View Full Version : The Cat's Meow

06-09-2003, 02:38 PM

Can cat's voices change as they get older?

Chance's voice is changing. It's hard to describe but there is an obvious difference. Even my dad noticed it.

It's kinda cute.

I'll try to get some video of it tonight.

Prairie Purrs
06-09-2003, 02:43 PM
Lily's voice hasn't changed since kittenhood. She makes the most adorable little squeaks! Of course, she's not much bigger than a kitten, either.:)

06-10-2003, 09:49 AM
Okay.. got some video of him last night.

But first... this is how he sounded just a few months ago:

Chance's "old" meow (http://kia.cutestsandgirl.com/movies/chancecar.WMV)

Now this is what he sounds like now..

Chance's "new" meow (http://kia.cutestsandgirl.com/movies/chance_new_meow.WMV)

here's a short version of the new meow

Chance's "new" meow ~ short clip (http://kia.cutestsandgirl.com/movies/chance_new_meow_short.WMV)

Can you hear the difference?

06-10-2003, 04:38 PM
Hmmm.....I think our cats have changed their meows with the execption of Basil. He has always squeeked. :)