View Full Version : Cassie's new song and dance...

06-07-2003, 03:55 AM
the last couple weeks, Cassie has started going crazy over one leg of the kitty condo (and it is getting thread-bare all of a sudden, after all the cats that have been on it, now this ONE is wearing it out!)..anyway, she gets on her back, wraps all 4 legs around this part, and she will just goof around, claw at it , act like shes after something,attack it , its funny to watch, so I have started calling that her "shes's a maniac" time(the movie, geez I can't think of the name...from the 80s..shes a maniac..:rolleyes: she also has started thinking shes a dog.. she will come into the room, do a little whine, and drop a toy mouse, like a dog that wants to play ball, she wants me to throw the mouse!

06-07-2003, 03:52 PM
Oh Cassie, you silly girl. My Mooky does the same thing on the cat tree and it is such a hoot to watch him. Especially when he hangs upside down by all fours. I say, "There goes the devil cat again".
And Mary, if my memory serves me right, I think that song was from Flashdance, but don't quote me on that ok. Lol

06-07-2003, 08:39 PM
yes flashdance! thats it, thank you! geez I have no memory anymore, I kept wanting to say footloose but I knew that wasn't it! she wasn't dancing like that, but thats the song that popped into my head when she does that, the silly cat.