View Full Version : Had a wonderful day

Aspen and Misty
06-08-2003, 09:48 PM
Today was one of the best days there ever could be! I woke up and my dad started talking to me about Paws with a Cause. He said how much fun it would be to be a puppy raiser and since it was summer and Novie was well adjusted into the home now would be the perfect time to be one. So we called the Lady and we left a messege on her mechine! Seems I will be the proud raiser of a Guide dog puppy soon. (hopefully)

I then went to my moms house where I got stuck on the roof, LOL and me and Huney played in the baby pool and then swam in red mulch (ewww). LOL. We then went to my grams and GUESS WHAT! Novie Jumped right in the water where she couldn't touch and began to swim! She loved it! I can't wait to take her again! She had the best time. The water was warm so us without fur were able to go in to! I had the best time.

I then came home and went over to Erin's house (my brothers girl friend) and chillied with her and some other people for awile and had a good long talk with her about lots of stuff I've been needing to talk to some one about. It was wonderful to find someone who understands everything, I'm just sad she is going to Bufflo tomrrow. :(

Well that was my day. Full of great news and tons of fun. :D


06-09-2003, 12:11 AM
great to hear that you had such a good day! That's a very rare thing for me but that's life eh?

06-10-2003, 06:57 AM
Great to hear that you had such a good day Aspen and Misty

Cisco's Mom
06-10-2003, 07:55 AM
There is nothing like having a great day and feeling completely satisfied with your life!!;)