont ever really forgive myself for doing this to my baby , but i will move on dont worry. cheers.:

06-16-2003, 08:11 PM
I am very happy to hear that Lexie is feeling better!
See, she has forgiven you, giving you extra cuddles!!:)
Crazy things happen all the time, you are a great Meowmie!
I hope her check-up went well on Saturday.
Please give her a kiss from me!

06-16-2003, 09:27 PM
At one time all 3 of ours also became a "conehead". We finally got smart with the last one, Yoshi. We attached a helium balloon to the outer rim, on top...to help keep it up. Yoshi wasn't more than a few pounds and the cone was too heavy for him, he would lift his head, walk a few steps and then let it drop. It was hard not to laugh at him, but they do tend to master it. The balloon helped a lot, and we really laughed at him, but it did make things easier for him.

Lucky has become a lap cat lately too. I think they realize that they went through some trauma, and they want their mommys & daddys........we have no problem with that!

06-16-2003, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by Catsnclay
At one time all 3 of ours also became a "conehead". We finally got smart with the last one, Yoshi. We attached a helium balloon to the outer rim, on top...to help keep it up. Yoshi wasn't more than a few pounds and the cone was too heavy for him, he would lift his head, walk a few steps and then let it drop. It was hard not to laugh at him, but they do tend to master it. The balloon helped a lot, and we really laughed at him, but it did make things easier for him.

PLEASE tell me you got a picture of that!!! :)

06-16-2003, 11:16 PM
... and Carole ........ YOU are not a bad kitty Mum.

THIS is a bad kitty BABY!

:D :D

06-17-2003, 02:42 AM
Originally posted by Catsnclay
At one time all 3 of ours also became a "conehead". We finally got smart with the last one, Yoshi. We attached a helium balloon to the outer rim, on top...to help keep it up. Yoshi wasn't more than a few pounds and the cone was too heavy for him, he would lift his head, walk a few steps and then let it drop. It was hard not to laugh at him, but they do tend to master it. The balloon helped a lot, and we really laughed at him, but it did make things easier for him.

:D :D :D Poor cat! I can imagine!

06-17-2003, 04:57 AM
Originally posted by carole
Well its been another stressful day in the household, but lexie is doing well, she has become ever so cuddly since having the cone on, i guess she figures she cant do much with it on but sleep, and she chooses to sleep on us, which isnt like her, shes a very sweet loving gentle cat but not normally a lap cat.
I try to take it off every now and then to give her a break from it, and to groom and drink water, but she is so naughty, i will only beable to do it for a very short while, as she is straight for that tail end.
Today she snuck in the bedroom without it on and under the bed, man what a pain trying to get her out, four of us finally did, she is just soooo sneaky. but i love her.
I never realised how stressed out one can get when your furbaby is ill or recovering, she is a good lil patient really, just wants to do whats normal for a kitty kat.
I think im more tired and stressed when even my children were little and were sick, i worry about her constantly, always fussing, making sure she is ok, 24/7 lol

Carole, it sounds like Lexie is trying to tell you that she still loves you and forgives you. Cats are incredibly intuitive, and Lexie is no exception! She must know how stressed and upset you were and she is trying to reassure you that she still loves you and doesn't blame you. Aren't cats just so clever?

L. Wayne
06-17-2003, 06:38 AM
Carole, don't blame yourself for what happened. Cats are incredibley forgiving. In fact, when you bring her home she will probably be so happy to be back in her home again. I remember nearly 27 years ago, I had a Maine Coon tabby cat. One day while getting his food ready, I accidently kicked his jaw and broke it. He went into hiding for about 2 days, before he would come out. Talk about feeling sick:( ..... He learned not to get under my feet when I fed him after that episode.

06-17-2003, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by carole
Thanks nomilyn, richard and payitforward

i never thought i'd be thanked for bleeding....;)
everyone else gave you comfort.....i give you platelets.....:rolleyes: