View Full Version : disappointed...

06-09-2003, 10:24 AM
The plan was to get a new cat in my new house...ok, one problem as I said before is my landlord. Maybe I CAN do something about that one ..

Now another problem is my fiance and I are trying to decide if we want to stay in Newfoundland or move to Alberta once he finishes school. The problem is, if we move we will be driving there...with the cat, so if we have two, how difficult do you think it will make the trip?

Can you guys convince my fiance that it won't be all that bad...cause I cant! :) :eek: :(

06-09-2003, 10:33 AM
It would make the trip easier, as two cats could be placed in a large travelling cage and keep each other company on the journey.

Why don't you try to convince your boyfriend, you have given up on the idea of a second cat and then prompt him subtly, so he ends up thinking this is his idea/decision. :D

All the best, we're thinking of you. :D

06-09-2003, 10:37 AM
If you get a new kitty soon enough for them to bond with each other, it may actually be LESS stressful for them because they would have each other. Now for the argument that they may NOT be getting along, I feel it could not be any harder to transport 2 than it would be to transport 1. After all, any one of us who has multiple pets would not leave some behind because we had to move. (stating it in other words, if you already HAD a second cat BEFORE you thought about moving it would not even be an issue..........if you see what I mean)

So go for it !!!!!!!!!!

06-09-2003, 10:38 AM
thats what I was thinking..they would keep each other company =/ ... I don't think the idea of being subtle would work .. he wouldn't fall for it .. he's probably waiting for me to say "no I don't want another cat until we buy our own house 'someday'" lol...arggh...I should just go get a cat, not tell him, and surprise him with one! hah ...ugh I was looking forward to this so much...I have to find a way for this work! :confused:

06-09-2003, 10:42 AM
oh and I forgot ... the other "issue"...

if we do move to Alberta (that is the possible choice) we would have to stay with his dad .. who is VERY allergic to cats, so the cat(s) wouldn't be able to stay in his house. We would have to find somewhere for them to stay until we find our own place :confused: are there places where you can get like petsitters or something? Just for the sake of arguement :cool:

06-09-2003, 11:26 AM

I lived in Alberta for almost 10 years (in a variety of places). Depending on where you are thinking about going I might be able to put you in touch with people that can help you out. I will tell you that housing (even rentals) are pretty scarce in Edmonton or Calgary. I would suggest that you spend some time looking for rentals online before going out there (so you get an idea of the cost, etc).

This website provides a link to the local newspapers and might help out:

Good luck and I would be more than happy to answer your questions if I can.


06-09-2003, 11:33 AM
Thanks! Well, we would be going to Medicine Hat if I'm not mistaken, at least at first because we know people there. The big thing I'm worried about is where we could let Toby (and hopefully another kitty) stay due to kitty allergies! =/

06-09-2003, 11:46 AM
I moved from Connecticut to Michigan with 6 cats. I put 2 girls each in the carriers and the two boys in separate carriers. The ride was 12 hours long and I didn't hear a peep out of any of them. Tell him not to worry. It'll be a piece of cake!!

06-09-2003, 11:47 AM
Medicine Hat is a relatively small town (at least for my taste). It is only about 40,000 people... I am not sure what kind of work you will be looking for but oil and cows are the big thing down there (and be prepared for hot/dry summers). That is one of the few places in Alberta that I haven't lived...

Maybe you could make sometype of enclosure similar to Noah's Mommy so that Toby would be outside but still with you...

06-09-2003, 11:56 AM
hmm...cows and oil eh? well .. if we move there, I will be looking for work as a graphic designer/3d designer .. and my fiance will be looking for work as a communications engineer. do you think it would be hard for us to get work? =/

06-09-2003, 11:59 AM
I am thinking you might want to head up to Calgary or Edmonton. Edmonton is home to Telus (the telephone company), but Calgary is where much of the high-tech computer industry is located. So depending on the type of communications he does, you might want to consider one of those locations.

If you are interested we can talk on the telephone or through private email. Just send me a PM and I will get in contact with you.


06-09-2003, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by moosmom
I moved from Connecticut to Michigan with 6 cats. I put 2 girls each in the carriers and the two boys in separate carriers. The ride was 12 hours long and I didn't hear a peep out of any of them. Tell him not to worry. It'll be a piece of cake!!

Thanks, I'll be sure to point that quote out during my persuasion! :D And who knows ....we may not even have to move yet, this is just precaution =/