View Full Version : I cant believe it.

06-07-2003, 03:13 PM
I have the worst allergies right now, and guess what is causing it!! My hamsters and gerbils bedding!!!:(. I cant beleive it, I hade to take them all out of my room and place then down stairs.

I have to goto the doctors and get a allergy test that mean they have to stick tons of lil needles into me and see what I react to. :(. I am so scared, I dont want to get rid of my pets. :(. :eek:. I need reasurence. has anyone eles had this happen befor? :confused: :(

06-07-2003, 03:16 PM
It happened to my little cousin..ever since she had her adnoids(sp?) removed she has NOT sneezed once because of her cat...maybe you should consider that?

06-07-2003, 03:19 PM
adnoids removed? what is a adnoid? :o

06-07-2003, 03:38 PM
I had to get those needles before. I reacted to like half the stuff they did on me. I was only 7 or 8 though... I suppose it doesn't hurt that much. I've gotten worse at handling pain though. If only you were there today when I got my stitches removed...I was squirming and begging him to go nice and slow with them. :o

I'm allergic to Perrie too. I once got a big bump on my lip (wasn't a zit or anything...I forgot what it was) because I was kissing him all the time. But Perrie's cage is still in my room. I take Zyrtec for my allergies, Advair and Singular for my wheezing, Nasacourt for stuffy nose, and something else for my eyes. My point is, I took medicine, and it helps me.

Don't worry about it! :) Think about the bright side, at least you will know what you are allergic to and you will be treated for it. :)

06-07-2003, 03:46 PM
I take Zyrtec for my allergies, Advair and Singular for my wheezing, Nasacourt for stuffy nose, and something else for my eyes. My point is, I took medicine, and it helps me.
I cant take any allergy meds because I am on zoloft (sp?) and that can give me an overdose if i take a antihistimene (sp?) :(. i hope I wont have to find a new home for all my babies.

06-07-2003, 07:18 PM
BUMP I really need more replys, this is like seriouse.

06-07-2003, 07:26 PM
I know you're anxious. Hopefully the doctor will have suggestions. If its the bedding, try other bedding. Different materials. Do some research...

Remember the episode of the Brady Bunch where Jan became allergic to the dog? in the end it was just his shampoo.

Try not to be too upset. There are lots of experiments to be done before you give up your babies.

edit: a quick search found this: It is important to avoid cedar bedding or highly aromatic shavings as some studies have shown that the oil in this type of bedding can cause allergies and respiratory problems.


good luck!!!!!

06-07-2003, 07:35 PM
Hopefully it's not the animals you are allergic to, but the bedding material. That can be changed; there are many alternative types that have not been treated with oils or chemcials. I know the thought of needles is scary. But, they are very, very tinyand you will barely feel but a prick! The important thing is you find out what it is you are allergic to. I too will be praying that you and your babies can stay together!:)

06-07-2003, 07:40 PM
PS. if it IS the bedding, try doing a search for "hypoallergenic bedding"

06-07-2003, 07:48 PM
That's why many doctors don't recommend keeping pets in your bedroom if you suffer from any sort of allergies. That's awful. Is there any other room in the house you can keep them besides your bedroom? Hopefully everything will be alright and its only the bedding. Good luck!

06-07-2003, 08:20 PM
I allready know that I am not allergick to the hamsters fur, it is the bedding and the dust in the bedding. EVEN unsented toilet paper beddin causes me allergies :eek: it is horrid. thanks for the replus. I am scared. I hate needles but I hope it will be worth finding out. :(. I am forced to keep them in my tv room for now. That mean 5 pet cages in a tv room in reach of Tikeya if someone leaves the door open by accident :eek:. please prey that everything goes well, the rodents are onlky really safe in my room from tikeya. :(. :(. :(

I took harsh precautions to this. I took off the door handle to the TV room where the rodent are staying, I hope noone breaks in a leaves the door open :eek:.

06-07-2003, 08:42 PM
My mom is allergic to cat dander, and we have a cat..As long as she keeps her brushed and the house clean shes fine..so I'm sure there is something you can do as well..

06-07-2003, 09:16 PM
I hope so ...

06-07-2003, 09:52 PM
Don't worry about the allergies, it's probably just the apsen you got :) But needles?!?!!? :eek: :( :eek: :o I HATE needles...but then everone here knows that :p :rolleyes: ;)

Maybe you should just get rid of the aspen....and skip the needles....;)

Good luck!

06-07-2003, 09:54 PM
I have tryed every kind of bedding availible here.. I dont no what to do.... :(

06-07-2003, 10:12 PM
Well, I know this isn't much help, but why not use rags and toilet paper for their bedding until you find out what's bothering your allergies? I use rags and toilet paper for the rats..I know it won't be much fun for hammies and gerbils...:( :o With their nesting instincts and all....hmmm...

06-07-2003, 10:14 PM
I have tryed using unsented toilet paper and it doesnt work it gives me really bad allergies, I also react to the smell of their pee :(. i hate this.

06-07-2003, 10:28 PM
Ask the doctor! The needles for allergy testing aren't like regular needles, so don't worry - it's more annoying - and ITCHYYYYY!!!! than painful.

Your doctor will have plenty of suggestions, mine did. for now, clean their cage every day, especially as the urine odor bothers your allergies. Use rubber gloves when you clean the cage, too - no sense subjecting yourself to stuff for no reason, because the more you're exposed to it, the worse your sensitivities get. Put them some place safe, and wash the whole cage area out thoroughly, put a "mask" over your nose and mouth while you do it, but a good cleaning is worth it to get rid of the resident dust.

There are, I am sure, other people on Zoloft that have allergies - your doctor should know a safe alternative antihystamine.

I have allergies, some quite strong, and have been through the testing. If your hystamine level is really high right now, they may give you some prednisone to wack it back down, if they do, prepare to be major-league hungry! When I've been on prednizone, I'm constantly STARVING! Or at least my brian is convinced I am ... it's kinda funny when you know it's a delusion!

You'll be fine, and so will your hammies, okay?

06-07-2003, 10:31 PM
ok thanks so much karen, you gave me alot of advise. I think you might know how I feel lol. allergies suck and I have the worst during the summer months. Thanks again for the reasurence. it was very helpfull. I have to search for a mask though lol..

06-07-2003, 10:36 PM
You're welcome! Any pharmacy or even hardware store would have the cheap paper filters/masks - people use them when painting, sanding and dealing with other "fume-y" or dusty activities!

06-07-2003, 10:37 PM
my mom works at the hospital so ya I will find one.

06-08-2003, 03:11 AM
Good luck. You can find masks at any hardware store. In the meantime, tie a little piece of cloth on your face when cleaning their cage. :p

How about the birdies? Are they still in your room? Are you fine with their feathers, dander, etc.? I wish it was as easy as putting newspaper in a hamster's cage like a bird's, but I *think* that isn't possible........:confused: Anyway, good luck. My dad and brother get bad allergies in the spring, but thankfully they don't have a problem with the birds. Its mostly pollen and grass than animals.

06-08-2003, 03:33 AM
This has been mentioned but try using old rags, tea towels etc.... change them daily. I did this for the Gpigs when I ran out of the bedding. It works and if you change it daily you won't smell the pee. It's alot more work but I think it would be worth it for a short time till you can figure out what else to do.

06-08-2003, 04:12 AM

As you know DO NOT use material like rags for hamsters and gerbils - if chewed and swallowed it will cause an internal blockage. Gerbils chew everything and hamsters pouch stuff - fibres can get stuck in the pouches or around the large incisors etc. Many hamsters have died from being kept on fibrous substrates, such as the fluffy cotton bedding sold in petstores.

I would suggest you try paper based cat litter for all of them (won't be much fun for the gerbils but until you get tested that is best) this will absorb the urine well. It is however not very soft so you will still need to give them shredded toilet paper to nest with (but not so much). Or a wood based cat litter (as long as it is not pine or pine scented).

06-08-2003, 04:24 AM
Originally posted by shellonabeach

As you know DO NOT use material like rags for hamsters and gerbils - if chewed and swallowed it will cause an internal blockage. Gerbils chew everything and hamsters pouch stuff - fibres can get stuck in the pouches or around the large incisors etc. Many hamsters have died from being kept on fibrous substrates, such as the fluffy cotton bedding sold in petstores.

I would suggest you try paper based cat litter for all of them (won't be much fun for the gerbils but until you get tested that is best) this will absorb the urine well. It is however not very soft so you will still need to give them shredded toilet paper to nest with (but not so much). Or a wood based cat litter (as long as it is not pine or pine scented). OMG your right! Thanks for pointing this out so fast. I have never had a gerbil and forgot they have pouches. I asumed it might work. I had also thought of the cotton, never thought it would be bad for them. again thanks for correcting me. I have learned some thing :)

06-08-2003, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
Good luck. You can find masks at any hardware store. In the meantime, tie a little piece of cloth on your face when cleaning their cage. :p

How about the birdies? Are they still in your room? Are you fine with their feathers, dander, etc.? I wish it was as easy as putting newspaper in a hamster's cage like a bird's, but I *think* that isn't possible........:confused: Anyway, good luck. My dad and brother get bad allergies in the spring, but thankfully they don't have a problem with the birds. Its mostly pollen and grass than animals.

The birdies are not in my room anymore because it is much to hot and Cheeko was waking me up too early in the morning with his songs ;). they are loving the hot weather out side and thats where they are, on the deck :D. If the birds were in my room I bet their feathers dander would bother me. :(.

06-08-2003, 02:26 PM
You put them outside?!?!?! :eek::eek::eek: All the time or just a while everyday?

Do you know that my friend's birds died like that? A cat came and knocked its cage down, opened the door, and killed the birds. :(:( PLEASE put your birds back inside. Unless that have an outdoor aviary, that is SO mean. Birds are indoor pets. There are way too many dangers for them outdoors even if they are in the cage. They can get disease from outdoor birds that may carry them and stop by to visit. They will become wild if left outdoors and not played with everyday. :(:(:(

06-08-2003, 03:39 PM
Dont' worry, they are not outside all the time :) I've been to her house. They are in the kitchen mostly if it's to hot or cold, and on the sundeck sometimes. There is plenty of shade there, and the cage is too large to be knocked over. It's a good breath of fresh air for them, I'd imagine.

06-08-2003, 03:49 PM
It isnt mean, they love it outside, the Cheeko sings and sings to the wild birds, and we just instulled a gate so ya, dont worrie. Fuzzy *my cat* doesnt even care about the birds, and other cats would get hurt if they came into the backyard by Tikeya.

They have spent every summer for the past 3 years on the deck, we take them in on rainy/cold days. It's all good they are very happy out there.

06-08-2003, 05:44 PM
I had to get allergy testing and I'm really sorry to say this, but it hurt really bad for me:( I'm thankful that I'm not allergic to any animals, because we thought that my Rolo & Scooter were making me breakout in welts:eek: I'm so so sorry to here your bad news, but trust me, they have all kinds of medicines for this kind of stuff and hopefully you can keep your hamsters and gerbils.

06-08-2003, 06:12 PM
thanks for the support, I am preying. but my mom hasnt gotten payed yet, so I dont have to get the allergy test done for a while :D. yippy *hides and jumps for joy*

06-08-2003, 06:16 PM
I think most of it has been said really, find alternative bedding for your pets, keep them out of your room, and look for antihistimane that works ok with your other medication.
I have heard the testing is not that bad either , more like scratching, than needles, my daughter is due to have some done soon, but i am undecided whether to go ahead with it, maybe its different for everyone, tolerance of pain is different in everyone,so try not to worry too much about it, there are lots of worse things.
I have been allergic to cats for 18 yrs and now have two of them, and i let them go all over the house and against what everyone says sleep in the bedrooms at nights, i still have a slight allergy problem, worse in spring of course, but i seem to have overcome it more or less, desensitized myself, and now the allergy is far less severe, just a positive note to end, good luck, hope all goes well for you.:)

06-08-2003, 06:32 PM
My 5 year old son, Jaden had asthma, "adhd", frequent respiratory infections, and insomnia all of his life. I finally took him for an allergy test. I discovered that he was allergic to tons of things, including CATS AND DOGS> :eek: We put him on Claritin, Singular, and Qvar. I bought these special allergy covers to go on all of his bedding. I removed his curtains, teddy bears, and all other unnecessary stuff that would hold allergens in his room. I bought a vacuum cleaner with a hepa filter. I also bought a hepa filter for his room. It was expensive, about $250. I scrubbed the whole house to get rid of all dust, cat dander, etc... I now dust EVERYTHING often. It has been two months and my son's asthma, sleeping troubles, and hyperactivity is completely gone. The hepa filters are the biggest part. If you need anymore info, email me at [email protected].

06-08-2003, 06:36 PM
p.s. I remember in highschool, I was taking Zoloft and Seldane. Seldane is an old allergy medicine, I don't think it's out anymore. But I survived, so talk to your doctor. I am sure there is some type of allergy medicine out there that you can take.

06-08-2003, 06:42 PM
My brother also has cronic athma probs. i think that it might be from the hamsters bedding and dust too. we had to rip out all the carpets in the whole house.

Desert Arabian
06-08-2003, 06:47 PM
Tikeyas_mom, I feel some of your pain.

I am very allergic to my rats! Mainly the boys, since they are more oily than the girls. I get hives and red rashes when ever they touch my bare skin. If I wash my arms, neck, and hands, right after I hold them, then I don't get any reactions.

As you know, I am extremely fond of horses, and have been riding for years. I am allergic to them too! When I used to take English lessons, I had to wear a doctors mask, because my allergies were so bad.

For allergy medicine I use Rhinoquart (sp!?0, Allerga (doesn't do cr*p), Patanol for my eyes, and an albutural inhailer for my wheezing & tight chestedness.

06-08-2003, 06:49 PM
*giggle* my friends lil sister is named allegra lol. I love the lil kitty in your sig, it is sooo cute. :D.

06-08-2003, 09:08 PM
I have to use inhalers for my allergies. I had to go the hospital last year, and it turned out that I have allergies that produce exercise-induced asthma-like symptoms.

And it was even worse last year, because the house that we lived in had carpets that were there when there was a flood in the basement, and so the carpet was just full of mold :eek:

My mom has even worse allergies. She has two inhalers, nasal spray and eye drops :eek: When there is too much dust, her eyes get so bad that she has to go to the hospital everytime :( Her eyes swell to about twice the normal size, the get red, and a filmy white layer covers her iris and pupils until it gets so milky that you can barely see the colour. It's discusting.

I recommend inhalers, they have worked out for me, my mother, and my brother a great deal. Try going to the hospital for an asthma test as well. Asthma and allergies don't seem alot alike, but they actually have alot to do with one-another :)