View Full Version : jUST WONDERING WHY ...............

06-06-2003, 05:21 AM
Well i have been torturing myself again looking at pet.finder.com, i cannot get over the amount of purebreds available for adoption at your shelters, you would be extremely lucky to ever find one here in new zealand in a shelter, i see bengals, which are like 800 dollars each here to buy, and main coones etc etc, tell me can you explain to me why this is so. Im just curious, and baffled, it just does not happen here. You are fortunate in one way , that you can adopt these for next to nothing, if a purebred is infact what you are after.:)

06-06-2003, 05:36 AM
It happens less often than it does in the U.S., but if you are hanging out for a purebred and willing to wait, you WILL find one. Also, there are HEAPS of purebred dogs. As for cats, I saw a PUREBRED HIMALAYAN adult female when I adopted Pixel. If it wasn't for that feelin' in my heart that Pixel was the furkid for us, I woulda snapped up the Himmy. She was GORGEOUS, it wouldn't have taken her long to find a home.

06-06-2003, 06:16 AM
Seeing purebreds in shelters is a sad bit of proof that animals are thought of as disposible. People have the money, they buy the expensive pet (keeping the bad as well as the good breeders in business) and then think nothing of changing their mind and "getting rid of it". :mad: I, too, cannot understand it. I even say to myself when I see purebreds in shelters , "I wonder how much they PAID for that animal to have it now sitting here homeless". ***shakes head***:(

06-06-2003, 09:49 AM
I think alot of it has to do with the fact that people who have the money to buy a purebred, don't do their homework regarding the cat's temperament, personality, habits, etc.

Bengals for instance, are very active, dominant cats who like to rule the roost.

If people would only research the breeds they're looking for, there would be less of them ending up in shelters.