View Full Version : It could have been worse

06-10-2003, 10:13 AM
Well, it finally happened. I let Lilly and Murphy out the garage door to do their business. They both absolutely hate going into the fenced area since they think I will never let them back inside. I kept a close eye, I promise, I did!!! Lilly edged up towards the golf course and Murphy was in pursuit, tinkling on every spot that Lilly did. I did my "aaaacccck" noise to turn Lilly around, but she didn't listen!!! Yikes!!! It is a beautiful, sunny 66 degrees outside and around 10:15 am. Surely there are golfers out there on Tee #5. Oh dear!!! :eek: Lilly took off into a full bolt (she NEVER does that), but she did this time and went right up to three ladies who were out there golfing!!! And Murphy went right behind her!! LOL!!! I was screaming "Lilly, STOP", but she would have none of that!! Thank goodness we didn't have a bunch of serious old men golfers out there this morning!!! And Thank goodness Lilly didn't pick up a golf ball and run away!!! :o I would have died right there. The three ladies were so sweet, and they were at the tee, not in the middle of play, thank goodness. They "oooed and ahhhhed" over Lilly and Murphy, thank goodness!! And they didn't get mad. Lilly has had her last venture into the side yard during golfing hours!!! If she can't listen, then she won't get to go outside that way again!!!

06-10-2003, 10:23 AM
awwww silly puppy's , you know you cannot play golf

lucky the ladie's were friendly though, you could try a plastic or tin container with a few of there favourite treats in it to get their attention (by shaking the container to get their attention) then call and reward strait away

06-10-2003, 10:28 AM
Well, it IS Tuesday. ;) At least it's not in the middle of the night and pouring rain.;) :D

06-10-2003, 10:40 AM
:eek: Oh my goodness!

Now Lily and Murphy.. I know you guys wanna make friends, but you have to listen to mommy.

Glad the ladies weren't mad. :)

(I didn't know you lived next door to a golf course.... no broken windows I hope. ;) :D )

06-10-2003, 10:46 AM
Hey Lily, Have you been talking to Spike? This is his usual trick!

Glad the ladies were so kind.

:) :) :) :D :) :)

06-10-2003, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by LoudLou
Well, it IS Tuesday. ;) At least it's not in the middle of the night and pouring rain.;) :D

Oh how right you are, Loud Lou, and for once, Honey was NOT the culprit!!! Lilly and Murphy (who is deaf as a doorknob) were the instigators and no critters were involved!!!! :)

Edwina's Secretary
06-10-2003, 11:33 AM
I think you need to get them a set of clubs (they can share...) and for goodness sake....be sure and teach them golf etiquette!

06-10-2003, 11:51 AM
Originally posted by LoudLou
Well, it IS Tuesday. ;) At least it's not in the middle of the night and pouring rain.;) :D


Cinder & Smoke
06-10-2003, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
... be sure and teach them golf etiquette!

Top 10 frumma Dawggie Ruel & Ettiquitt Book...

10. Pack a Lunch inna NappieSak... Galfurz are sooo slow.

9.. Dont reech fur da ball when it'z onna lil stand atta start line...
. . Gettin *smaked* inna hed wiffa klub hurtz!

8.. Iffin yer gonna wait onna galf Kart Seet; relinquish da seet when
. . dey wanna get back in - no unfrenlee Grrrrin!

7.. Chazin da Kart iz OK; but dont Yap & Bark too much - makez em Krankee!

6.. Be QUICK! Gotta grab da galfee ball affore da kart getz dere!

5.. Mynd da Kart Horn! If it'z *loud* - bettur DUCK -
. . mite be a 9-iurn flyin :eek: yur way!

4.. Alluz carry da ball klossur to da lil Flag - dey LIKE dat!

3.. Iffin dey start *hollurin* - akt skairt an drop da ball in
. . wunna da big lakez - serv'z em rite! :mad:

2.. *Wate* behind da kart when da ball'z onna "Green"...
. . LOT more challunge ta race da ball an snatch it just affore it dropz inna Kup!

1 No *dumpin* onna Greenz! Do it inna sandy boxez an kubber it up.
. . Pooh onna spikey shoez will make yur Galfey Partnur
. . unwelkum inna 19th Hole Bar aftur yur "Game"!

MOST important - Have PHUNN an enjoy da Game wiff yur new frenz.
Dey will be *shure* ta menshun ya to da Korse Pro aftur da match! :rolleyes:

06-10-2003, 01:07 PM


06-10-2003, 01:29 PM
Logan, I couldn't help but laugh when I read the story. Of course only after learning they were on the golf course and not the street!!

06-10-2003, 01:49 PM
Oh this made me laugh and laugh! Thank goodness Lilly and Murphy descended upon LADIES! You know how guys and their golf games are - wouldn't have had such a pleasant outcome.

Logan, maybe you could teach them to grab that little ball when it is on the tee - and then run and drop it into the little hole on the green! That would make everyone's day - and even the guys would go for it!

I am now designing golf bags and clubs for Lilly and Murphy.
And they will need some golf club covers........should they be of humans?
:D :D

06-10-2003, 02:26 PM
Oh, Lilly and Murphy--what a day!! You can't golf with the ladies you don't know--maybe mommy will take you sometime;)

06-10-2003, 05:38 PM
aww! I can just picture Chloe doing something like that. She has a little something called 'selective listening'... Mostly selects to listen at times when food is involved, though...;)

06-10-2003, 07:22 PM
I don't know which of you all are the funnier. Logan and her attention deprived girls (why else would they have to run away to get a pat or two on the head:p ) or Cinder and Smokey with their golfus rulez for doggers. It even got my *serious old man golfer* in here to read up on this thread. He insisted I copy it to send to his golf partner. (Hope you don't mind - but it's a classic!)

Having done a bit of dog chasing in my time, I have to say misery loves company. If Hannah would have headed in a different direction, she would have made it to a golf course too. Yikes!

Think of it this way...at least you got your exercise and a bit of fresh air and a memorable story. What you luckily didn't run into was one of those cranky old marshalls.

06-10-2003, 07:43 PM
Yes, memories ......... of Captain running down the first tee with John's ball in his mouth.

I wacked my ball down the fairway, and Captain did nothing. But when hubbie set his ball on the tee, and fetched his choice of club .... Captain picked up the ball and bolted down the fairway.

.......... oh, we were at a teeny, tiny little golf course in Tasmania, and it was around 6am in the morning (YAWN!!!!). No-one else there ........... and Captain was going to walk around the 9 holes with us ......... until he stole Dad's ball.
Then, he was dragged back to the car to "think" about what he did for the rest of the game.
He "thought" with his eyes closed ..... SLEEPING!!! (Lucky dog ..... :rolleyes: .... 6am!!! BAH!)

Lucky for you Logan you found golfers who
1. had a love of dogs
2. a sense of humour
3. and FEMALE!!!
4. possibly not too upset to be invaded by your beautiful pups :D

Phred - Captain says thanks for posting the "rulesz". He now know what to teach Ruby to do!!!! :o

06-10-2003, 08:31 PM

You're right, it could have been worse....They could have
booked a tee time and not told you about it.:D :D Probably
would have stopped for treats somewhere later & not gotten
home till late afternoom.:D :D :D

06-11-2003, 06:12 AM
Originally posted by lizbud

You're right, it could have been worse....They could have
booked a tee time and not told you about it.:D :D Probably
would have stopped for treats somewhere later & not gotten
home till late afternoom.:D :D :D

You are so right!!! I just need to make sure they stay away from the beer cart!! :eek:

06-11-2003, 06:29 AM
Thanks for sharing this with me yesterday "in person" Logan! Those crazy girls!! And yes, it could have been worse! I had just had my Jingles for a few days. (First time, clueless dog owner!) We were just finishing the backyard fencing and me, being the novice dog person, thought it was safe to tie her leash to the handles of a BUILT IN gas grill while I went inside for a moment. I was only in the house for about 5 minutes before I got a call from a neighbor. "I think I just saw your Jing running down the center of Hardenburgh Ave, dragging a gas grill behind her!:eek: Thankfully that friend got her off the road, into a yard and cornered and captured her!! Hamburger, anyone??:D

06-11-2003, 06:39 AM
That is the funniest thing I have ever heard, Sandra!! You never told me that story before!! When Helen's dad and I first moved to Columbia, we were renting a house, and of course, I felt I must get that yard up to par! So one day, we were working in the front yard and hated to leave Chuck (also a yellow Lab like Jing) inside or in the backyard, so we tied his leash to the wrought iron railing that went up the steps. Surely it would be secure, cemented in the brick steps. Wrong! He saw a cat, took off and pulled that railing right out of the brick and ran across the yard, dragging the huge, heavy railing behind him! LOL!! Never a dull moment with these retrievers, I guess! :D Wouldn't have it any other way, though!

06-11-2003, 06:52 AM
Oh Logan!! That is too funny! No way to stop a Labbie when they've got their minds made up to "Go!" Maybe Chuck and Jing were long lost cousins!!:D:D:D

06-11-2003, 06:52 AM
Oh these stories are giving me such a laugh this morning. Need I say that the mental picture I am getting is hysterical. Gee and I thought Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs were the ones who were known for weight pulling! LOL!

Your stories remind me of something I did last week. Although it doesn't involve pulling, it does speak to the *dog owner not thinking.* I was at the shore and looped Ripley's nylon leash around a small tree while I did some trimming in the yard. When I finished and went to retrieve Ripley, I noticed that the leash was dripping wet. Silly me! Male dog - tied to a tree - DUH! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Sometimes I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer!

06-11-2003, 07:10 AM
Oh, Pam, that sounds like something I would do!! :o Ripley sure showed you, didn't he??? :)

Edwina's Secretary
06-11-2003, 07:10 AM
My sister, Gavin's mom, sometimes takes Gavin with her to the golf course (t's a VERY rural area.) He rides in the cart. Gavin is far too pampered a pup to chase a ball but he does look wonderful sitting shotgun in the cart!

06-11-2003, 09:15 AM
Such funny stories for this morning! Does Gavin have a special golfing outfit? I recall his tux - and he would look dapper in one of those plaid hats golfers wear.

06-11-2003, 09:43 PM
ROTFL!!! Hey Sandra! My story's similiar but instead of an object, it was ME!!! Cody was about a year old and it was our first huge snowstorm. I took him out, looked around..la-dee-da.. watching the snow when C just DARTED down the street, me in tow, unable to run as fast as him of course..I fell down, still grabbing the leash and I was "Triditeron Girl" without the sled!! Except for 2 torn up knees, a hoarse throat,(STOP!) and a very deflated ego....(and I swear a laughing dog)..... I can just PICTURE Jings........that had to be hilarious! Logan, I'm glad all turned out Ok, but nevertheless.... :D :D :D :D

06-12-2003, 02:54 PM
Wow Logan, those furkids of yours sure keep you on your toes!

I'm glad that all worked out fine & the ladies weren't too upset about them coming around, but who could be upset with those beautiful faces of theirs:D