View Full Version : NEW TOY

10-19-2001, 03:55 PM
Has anyone tried this new toy? It's made by Hartz and our dogs just love it. The little prongs are supposed to be harmless and they are bacon flavored. Perry hardly chews bones, but he is chewing the heck out of these, Daisy also loves it. I think it's great for their teeth. They have them at K-mart and Petsmart. However they are cheaper at K-mart, I think they run around 4.98 or 5.98.


10-19-2001, 04:33 PM
No Jackie I haven't seen it but I will definitely look for it next time I'm in PetsMart or K-Mart. It looks nice and sturdy!! Bella has a purple ball that she just loves and it has those prickly prong things on it. It's one of the few things she hasn't shredded. :D

Golden Smiles
10-19-2001, 09:51 PM
ooohhhh that looks great for puppy teeth!! I bet that feels good on the ole gums!!

10-20-2001, 08:35 AM
Perry tested and approved...couldn't ask for a better recommendation that that. I'm going to search for one today.

10-20-2001, 07:20 PM
We have the regular bone shapes. I bought a pink one for Patience since she's a girl and a blue one for Dakota since he's a boy. They always fight over one. I'll grab the other one to give to the other dog. The other dog will take it, drop it on the floor and go after the one that is in the dog's mouth. It's funny. But, yes, both dogs love them and it keeps their teeth clean.

I forgot to mention, I got mine at Wal-Mart, large size, for around $5.00.

[ October 20, 2001: Message edited by: Stenograsaurus ]

10-20-2001, 10:07 PM
I happened to see a woman with a CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE boxer puppy at the pet store today and I recommended these chew toys for her since all the Pet Talk dogs like them!

10-20-2001, 10:32 PM
Hi--thanks for the recommendation. Always helps when trying to figure out what is good in the doggie toy world, and what is a waste of money. I bought one of those balls that flashes when bounced on the floor, and the dogs just love it!! They even get it flashing by themselves. I think they do it by chewing on it really hard. Too cute!

10-20-2001, 11:09 PM
Hannah got hers today. Here she is demonstrating its use. http://albums.photopoint.com/j/View?u=167892&a=7971718&p=55446797
She also got an anniversay Kong. http://albums.photopoint.com/j/View?u=167892&a=7971718&p=55446798

[ October 21, 2001: Message edited by: RachelJ ]

10-20-2001, 11:27 PM
Awww I'm glad to see Hannah looking like her old self again!

Daisy's Mom
10-21-2001, 12:10 AM
Hannah you are too beautiful! I am so glad you are feeling all better, and you look it too. Have fun with your new toys!

10-21-2001, 04:01 AM
I wonder if they have those in Singapore? I'll scour the shops for them! Thanks for the tip!

10-21-2001, 06:41 AM
Oh Hannah I love it when your mommy posts a new picture of you! I see that you are still your beautiful self after your hospital stay. Actually I think the makers of this new toy would sell a lot more if this picture of you demonstrating it was on the outside. I always knew you had "model" potential. Bella is asking me when I will get one for her. She wanted me to go to PetsMart yesterday and was annoyed that I spent the day cleaning. Now that the kitties are almost out of food I will really have to make that trip. :)

10-21-2001, 07:50 AM
Heeheeeheee! Oh Hannah, you have really missed your calling. I think you have a big future in modeling and TV advertising :D Now that it has gotten the "Hannah Seal of Approval" we're off to the store!

10-21-2001, 09:38 AM
Oh Hannah, you warm my heart, you are so photogenic, I love your photos. I agree with the others you def are model material. Rachel you should send that photo to the Hartz Company, I'll bet they would use it in advertising. I'm so glad to see Daisy's girlfriend well and happy she is just beautiful. Love to Hannah and a hug to sweet Tucker.

[ October 21, 2001: Message edited by: Jackie ]

10-21-2001, 09:46 PM
I think I will look for one of those for the new puppy!!! Shai never chewed on any of those things. Not even when I put PB on it!!

10-22-2001, 06:31 AM
KMart really is quite a bit less expensive than PetsMart for these. I got mine at PetsMart for 4.99 and when I checked the price at KMart, they were 3.69 there. I had to get mine at PetsMart though. Needed an excuse to go in there and lurk around to see if I could talk to any doggies. :)

10-22-2001, 09:53 AM
Checked it out at K-Mart, but I can't bring it home! :(

The red nubbies were softer, but the white plastic underneath is very hard, and our vet told us never to let the dogs chew anything hard, as they are aggressive chewers. Boo broke a tooth on a hard chew toy, so I listen to my vet and only get softer chew toys.

Looks like a great toy for soft and moderate chewers :D , but those of us with aggrassive chewers will have to steer clear! :( :eek:

10-22-2001, 10:17 AM
While running errands this morning I ran into PetsMart to pick up this toy and get my kitties some food. Unfortunately PetsMart didn't have any! When I got home Bella greeted me with her paws on her hips asking where it was! :rolleyes: I apologized and told her I'll try K-Mart tomorrow!

10-22-2001, 11:09 AM
Drake has 2 of these as well. He loves it. I do not know how well it cleans his teeth, but let me tell you about this bone that has worked wonders.

In May, Andrew's parent's had to take care of Drake for about 2 months while Andrew and I were moving and getting settled in. They didn't brush his teeth everyday like I do, so some tartar formed on his teeth. We were planning on taking him and getting them clean.2 days before the procedure, Andrew got Drake a "Knuckle". It was the grossest looking thing. Looked like a big joint! Drake loved it. He wouldn't part with it! After chewing on it all night and diminishing the size of the bone to about quarter of what it was, Drake's teeth were pearly white! No tartar no nothing! We tried the "Knuckle" on my grandfather's 3 year old GSD who has never had his teeth brushed, and his teeth are white as if her were 6 months old!

Try it!

10-25-2001, 12:38 AM
I have to agree on those "knuckles"--or sterilized bones. I have 3 golden retrievers, and I always have them on hand for whenever they get in the mood to chew. After the newness wears off--they don't seem to demolish them as fast. I get the white ones-not the basted ones. I made the mistake of getting the basted ones once--and the dogs threw them up. I also agree--chewing the bones does wonders for their teeth.

10-25-2001, 08:23 AM
Cute pics! I have seen those toys but Graham just dosen't chew much. He hardly uses the stuff that I do get him. As for teeth cleaning, I do brush Graham's teeth every other day or at least twice a week, but for a perfect cleaning what I use is a raw beef bone from the deli or the butcher shop. If it's kept raw it's soft enough to chew, and it does not splinter. It takes hours of constant chewing (that's the only thing he'll REALLY chew on) and his teeth end up as white as a puppies' teeth.