View Full Version : Do cats prefer being single?

06-06-2003, 03:45 PM
As some of you might know, I've planned to get Luna a little sister later this summer.

Now a friend who has always been against my plan to get a second kitty, has told me she has spoken to a holistic vet who has agreed with her that all cats are loners and shouldn't have to share their home with other felines. Keeping more than one cat would always cause stress.

I told her I disagree. Of course there are cats who do not tolerate other cats or are not happy with company (that friend of mine used to have two cats that didn't get along well with each other, and after one of them has died now, the other one is more relaxed and happy 'cause she's getting all the attention).

But I think Luna wouldn't mind to have someone to play with. She's very interested in other cats and loved to play with a cat living in my mother's household (but that kitty has died). Also, my vet said it's worth a try because Luna is a bit lazy and would need more action and excitement.

What do you think? I know many of you here have more than one cat, and I know it happens that some HAD to be seperated again 'cause it didn't work, but I'm sure there are also friendship between cats!


06-06-2003, 03:51 PM
Just look around at the multi-cat households. I would say about 90 % are peaceful and stress free...........mine included. Even my cat-hating cat Fern, is probably only stressed 3 % of the time and that is when someone is determined to play with her. If cats were loners they would not live in colonies in the wild. (ex. feral cat colonies)

06-06-2003, 04:12 PM
I think cats like company. For example, there are a million places in my house for cats to sleep, but often all three of them will be sleeping on the same bed or couch. Bo and Hanna especially love to curl up with each other. And Hanna and Abby love to play together, Abby was getting bored because Bo doesn't like rough play. Bringing a kitten into my house with Bo (13 years) and Abby (8 years) was definitely a good idea.

Prairie Purrs
06-06-2003, 04:39 PM
I'd hate to think how depressed my Angelboy would be if he didn't have other cats to play with and snuggle with! Kiri's on the other end of the spectrum--I don't think she'd mind being an only cat, but she has her own little hideaway next to my desk and she seems to like the arrangement.

Hagrid and Bob are buddies. They'll walk along side-by-side, rubbing against each other. Lily likes to snuggle with Katie or Angel.

I believe that, like most things in the feline world, it all depends on the cat! :D

06-06-2003, 04:48 PM
I think you should get a kitty for Luna. Cats work out their own rules to have their "alone" time, such as hanging out in different rooms or napping at different times, but they do seem to enjoy having thier own kind to be with.

Also, think of how much worse cat over-population would be if we restricted ourselves to just one cat per household:eek: .

I'm sure that an only cat, just like an only child, reeps certain benefits from getting undivided attention, but since you mentioned that Luna likes other kitties, I think it would be a great idea to get her a friend.

of course you know the rules, once you do - we will want pics and updates:D

06-06-2003, 05:15 PM
I think it all depends on the cat. Tibby and Corkscrew love being with each other. And even with my RB cat Zasper my life became so much easier when I added Corkscrew into the house. She calmed down so much and seemed to be much happier because she had a play buddy now to entertain her while I was away. She became less destructive, when I would leave the house she would get bored and destroy things but when we added another cat all that stopped. After Zasper died Corkscrew became very loney and so we got Tibby for him and those two are inseperable. I think they would be sad if they didn't have each other.

06-06-2003, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by CatsinDenver

I believe that, like most things in the feline world, it all depends on the cat! :D

So true!! My childhood cat Missy was definately an only cat. She hated other cats (and other people too for that matter..)

Now, my gang all loves each other. Cookie, I'd say, gets stressed when Tama starts chasing her but other than that, they are all lovable with each other.

How would we ever know the joy of 2 cats cuddling and cleaning each other if we only had one?

06-06-2003, 08:22 PM
Why is your friend against you getting another cat? Does she not like cats?
Her theory makes no sense b/c Tigers and Lions live together in 'packs'. Granted I think mountain lions are loners but still. And most of the people her that have more than one cat, seem to have success.
Kylie lived with her brother for a year. Then I got her and she has been a cat living with a dog for almost 2 years. I think she would be fine if she would have stayed with her brother. If she had to choose b/n a cat and a dog she would probably choose a cat!
I thought she would like being an only pet when my RB Shaianne died. But she didn't really do anything. I think she spent alot of time just laying around ( As opposed to now when she does the same thing! :rolleyes: )
I think you should go with your vet's opinion and do what you think will make you and Luna happy. You know her better than your friend. And I don't mean to offend you b/c I know she is your friend but is it possible that she is just telling you that b/c she doesn't want you to get another cat? Unless she lives with you or is at your home 99% of the time, frankly I don't see how it is any of her business!!! :eek: If one of my friends told me not to get another pet, I would have to consider their motives. :(

IMHO!!!! ;)

06-06-2003, 08:32 PM
OH NO, which five do I give away? I don't know of any 'thing' that prefers to live alone. Sure, some pets (and people) are anti social, but, 'prefer to live alone?'

I adopted Georgia to give Tex someone to play with. It was a wonderful addition. I kept going. All of mine get along with each other. I will admit Tex has a shorter wick now, but, I think that is age, not because he prefers to live alone.

Besides, everything is better in pairs....or sixes..

06-06-2003, 08:37 PM
I have two cats and they get along just fine. KC, my younger cat, looks up to Opie as a big bro. She follows him everywhere and likes to cuddle w/ him. He's even taught her to push our door open that leads from the garage(where they like to stay). If you think Luna would like another cat to play w/, then get one. What you could always do when/if you get another cat is take her to see if she'll get along w/ the new kitty. That way you'll know that they will like each other. :0)

06-06-2003, 08:47 PM
"Holistic Vet?" How very Californian ... Richard would have something to say here. "Holistic Vet" translates in logical language to "No formal qualifications and unsubstantiated opininions that should be met with high levels of critiscism."

If cats were such loners, then why would so many chose to spend their time with a human family? And what kind of "Vet" would advocate a practice that would see many cats go to their graves in high "kill" shelters. Reminds me of Dr. Nick Riviera on "The Simpsons".

06-06-2003, 09:21 PM
I agree, it totally depends on the individual cat.

I think most cats enjoy company of other felines, or at least learn to tolerate it. In most cases I've seen where cats didn't like other cats was just because they were never exposed to them so weren't used to them.

I found Shiloh when she was approx 7 months old and I didn't have another cat or any fosters at the time, just my Labrador. Over the next year and a half or so, she was just always around dogs and when I had foster cats, they were completely seperated from Shiloh. So the first time she DID see another cat, she went into nasty mode. She still does this when she meets my foster kitties, but she does get used to them after she hisses and growls for a week or so.

06-06-2003, 10:08 PM
Depends on the individual cat, I agree. I have 7 cats and most of them get along, except Lita, she hates the two Manx's for some reason. If they get to close to each other... WWIII.... starts. Luckly they never really hurt each other, just sounds like it!!!!

06-06-2003, 11:14 PM
Seeing how Hermoine has taken to Basie, there's no doubt in my mind that cats want to have others to hang around with.

Ignore your friend and her vet. They are clueless.

06-07-2003, 01:00 AM
I really don't know. I love my cats to death, but I'd say I am more of a dog person. This is the first time I have owned more then one cat. I have had the two together for 2-3 years. I'd say that they fight or ignore eachother much much more then they cuddle and hang out. I think both of my cats would prefer to be alone. On the same line, I'd thought they hated my puppy until I started putting him in a pen. Now they go in the pen and hang out with him all day. So maybe my animals just don't want to show that they love eachother. :rolleyes:

06-07-2003, 01:03 AM
Here they are! Ron is the black and white one, he's about 7. Raven is the lighter one, she is about 3-4.

06-07-2003, 03:34 AM
all cats are loners and shouldn't have to share their home with other felines. Keeping more than one cat would always cause stress.

ooookk, SOMEONE has been talking to my cats vet!:D
she told me after Cookie died, to let Muffin be a lone cat... and I listened so well that now there are 7 cats. and she was right, except for Cookie, Muffin hated them all, til Callie, she likes her,
and she tolerated Em but not Lu. she chased and attacked the kittens, Charlie and Patches, those poor babies were always running for cover, when I looked away for a minute, but Emma and Louise were on it boy, they went after Muffin, watched out for the kittens! Muffin would chase Louise at first too, but after C and P were in the house I guess muffin gave up on lu and turned to them...and, for all her guarding the kittens, Emma was RELENTLESS to Calllie, she followed her, and would chase her under the bed, and then STARE at her.. poor Callie! she is a totally different cat now. the funny part is, she did not pee on the carpet when that was going on.. I guess because we had her separated so much because of Emma, she felt more private? I don't know .

06-07-2003, 09:49 AM
Quite frankly I think your friend is wrong! I dont think that there is any animal that doesnt want one of its own species To play with , and to lick her ears! Just check out my Siamses in the signature for Proof !

06-07-2003, 01:29 PM
most cats will like other cats, even if it is only one other, with a personality that... "matches" ... since I can't think of the word I want.... but there are those rare that just want to be the only cat. I'm glad I have ones that get along so well. finally got the right group lol.

06-07-2003, 03:01 PM
Kirsten if you look at semi-feral cats e.g. in Greek monasteries you will see that they live in losely connected groups. You can see that moms help each other with the babies and that thhey love to be where others are -though not to close,

Therefore I think it is important that both cats have their spaces where they can retire -and you can't be sure that they will be really good friends but I am sure they prefer not to be alone.

06-07-2003, 03:19 PM
The rescue that I had a while ago Little Grey benifited so much from being around other cats. When I fostered her she had her own room because I didn't want to stress out my cats or especially my roommates cat who is one of those cats that wants to be alone. Well when Little Grey lived here she would never come out from under the bed, I would sit in the room for hours and talk to her and she never came out. But when she went to her new home where there were 3 cats for her to play with she only hid for an hour, then she made friends with one of the cats and now she is super social and runs around the new house like the owns the place.

06-07-2003, 06:45 PM
I think it depends on the cat. I remember my first cat loved chasing and playing with the new kitten we got. Midnight didn't like the idea of having a new kitten(Cloey) and it has taken her several months to get accumstomed to it, but now they are finally friends. Before they just avoided each other.

06-07-2003, 07:50 PM
I am a Bastet only person. She doesn't like other cats at all but will tolerate them. However, if another cat comes near me - all hell breaks lose!

So I would rather be owned by Bastet than have her stress out over another cat.

I agree with noah's mummy though - your friend and vet are clueless.

06-08-2003, 12:01 AM
I also agree that most cats like to live with other cats. My parents cat was one that didn't like other cats so she prefered being an only cat. When I only had Storm, he became very lonely being an only cat so then I adopted Pepper and everything was great. When Pepper passed away Sunny and Storm were grieving just like I was. I then adopted a third cat and now things are fine again. :)

06-08-2003, 01:06 AM
It will be interesting to see how the troops take the fourth arrival, KAK! :D

06-08-2003, 01:18 PM
I agree, it depends on the cat.

George doesn't care about other cats, as long as we get cuddle time.

Milo is one big lover boy grooming everyone including George.

Milly loves play fighting with Milo.

Treacle follows Milo & Milly around.

I would get Luna that cute kitten I saw on your other thread and when you do, we want MANY PICTURES :D :D

06-12-2003, 11:03 AM
It's very encouraging to read there are so many cats here who prefer feline company!

I haven't spoken to my friend again since that conversation btw, especially now with Luna having surgery. Unfortunately, she often isn't very understanding when I'm worried about Luna's health or safety, and we had many arguments about that in the past.

She likes cats (and has one left now after the second one has died recently) but still has this old-fashioned "a-cat-has-9-lives-mentality" and believes cats will heal themselves when they are sick. That holistic vet friend she has doesn't seem to make things better in my eyes!

She also doesn't like my attempts to make my place safe for cats (for example that I don't let them sit in the open window, don't buy toxic house plants or leave candles burning with a cat around). She argues cats have natural instincts and won't get into trouble anyway, but I know how stupid it is to think that way 'cause I KNOW that accidents happen. Besides, it's my own business what I'm doing or doing NOT in my apartment.

To answer somebody's question: No, she doesn't share the apartment with me, she lives in another town 290 km away from here. She only likes to criticize others. But with Luna's surgery this week and that terrible waiting for the report I'm not in the mood for arguments like that!


06-12-2003, 02:04 PM
Some cats prefer to be alone. Most don't mind having a companion for company.