View Full Version : PUREBRED Labradoodle??

06-06-2003, 02:51 PM
I read this off of another board I visit. Someone passed by a pet store while shopping and saw a sign for a purebred Labradoodle selling for more than 4000$ :eek: The things these people will say about their dogs to sell them. So stupid :rolleyes:

06-06-2003, 02:54 PM
purebred labradoodle? Omgosh...what idiots...

06-06-2003, 03:21 PM
I am amazed every week whenI see what the pet stores are selling for $100's of dollars!! "Pure" mixed breeds?!?

Here's some from last week's "Petland" add...

Lab/Shepard $129.99
Lab/Beagle $149.99
Lab/Rott/Mastiff $149.99
Mt.Terrier/Pom $229.99

and that is with $100 off all puppies!!!

Gee, what a great deal :rolleyes:

I don't get it!

06-06-2003, 03:28 PM
everytime I go into a pet store, I get so mad! I just think of how those cute little pups came from breeders who knew nothing about breeding. Everytime I'm with my friends at a pet store, I always start saying how they never come from good breeders..and just trying to get the other people to not buy them and support the pet stores...ACK

06-06-2003, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom
Lab/Shepard $129.99
Lab/Beagle $149.99
Lab/Rott/Mastiff $149.99
Mt.Terrier/Pom $229.99

That's outrageous in my opinion. Anything to make a buck, I guess....:grr::mad: I guess what makes me most upset is that these puppies happen enough because people don't spay or neuter, why would they start to intentionally breed mixes??

06-06-2003, 05:45 PM
I am sorry, and I don't agree with it, but there are places in Australia which export dogs to america with papers and they are Labradoodles. I don't know for how long they have been breeding the dog and what crosses they do, but they must be crossing doodle to doodle. I have not looked into it with the Kennel Assoc. here, but to me, how can a cross breed be a purebred? People are paying $$$many big dollars just to have one. There are Kennels in America which are doing the same thing as well. Sure ...Have your Vet checked Poodle and your vet checked lab, or cocker spaniel or what ever you want to cross breed with, but that is all it is. The vet told me that for once I may have a healthy dog because of the cross breeding, but she is my pet and she will not be bred. I have had a number of people come and ask me to keep them in mind when she is ready to breed......don't they know she will not breed true to type?

06-06-2003, 05:49 PM
I hate it when pet stores sell puppies especially when they are mixed breeds. Don't people know that for a lot less money they can get that cute mixed breed puppy at a shelter and not only that but that puppy will also come home fixed and with shots.

06-06-2003, 05:53 PM
Mich--this is even in response the the PM you sent me. I am in no way saying that Labradoodle is a Purbred dog. My post was saying the exact opposite. I see a Labradoodle like I would see any other mix. A Lab and a Poodle is a Labradoodle, a Cockapoo is a Cocker Spaniel mix with a Poodle. These dogs may have come from BYB like any other mix or they may not have. My post was only saying how desperate pet stores can get to actual lie about the breed of their dog to sell it for more money. Pathetic.

And I'm sorry if I sounded a bit rude in my PM and I don't know if you misunderstood my post or something, but it sounds alot like you think I agree with naming a mixed breed a purebred.

06-06-2003, 05:55 PM
Hello! And you are so right. My vet is one of them that has to go to the pound to put unwanted dogs down..........she comes back with a car full and finds really good homes for them, giving big discounts on sterilisation and needles....and added food as well. She is a magic person

06-06-2003, 05:58 PM
She is the one who has to put down 4 of my Pure Bred Dogs,,,,,two of them rescue, the others I paid big money for. She was the one who told me that I am an animal person, and thus my daughter arranged for me to get this one, and she is the one who told me a cross bred is healthier than a purebred

06-06-2003, 06:12 PM
I am apologising. I did not know you felt that way. I am so sorry if what I said offended you in any way, as I really, trully did not mean it to. I am not a person who would do that to another, and I do feel so wretched for you thinking I would do that to another person. Please forgive me

06-06-2003, 06:36 PM
I don't even think I said that you thought that doodles were purebred, . Or if I inclined that, I am deeply sorry, as we all know they are not. I guess I was just trying to put my point across to harshly about the fact that they aren't......Gee, I don't know what I have to do do explain to you that I was not in any way having a go at anyone, especially you.

06-06-2003, 07:47 PM
A lot of them come from very large industry puppy mills. They are hauled around and delivered in the back of a not well ventilated or climate controled 18 wheeler during all seasons.
Some of the animals die on these trips, and then they are just disposed of, or if they are really ill upon arrival the petstores just send the animal back.

That's so sweet.


06-06-2003, 07:57 PM
That is so sad, how can people do this? Isn't there a law over there for animal cruelty???

06-06-2003, 08:01 PM
For me, It comes down to the quality of the breeding and WHY you are breeding an animal. While I'm not keen on everyone breeding willy nilly when we have such a over population problem.

If you truely are a reputable breeder, out there to HELP create better dogs, for the dogs themselves, and for their owners that's fine by me, pretty much any really reputable breeder won't make much money off their dogs, it will all go back into paying for the care the animal needs, and they have regular part time or full time jobs else where.

06-06-2003, 08:03 PM
Mich: Yeah we have laws, though most of them aren't more then a slap on the wrist.
And it doesn't matter, these animals are just considered cargo.

A pet magazine I used to subscribe to when I was a pet sitter, would constantly have these adds for a big company, I can't remember the name of it now, I think it was Huntz or something.
At any rate it had a big picture of a 18 wheeler, a warehouse style building, and then a picture of I guess what was the company owner and a "happy" looking puppy. And it was a shipment add for all the pet stores out there to buy from them.

06-06-2003, 08:08 PM
I would not either. I can't believe it. Well we got a guy to spend 2 years in jail and a huge fine for using his dog as target pratice with a """crossbow""" the poor dog had an arrow through it's head and one arrow head imbedded in its hip. The r.s.p.c.a. has the dog and so far it is doing well.

06-06-2003, 08:11 PM
Oh my, poor dog!
See, I don't think 2 years is enough for that.

Had he done that to a human, and the humane died, he probably would have gotten a life scentance.
But now in 2 years the guy is free to go back and do it again. :(

06-06-2003, 08:14 PM
Yes!!! I know, but this is the first time someone has gone to prison for hurting an animal. We got new laws here now to protect animals............after 100 years!!

06-06-2003, 08:39 PM
You have lots of good photos there. Are they all yours? Are they rescues? Even the ferret and Budgie? and little mouse?

06-06-2003, 09:05 PM
I missed what you said on the end of page (1) ........you are right, decent people who breed, do it for the love of their breed, and not for the money. When I came to West Aust, nearly 30 years ago, they were not allowed to breed G.S.Ds' here, and the ones that were allowed in had to be sterilised. Then they changed the rules, and every man and his dog were breeding willy nilly......so many bad dogs have been bred because of that. I had 2. (we lived way up north near Dampier) and I got the first one not seeing him as a baby. He had to be put down because of the fact of his hips. He had no ball and half a ball on the other hip. I took them to court, and I won.
I then got a Silver Sable G.S.D. female, and she was wonderful. WE loved her. So, I know about bad breeders.

06-06-2003, 11:04 PM
I don't believe that those prices are outrageous, although considering where the pups most likely came from, than they are just waaaay too much.

I hate petshops. They suck.

06-06-2003, 11:31 PM
well, you know humans, ......if they want something bad enough, they will pay. Such a shame when the pound is full of unwanted dogs..........that these humans put there in the first place. Look at Afgans, they were so popular, cost the earth,...Great Danes... same thing - - I could go on. What is the in thing, people will buy, and dump them when they realise they are too much hard work.

06-07-2003, 12:15 AM
yea..it's a shame..there should be more laws to enforce people to be good owners. One breed that I feel so badly for are border collies. These are great great dogs but only for the right handler. And now, they're so popular because of movies like babe and snow dogs. Many people just go and buy the dogs because they look nice. When a first time owner gets a border collie, they have no idea how hard it is to own one. These intelligent herders are often turned into the pound because they were doing something true to their nature....be intelligent and herd. They get bored because the owner doesn't provide enough mental stimulation for them..and it often gets mistaken for not having house manners and just being a bad dog...and the herding...they mistaken it for biting kids...arg stupid people...

06-07-2003, 12:27 AM
My friend, I could not have put it the way you did. What you said is just so right. One of my heelers hated the kids in the ocean, so he would go in there swimming for his life and bring all the kids out........covered in sctatches from his feet - - with him trying to push them . He was Lopo and he was so protective of all the kids. I used to care for children years ago.

06-07-2003, 05:57 AM
I hate petshops. They suck.

I boycott any petstore that sells pups or kittens.

My sister used to get her dog food from a small petshop in the area called "Steves Wonderful World of Pets". They started selling puppies a few months ago, so we refuse to patronize that store anymore. The problem was that at one time it was the only place in the area where she could get Innova Dog Food (she is adamant about feeding her dogs Innova). Thankfully there is another pet store that now carries it - and the only dogs/cats you see there are adoptables from the shelters.

06-07-2003, 10:45 AM

Don't you have the laws in Oz where either you can't declaw your cat, or your not allowed to let them free roam outside? one or the other? And yes, all the animals in that picture (it's a rat not a mouse) are all my perminate animals. I am currently not fostering for a time.

Binka: So very true, I used to own a border/jack. And I worked in rescue with many other BC's they are not for the faint of heart, or first time dog owners.

06-07-2003, 12:35 PM
I agree, Most dogs are highly overpriced, at the edmonton mall, they are OUTRAGEUOS!(sp.)

for a yorkshire terrier it was $2499.99...thats insane
and for a Purebred(stupid store owners) Shih-Poo mix, was $1300 for a puppy!

people these days.


06-07-2003, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom

Here's some from last week's "Petland" add...

Lab/Shepard $129.99
Lab/Beagle $149.99
Lab/Rott/Mastiff $149.99
Mt.Terrier/Pom $229.99

and that is with $100 off all puppies!!!

Gee, what a great deal :rolleyes:

Wow..... if this is a sale.. The dogs at the Humane Society must be on clearance!

06-09-2003, 12:40 AM
I hate pet stores PERIOD!:mad: Those disgusting puppy mills!!!:mad: Sometimes, ill just go into a pet store that sells them, take them out and play with them...i feel sorry for them...there in that tiny cage all day.....STUPID IDIOT PEOPLE!!!:mad: :(

06-09-2003, 10:35 AM
Arg. A pet store does that here..they sell mutts and make up names like that and sell them for purebred prices..-sigh-

06-10-2003, 09:12 AM
Yes I agree ( though, I own a labradoodle, but not from a shop or puppy mill) and these shops get these pups from people whose females have not been sterilised. Why get a female if you are not going to sterilise her?????

By the way, I love the name of you cat !