View Full Version : We are *so* close to getting another cat..but..

06-08-2003, 11:27 AM
Well my mom and I were talking about how nice it would be to have a young cat around the house again, and to rescue a cat in need of a home, so I searched PetFinder to see if there were any 'baby' cats. We found this adorable male Tuxedo-Domestic Short Hair black & white mix, and he's five months old! To see him go here (http://www.petfinder.com/pet.cgi?action=2&pet=1647892&adTarget=468catgeneral&SessionID=3ee360b905822e17-app3&display=&preview=&row=0).

My sister agreed, and my mom just said the old line, "It's up to your father." Now it's time to convince good ol' dad...:eek:

I thought that the best way to convince him is to have some cat-lovers help out! (And I don't know if there is anyone who loves cats more than Pet Talkers!)

Pictures, stories, anything will help show him how great cats are in the family (he isn't much of a cat person) would be very appreciated! :)

If he says yes, we get to visit him in a week or so at the PetCo he is staying at. In the meantime, I e-mailed the adress to find out more about Elrond, hopefully they will respond soon.

Thanks in advance!
Britt :D

06-08-2003, 11:44 AM
Aww, Elrond is so cute! It's so cool that you're getting a new cat. I wish I could get another one too. I hope your dad says yes. Cats are the best pets ever (well that's my opinion anyway). Elrond is the cutest kitten I've ever seen. I konw I already said this but I really hope your dad says yes! :D :) :D

Aspen and Misty
06-08-2003, 11:55 AM
Britt, I hope your dad says yes. My 4 wonderful Kitties are the greatest things and I couldn't imagine living with out them.

Hmm, stories, I can't really think of any stories. But Pictures! I got Pictures!

Buddy and Hoss

Buddy all curled up

Mr. Hoss all Curled up

My baby girl Misty

Buddy again

Hossie "stretching"

Misty sleeping, still

Hmm it's really weird but I have no Smokey pics? I will have to go find some


06-08-2003, 12:09 PM
All I can say is two is always better than one. Good luck in convincing Dad.

06-08-2003, 01:32 PM
Wow, that's great! I hope that your dad says yes! :D

Here's something funny I love about Sara --- She rarely sleeps on my bed. Her new spot is under the dresser - why? Because my rats' cages are on either side of my bed, and she is afraid of the rats! Frisco has bitten her on the nose one too many times..:rolleyes: She will only go on the bed if i'm on there, and even then she is very cautious, always on the lookout....:p And when the rats come out, under the dresser she ZOOMS!!

Funny thing is....the rats are afraid of her too :rolleyes:

you could never tell from these pics though

Good luck!

06-08-2003, 02:42 PM
I got an e-mail back from the person from the shelter. She said we could come visit Elrond any time.
Oh yes, and my dad is convinced! :D Thanks for the help! He said we have to ask my mom about what day she and my dad will go visist him (we still have school for three weeks). If they like him, they'll adopt him. :)
She also said he was good with other cats, so that's a good sign. I'm so happy. :)

Thanks for the warm wishes (and for sharing your cat pics..they were so cute!) :)


Prairie Purrs
06-08-2003, 02:46 PM
Good for you and your parents! I bet you'll adore Elrond--tuxie boys are irresistible! :D

The Cat Factory
06-08-2003, 05:03 PM
Elrond is adorable! And I love his name :D

06-08-2003, 05:14 PM
Oh, Britt, that is just great, I am so pleased for you and your family!:)

Just looked at Elrond, he is gorgeous! :)


06-08-2003, 06:21 PM
I was just about to say YOU GO GET HIM GIRL, but what neat news, he is so cute, he looks like he has a little beard, i was also going to say daughters have a way of wrapping their daddies around their little fingers(well mine does anyway) oh i do hope you go and pick him up soon, he is a dear little tuxey.:) :D

06-08-2003, 06:59 PM
My mom and dad will discuss it tomorrow, and it will be likely they will be going to visit him Wednesday (my mom works Mon. & Tues.). If they like him, they'll call and adopt him. He is a courtesy listing, so we have to call to see if we can adopt him. (What is a courtesy listing? :o )

We're gunna most likely rename him Aiken. It's original, we all like it, and it's the last name of my favorite person. :D I've always wanted a Tuxie, they are so sweet and beautiful. It's like a dream come true.

Thanks everyone! :) Let's hope all works out and he will be in our home by the end of this week!

06-08-2003, 10:29 PM
I'm so glad that your parents have decided to get another cat. :D I hope that everything goes well so you can adopt him and give him a loving forever home. BTW he's a cutie pie. :D

Miss Meow
06-09-2003, 01:18 AM
Good luck :D

06-09-2003, 01:29 AM
That is great news! Now all I have to do is convince my body corporate, land lord and partner that we could do with another cat too! :D

06-09-2003, 10:00 AM
Good luck:) Glad to hear that you convinced your dad into getting another kitty:D Elrond is such a handsome kitty!!

06-09-2003, 06:14 PM
Some good and bad news:

Elrond is gone. :( He was adopted yesterday. :(

On the bright side, my dad is completely for the idea now. He says if that's what we want, it's fine with him.

My mom was on the phone with the lady from the shelter, and she said they have PLENTY of other kittens down there for us to pick out of. She also said that since Sally is older, she would not want to bother much with a kitten. She suggested getting a male pair of cats, so they would have each other to play with. So...

WE'RE GETTING TWO MALE KITTENS!!! On Wednesday we're visiting the shelter. :D :D (They may not be Tuxies though..)
Wish us luck!
Three cats...wowie! Guess I'll be hanging out in the Cat section more. :D

06-09-2003, 06:16 PM
That's great news! While I'm sad to hear that Elrond has been adopted, I'm happy to hear that he found a home. And what's even better is that now in total 3 cats will have been saved! Elrond, and then the 2 new kittens you will be taken in. Congrats! Let us know how your trip to the shelter goes.

06-09-2003, 08:25 PM
WOWEE two kittens now, oh you are SO LUCKY, pity you did not get your lil tuxedo,but yes i am sure there will be others there, cant wait to c the pics.

06-09-2003, 11:21 PM
Wow!!! Now you can have twice as much fun with 2 kittens. :D I can't wait to hear more about them and see their pics. :D I'm sorry you couldn't adopt Elrond but I'm glad that he found a good home.

06-10-2003, 05:00 PM
That is wonderful news!!! You'll love having two males...especially if they grow up together!! I can't wait to see what happens!!! :D :D :D

06-10-2003, 05:29 PM
Wow, I sure wish my parents were that easy! I'm happy to hear that you're getting new kitties, you must be so excited. I only have one cat, and my parents don't let me have another. But even though you're not getting a tuxie, any other cats will be good. I'm happy to hear that you're rescuing them from a shelter too!
Oh yeah, and on the first page, where you posted the place to see Elrond, I couldn't see it. It took me to a page with a female cat name Galedriel? :confused:
Well, good luck!!!!!

06-10-2003, 06:20 PM
Britt, that is wonderful news all around! You are halfway to herd status!!! Good idea to get two males to bond...wow, I can't wait to see the pics. I hope Lady adjusts ok...

06-10-2003, 06:26 PM
Bluekat...I guess that means Elrond turned out to be a girl...it's the same picture and everything as Elrond, except a girl. So I guess Elrond turned out to be a she.

I can't wait for tomorrow...I don't wanna go to school :D It's a long way to Glen Cove from here (that is where the lady is meeting us), so the lady said she'd bring lots of kittens for us to look at. :) I'll let you all know what happens tomorrow. :)

Cataholic, just saw your post. In speaking of Lady, I printed out lots of info off the net for introducing her to the kittens. I hear talk that male cat and female dogs (or vice versa) get along better than two females or two males. I wonder if that is correct...


Prairie Purrs
06-10-2003, 06:29 PM
What fun! Just sit on the floor with the kittens all around--the right ones will pick you quickly enough. :D