View Full Version : when you are gone...

06-06-2003, 02:32 PM
who has ever thought about what will happen to your pets when you are no longer here... who will take them? I think of that occasionally. no one in my family would take them. maybe a couple of them , but they would be separated, and not all taken:( I have one brother/sister in law that are very loving, but wouldnt want the cat in the house! (:mad: :confused: ) and the others(they are are caring too) would only take , MAYBE one.

its a strange thought but is something to think about.:rolleyes:

these 5 get along great. if they had to be separated, I would hope it would at least be like this, Patches and Charlie together, Emma and Louise together. Cassie would miss them but she would do ok alone, or with other animals, I think even dogs, as long as they didn't hurt her and I can't imagaine any dogs in my family that would hurt her.
Muffin and Callie on the other hand, they would have to be the only pet or stay together, they would freak out around other pets, dogs! and one brother, his kids are allergic, that's why I got Muffin in the first place.

I Love Brian, Forever <3
06-06-2003, 02:35 PM
That's not strange at all.

If I have a flight for somewhere, I think, "what if I don't make it back? Who will take care of my babies?"

So, I took about 3 hours and wrote down every specific thing for every animal. Iggie, the iguana, took the longest of course. I didn't want to miss a thing. I give it to the person staying at home and I tell them... if I don't make it back... here's what you've got to do.

:D :D :D :D

06-06-2003, 02:42 PM
and I think. there is the medical thing, which is not much, they're young. but Emma has to have her pill every other day for the rest of her life. it has been no problem giving her the pill though, with canned food:)

06-06-2003, 04:09 PM
Welll hmmmmmmmmm Thelmer has a god mother...Aspen and Misty.
As for the other pets....I dunno.

06-06-2003, 11:46 PM
Its funny u should bring this up mary, as i have been thinking a lot about it lately, i am a person who thinks about "what if" probably too much WORRY WORT me.
I was going to ask pet talk members especially those on their own with more than one or two pets, if they had thought of it.
Lets face it , it could happen to any of us at any time.
As long as only i went, my husband and children would take care of mine, so as long as we are not all wiped out (god forbid) i think they will be ok, as i get older though i shall indeed think about whether i should be getting more cats, but i hate to think of living without them in my old age, i have already missed out 18 years or so because of my cat allergy, which i now have overcome almost , thanks to my persistent daughter asking me to adopt ASH.
My parents have a lovely burmese TESSA, she is getting on too, but she might outlive my parents, if not i wonder if they will get another, i know i will beable to take their cat now should anything happen to them, and that gives me peace of mind.:)

06-07-2003, 12:10 AM
I am only 16 so I dont have to relly worrie about it, inless I died like by accident or got murderd :eek:.. I would leave most all my pets to my mom. She loves them all. I know she would keep them intill they passed. I would leave Tikeya and my birds to her. I would leave Bubles to my dad. I would leave my hamsters to my mom as well. I would leave gerbils to my brothers.

06-07-2003, 12:28 AM
I'm 15 so Kai would be left with my brother,sister, mom and dad. Hopefully, I'll live a long healthy life with Kai here for many more years ahead.

06-07-2003, 08:52 AM
Having lots of little ones which my family wouldn't take care of (26 hamsters and gerbils) I lined up godparents for them on a UK based forum. I have health sheets on each of them and have ensured that pairs will stay together.

A couple don't have godparents and I know my Mum would look after them (she just couldn't manage all of them!)

I even have a room plan so it is know what cage is where!!