View Full Version : I met an online friend yesterday..

06-09-2003, 06:30 PM
Ok - my online friend, Daylan, he's from PA - 2 hours away - we have exchanged e-mails, but never met in person, until yesterday.. he is 20 years old, by the way - well - he drove all the way here just to give me my graduation gift he made - it's a cowboy, made out of horseshoes and it has a metal lasso that spins when you make it spin - He was going to send it by postoffice, but instead he did this - and I didn't even know he was going to show up, but wow, lol - he wants to take me to the Brooks n' Dunn concert in August - horseback riding - he has an country accent.. When he showed up at the door - my mom was like, WHO ARE YOU? I'm like, taken back and Daylan said "I'm Rachel's friend" and my mom said, Ohh, okay do you want to come in? And Daylan refused, because he had mud on his boots/jeans/shirt - grease on his hands - he told me he was working on the farm, on the new tractor he had bought recently - and my mom was like, okay - and so I went outside and he gave me the gift, and he said that he hoped I'd like it, and he made it, he makes things with horseshoes in his free time - we just talked for 10 minutes and he said he had to go, and I told him "okay and it was nice meeting you and thanks a lot for the gift and that I really liked it" I really love the gift!! It is SO unique looking and I swear, no guy has ever done that for me - I mean, driving that far and the gift thing - interesting.. :)
So here is a picture of me holding the cowboy.. I absolutely love this thing! :D

06-09-2003, 06:34 PM
Wow, thats really neat :D That was sweet of him ;)

06-09-2003, 07:01 PM
That was really sweet. Can we hear the rest of the story? How/where did you meet? How old are you? Will you see each other again?

Cisco's Mom
06-09-2003, 07:14 PM
Hey, that is really cool!!:cool:

So are ya going to go to the concert with him or not??:rolleyes:

06-09-2003, 08:12 PM
That is really neat! And that was really sweet of him to drive that far to give you a gift:)

06-09-2003, 08:12 PM
Hey again!

Ah, I'm 18, and I'll be 19 in 3 months, hehe.. we met off Yahoo! And.. LOL what do you want to hear?? I may go to the concert with him, but I'm thinking about it, so are my parents.. :)

06-09-2003, 09:01 PM
Perhaps you can have him over for a visit once or twice before the concert, you know, the dreaded "meet the folks" type thing so that he and your parents can check each other out, and all of you would then feel better about the two of you going to the concert?

It was nice of him to drive all that way, must have been spur-of-the-moment!

How is the cowboy made? Is it soldered together? Can't see it well in the picture ...

06-09-2003, 10:24 PM
I'll be doin' that -

It looks like he welded the horseshoes together.. bent them what he wanted them to look like.. to shape it up like a cowboy.. then he had a metal lasso.. and made it round.. and on the top.. you can put it on there and it spins when you spin it around :) It's really neat lookin'!

06-09-2003, 10:52 PM
That was very sweet of him. I'm sure he's a great guy but still be careful!

06-09-2003, 11:08 PM
How sweet! That cowboy is very unique!

06-10-2003, 11:17 AM
id be careful about giving out your address... but very happy for you .

06-10-2003, 11:30 AM
aww...how sweet!!

06-10-2003, 12:07 PM
Holy wow! Drove 2 hours to deliver a gift in person and only visited for 10 minutes before driving back!


I'd say he's smitten. ;)

I like Karen's suggestion. A parents meet and greet and what not.

He sounds very sweet.

That cowboy figure looks cool!