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06-05-2003, 08:19 PM
*edit* If this gets bounced to the top it's because I'm editing personal info. :)

Pictures added on Page 7 :)

UPDATE 12:30
Just got off the phone with Dr. Eifler.

Kia is sitting up and so they moved her to a larger kennel.

The doctor had just gotten off the phone with ProHeart and they said that bloody diareha and seizures is a known side effect but this is the first time they've heard of an animal having both.

Dr. Eifler said she was surprised that ProHeart admitted to the knowledge of the side effects. She said not very many companies would come forward and say such a thing.

Kia's still has the bloody diareha and said that she'd probably do well to stay another night under observation but that I can take her home if I want too.

I told her that it mattered on cost. She said she'd have the bill done up and that I can come visit Kia at any time (I'm leaving soon)

If I did take Kia home and I needed to take her back to the hospital, Dr. Eifler said she wouldn't charge me for bringing her back.

I don't know..... should I take her home? I miss her so much.

Edit as of 8:30 a.m. Friday
Dr. Eifler called me at work at 8:30 a.m. Kia is alert, awake, was wagging her tail and wanted to go outside. She hadn't vomited since 2 a.m. but she did have bloody diareha still. Dr. Eifler is waiting for her blood tests to come back and then they'll call me. They want to monitor her throughout the day and if she doesn't have any more bloody diareha then she can come home tonight, but if she does they'll want to keep her another night. :(

I love and miss her so much.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.

I don't even know how I'm going to afford this but that's the least of my worries right now. (They don't take payment plans.... I asked)

I feel like this is all my fault. Back when I got Kia, her vet then gave her Sentinal. She'd vomit the pills and so I was so certain they gave her the shot instead. At her appointment I mistook Heartgard for Sentinal and told the vet that Heartgard made her throw up and so we decided to go with the shot.

It's all my fault... :( :(

Dear dear sweet Kia, I love you so much. Can you ever forgive me!?!?!?

Just got off the phone with the doctor. Her blood is not clotting. :( So they have to do a plasma transfusion. There are risks, but the doctor says since she's healthy and alert that it's better to get her the transfusion now than wait. If anything happens they'll call me tonight. If everything is okay they'll call me in the morning.

Oh dear God what have I done...

It's like I'm in a dream world..... like it didn't happen.

Kia had a routine vet appointment this evening at 5:45. She was weighed, ears and teeth checked, lungs and heart listened too. She got her distemper and bordatella vaccines. Her blood was taken and it was negative for Heartworms so she got the ProHeart heartworm shot. She was the image of perfect health.

I got her home at 6 and at 6:05 I could hear her slurping up her water and then coughing it back up. While cleaning up the mess she made in her crate, her eyes went wide and she began vomiting sporadically. I held her to keep her over the tile (gosh forbid I let her vomit on the carpet... how trivial it seems now) when she began to vomit excessively, then she was yelping and thrashing. I paniced and called the vet and they told me to bring her right in.

I scooped her up into my arms. So limp she was and how terrified was I. I screamed at people coming up the stairs to get out of my way.

The vet and staff met me in the parking lot. They took one look at her and decided she needed to go to the MSU emergancy clinic. I was crazed with panic. I didn't know how to get there. One of the vet techs said she'd lead me if I was okay to drive. I said I was and off we went.

She is going to be kept there overnight. They have her stabalized and on an IV and valium. She was happy to see me before I left and I did my best not to cry and be strong for her.

The doctor there believes it was an adverse effect to the heartworm shot.

After I got home, the doc at MSU called and said that Kia had had bloody diareha and so they are going to run some blood tests.

I'm so tired, scared, hungry (how can I think of food at a time like this!?).

Thoughts and prayers for my baby.

I love and miss my Kia girl SO much.

06-05-2003, 08:31 PM
OMG that is horrid. I really hope that she gets better, omg I still cannot believe you had to suffer though that agony of watching your poor baby. I would have freaked, but you held together well. I am preying for her safe return from the vet, I am sure everything will go well.

06-05-2003, 08:34 PM
I'm so sorry you had to go through something like that with dear Kia. My thoughts and prayers are for you and Kia. I'm glad you handled it well and brought her in without hesitation. once again, she'll be in my thoughts.

Desert Arabian
06-05-2003, 08:35 PM
Oh my Lord, what an awful experience. I am so extremely sorry for you and Kia! I hope everything will be ok with your lovely pooch. You and Kia are in my thoughts and prayers.

:( :( :( :( {{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}

06-05-2003, 08:43 PM
OMG!! I'm so sorry to hear this:( I hope that Kia feels better soon! She will be in my thoughts and prayers.

06-05-2003, 08:44 PM
What a scary experience that must have been. Thank goodness you were there to get her to the vet. We'll be praying that Kia will come home soon, safe and sound.

06-05-2003, 08:47 PM
Dear God,Kim....Dear Kia!!!!!
I so Hope that she is well by morning and she can come home...with nothing but a bad memory....
poor Baby!!!!!
I don't know how you are even typing at this point...but please know that our thoughts and Prayers are with your Dear Kia...And of course you.......
All Paws Crossed here!!!!
We Are thinking of you.....

Delilah,Joey and Maggie Puss

06-05-2003, 08:53 PM
that must be so scary, I hope everything will be OK. i don't know what i will do if anything like that happened here... i don't know if i could have been so... kinda.. together. i wouln't have thought to do anything like what you did. she is lucky to have you

06-05-2003, 09:02 PM
Oh Kia sweetie - don't scare us like that! I hope everything is ok.

How terrifying for all of you. Paws and fingers crossed and good thoughts on the way.

06-05-2003, 09:02 PM
I am so sorry, I hope she will be ok.
I will be thinking of you both.

06-05-2003, 09:07 PM
How awful for both of you. I hope everything goes well for you. :(

06-05-2003, 09:09 PM
Oh Kimmy this is just awful. I can feel the torrent of emotions that you are going through and I can totally understand. I will certainly be keeping Kia in my thoughts and prayers. This is so shocking!! I hope and pray that the news will be good in the morning. {{{{{hugs}}}}}

06-05-2003, 09:10 PM
I am so sorry! How awful!! :( Kia will be in my thoughts! Please keep us posted on how she's doing :(

06-05-2003, 09:11 PM
Oh my, I'm sooo sorry and scared for Kia. Lots of prayers sent your way. I can only imagine how scary :eek: this must be for you.

Oh Kia, feel better soon, OK?? Hope the Dr.'s can fix you back up good as new!!

06-05-2003, 09:11 PM
I am so sorry, but as someone else posted...good thing you were home with her when it happened...so you could take her to the vet right away...please keep us updated...you will be in my thoughts.


06-05-2003, 09:13 PM
Kim, I am so sorry to read this. How could you have known? You know Kia is getting the best care possible, but I know you want to be right there beside her. Hug those kitties and know that we are out here praying for her to be ok.


Aspen and Misty
06-05-2003, 09:16 PM
OMG! NOT KIA! Poor baby!

Prayers are majorly comeing your way. I can't even beleave this! Omg poor baby! I'm so glad you were there. I will keep her in my thoughts and be back to check, I hope she is ok.


06-05-2003, 09:51 PM
Oh Kimmy I'm so sorry to hear this, believe me I know what you're going through. Kia is in good hands though and I know that the vets will do everything possible to help her, she'll be back with you before you know it. Till then though my prayers and thoughts are with you.


06-05-2003, 10:13 PM

I am so sorry. I know how devastated and depressed you must be feeling right now without your girl. I know I'd just be beside myself with worry. You did a great job being there for your Kia girl and I just know she'll pull through with flying colors.

My vet spent 40 minutes assuring me the ProHeart injection was safe because I was terrified of switching my dogs to something so new not knowing if there might be later side effects. Are they sure it was from the ProHeart? I guess you can never really be sure though. That scares me.

Don't blame yourself about anything. You did nothing wrong at all!

06-05-2003, 10:17 PM
OMG!!! Kimmy- MAJORLY BIG PRAYERS for you and The KIA GIRL!!! Lots of hugs! So, Sorry.

06-05-2003, 10:19 PM
Oh dear, poor Kia, sweetheart, and poor mommie Kim! It's bad enough when I, a human being, have an adverse reaction to something ... at least I know what's probably happening to me.

The one thing we KNOW for sure that Kia understood was that you love her so very very much. That's what counts. Update us when you can on Miss Blue-eyes, okay?

Hugs to you, and ear rubs to Kia. Hope everything is okay, or at least on the mend!

You are a very good momma for her, the best, and she loves you! I know you're probably exhausted with worry, but remember, you not sleeping isn't gonna help her, so do get as much rest as you can.

06-05-2003, 10:24 PM
Oh, Kimmy, I am soooooo sorry to hear about your dear sweet Kia girl! That is just awful.:( :( I hope she gets well soon. I will keep you, Kia, and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

God bless.

Sarah & Sadie May

Miss Meow
06-05-2003, 10:25 PM
Kim, what a dreadful, scary experience for you both. Thank goodness you were able to get her to the vet in time, and keep a cool head. And what a great team you have at the vet clinic. Hopefully the worst is over now, and dear Kia can come home to you soon. {{{hugs from all of us}}}

Steffi N
06-05-2003, 10:36 PM
Poor Kia, I hope she is recovering and will be home soon.

06-05-2003, 10:41 PM
OMG I'm in shock I don't know what to say. I know that everyone here on Pet Talk loves Kia very much, I feel like I know her so well. I hope everything is ok, and that she recovers quickly. You've done everything you could do, and she's in great hands now. I'll keep you and Kia in my thoughts.

06-05-2003, 10:53 PM
Oh my goodness, poor Kia!!! I am so scared for her. I've heard about ProHeart and problems. I wish this hadn't happened to dear Kia. I will keep her in my prayers. I hope she can recover fully and quickly. You must be terrified. I would be!!! Please be ok, Kia.

Kimmy, let us know as soon as you hear anything.


06-05-2003, 10:54 PM
OMG, i am so sorry...:( Prayers to you and dear sweet Kia, please keep us updated on her. That just awful. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

May God Watch Over You Kia

06-05-2003, 11:58 PM
Please know Kimmy that you are in our prayers.
Get better and get back to mommie Kia!
Keegan, Kylie and Staci

06-06-2003, 12:02 AM
Oh no, not Kia!! :( I surely hope she will be ok....I'm sure she'll pull through just fine. I'll be keeping that beautiful blue eyed girl in my thoughts and prayers. We love you Kia!!

06-06-2003, 12:24 AM
What a horrible experience for you and Kia. But as Nicole said, thank God for the teamwork and help from your vets. It is a pretty amazing story.

Know that I will pray for you both. Please keep us posted on Kia's condition.

06-06-2003, 12:27 AM
Oh my goodness! Not Kia! :(:(:( You pst had my heart thumping. I'm just SO worried now. Hoping for the best and that Kia will be alright. Good luck and keep us updated! Get well soon Kia!

06-06-2003, 01:01 AM
I'm so sorry to hear about. :( Prayers and positive thoughts are on the way. Please take care.

06-06-2003, 01:29 AM
Thinking of sweetie Kia and all those that love her ! Prayers for a quick recovery!

06-06-2003, 02:01 AM
I hope Kia will recover soon. I will definitely pray for Kia. Please keep us posted. Take Care of yourself too!

06-06-2003, 02:04 AM
how terrible, I'm so sorry read this... I hope Kia is better real soon.:(

06-06-2003, 02:15 AM
Prayers for Kia coming your way, what a horrible thing to have to go through.......tom

06-06-2003, 03:58 AM
Oh, no... Kimmy....I am just reading this, how is she? I am praying so hard she is ok.

06-06-2003, 04:36 AM
Oh my gosh Kim, how horrible of an event. I can imagine you are in all of our thoughts and prayers - how scared you must be.

I hope and trust Kia will pull through this and that there is/was an anedote to the meds and the reaction.

Extra special positive thoughts and vibes coming your way from Camp Vermont.

Love and hugs,


06-06-2003, 04:53 AM
Oh, no Kim!!:( Poor, dear Kia:(:( You must have been beside yourself with fear. Thanks goodness you were home when it happened! You may not think so, but you did a great job keeping your cool considering how terrified you were. Sending positive thoughts and prayers for our beautiful Kia. She's in good hands, got immediate treatment and hopefully this was a one time reaction. Hugs to you, Kimmy. We'll all be anxiously awaiting your update. Get well soon, sweet Kia!!!

06-06-2003, 05:00 AM
{{{{Kim}}}} I'm devastated to hear this awful news of poor Kia.
I'm just hoping and praying that everything goes well and your baby is soon home with her loving Mummy. Please keep us updated - when you have the time.


Cisco's Mom
06-06-2003, 06:02 AM
OH!!! No!! I'm not hearing this! I'm terribly sorry that Kia and you are having to go thru all of this.:( My prayers are def. on the way and I will pray for her good health and return to home as soon as possible!!

06-06-2003, 06:57 AM
Prayers and hugs to you, Kim...so scary when this happens, one of my former kitties had a bad reaction to regular inoculations which turned out to be anaphalactic shock from over medication - it is so scary, and I know how helpless you must feel.

It is so goo dyou were there to get her emergency help. Hugs and headbonkies and prayers for a fast recovery

06-06-2003, 07:22 AM
How terrifying! As said many times before, you did a great job keeping it together for dear Kia.

Hugs to you and Kia and prayers for a swift recovery.

Stephanie, Brian, and Bailey

06-06-2003, 07:39 AM
I can't believe what I'm reading:( I'm here in tears hoping that by the time I got to the end of this thread there would be some good news. Has anyone heard from Kim yet?
Please god..... let this sweet girl be ok.
I'll be thinking about you both all day, please update us when you can.
{{{Hugs}}} and prayers.
Anna & the kids

06-06-2003, 08:16 AM
Dear Kimmy & Kia...

My thoughts and prayers are with you both. If you need anything, let me know.


Please keep us uppie-dated when you can.

06-06-2003, 08:22 AM
Any news on Kia? I'm going to be gone this weekend, and I'll be thinking about her the whole time! :(

06-06-2003, 08:23 AM
Thank you all. I put an update in the first post.


bless you all.

*bump* You are all posting when I am! *hugs*

06-06-2003, 08:23 AM
When I went to bed last night and as soon as I got up, my thoughts and prayers were on Kia and you, Kim! I know how serious this is and I am very afraid for Kia. Your quick action will be the key in the results of this scary situation. You are not to blame, don't even think it. My heart and prayers are with you.

Please update as soon as you can. We are all nervously awaiting word.

Ok, I just read your report and it is sounding good. However, please watch Kia closely for the next few weeks. I hope she has a full recovery.

You are not to blame! The shot can be dangerous in some cases and there is no way to tell for sure whether your furbaby will react adversely. It is not given to dogs with dehabilitating diseases (like in liver -d, it causes the immune system to go crazy, according to some reports), but Kia is a healthy pup and there was no indication of a possible problem.

Hugs to you both and GET WELL quick, Kia!!!

06-06-2003, 08:31 AM
I'm glad to hear she's alert & walking around, I was so worried. I truly hope she gets to come home with you tonight.
Kim, don't blame yourself, it's not your fault.
Give her tons of kisses from me!

06-06-2003, 08:32 AM
Glad to hear she's doing some better! Hopefully she will get to come home soon. And please, don't blame yourself!

06-06-2003, 08:46 AM
Oh, Kim, I just read your update. I'm so glad Kia is up and about this morning! That's good news!!! :) I do hope she can come home to you tonight.

As for the Sentinel vs Heartguard vs Pro Heart 6, I guess it is all a matter of opinion. My vet won't give the six month shot as he isn't sold on it yet. In fact, he only prescribes Heartguard. I had even asked about the shot a while back for convenience as much as anything. I'm assuming Sentinel is also a monthly dosage, but I know nothing about it. Given that there have been incidents, similar to Kia's, with the Pro Heart 6, I'm glad that my vet was steering clear of it and not offering it as an option. Many dogs do fine on it, but there is that small % that don't do well and that's enough to keep me away from it at all cost! But you didn't know, and you can't beat yourself up about that! Now, you do, and you will have the opportunity to love your girl for many years to come! :) You are both very lucky.

Kia and you are in my prayers and will continue to be.

06-06-2003, 08:50 AM
Note to Kim,
Do not blame yourself. You are not a vet and I'm sure you do not keep up with all the bad publicity on certain animal drugs. I would not have known about the problem with PH6 if it weren't for the liver-d board and another pet board who brought my attention to the seriousness of adverse reactions to this shot. Srdogs is also warning about it. It could have happened to any one of us.

It is like adverse reactions to Rimadyl. It doesn't happen to every dog, but it does happen to more than we know. After doing research on Killian's medical records, it seems that Rimadyl may have had a helping hand in causing his liver disease. Now I refuse to give any dog of mine (or foster) the drug. When Shiloh was given just a few pills after surgery, I told the vet she will have to take Ascriptin, there's no way she was going to get Rimadyl unless her quality of life was in question.

HUGS to you and Kia and DO NOT blame yourself. It is not your fault!!!!!

06-06-2003, 08:54 AM
Thanks everyone. I realize I couldn't of known, but I can't believe I couldn't remember if she had had a shot or the heartgard chewie.

I just feel stupid. :(

I'll try not to blame myself. :) *hugs* ahhhhh I don't want to be here at work.

06-06-2003, 09:01 AM

It's not your fault, so stop blaming yourself. Kia is in very good hands right now. Like I said last night, if anything happens, they'll be there for her.

You didn't do anything wrong!! I'm going to call you once I post this to see how things are going. Cheer up, honey. Kia will be home before you know it.


Kona & Oreo's mom
06-06-2003, 09:29 AM
Kim, I'm so sorry that this happened to poor Kia! I hope that she recovers quickly. It sounds like you got her the care she needed right away. Get better soon, Kia! We're all thinking of you!

Edwina's Secretary
06-06-2003, 09:33 AM
Kim...I am searching madly for the update, however, it sounds promising.

My thoughts are with you...

06-06-2003, 09:34 AM
Oh Kimmy! I just got a chance to check up on Pet Talk and found your post! I am in tears now and Draker is exfoliating my face trying to comfort me :D

I am so glad to hear that Kia is doing better. The poor baby! So lucky you were at home to rush her to the vet. You are not to blame. Please don't be so hard on yourself. Focus all your energy on Kia now.

Please keep us updated as things progress. You are both in my thoughts. Hugs to you!

Aspen and Misty
06-06-2003, 10:07 AM
It's not your fault, not your fualt at all ::hugs::

Kia will be ok, I know she will.


06-06-2003, 10:13 AM
Oh, Kim--it's not your fault!!
I can't believe this--sweet Kia!! It sounds as though she is getting better though, I'll keep praying for her and for you.

You did a wonderful job in the emergency--thank God you were home. I probably would have been on the floor in tears not having a clue what to do--you are her hero.

Feel better sweet Kia, so you can come home to your worried Mommy!!!!

{{{{{{Kia and Kim}}}}}}

Emily, Kito, Abbey and Riley

Steffi N
06-06-2003, 10:28 AM
Kim, I'm glad that Kia is doing well and hope she will be able to be back home with you tonight.

06-06-2003, 10:39 AM
OMG, I am so sorry for Kia and you. The vet's is the BEST place for her to be. She is young, and healthy, she will pull through this. Please keep us updated as we go into the weekend.

Tons of prayers and hugs to you,

Cinder & Smoke
06-06-2003, 10:45 AM
OMG! <Line'z BUSY> nutz! <dials God again> <*ringz*>

Hellow, GOD!?

Hi God ~

Sorrie fur bein a lil frantik - but we'z all wurried sick
down here onna Big Durt Ball - bout our buddie lil Kia!!

Wundur iffin You'd mynd pushin Kia up on Top uvva Prayer List?
Jest till she getz offa kritikal list?
Gunna be a lotta Prayerz commin Up There fur a while; and we'z gonna
keep da Prayer Kandilz burnin 24/7 - till Ya tell us she'z OK!

An paLeez dont furget Miz Kimmy - she needs ta fell a GodsPaw :) round her
shoulderz today, too. Tell her that You're werkin onna Kia case full tyme.

Dear God - You got da Best White Coatz werkin on her case, don'cha?
Iffin da Hoppsbittel iz wurried bout munnie - we'z thinkin in stedda gettin prezints fur Kia's Birfday, we kuld all take up a kollekshun an help pay fur gettin her all Fixz'd Up. We'd all like ta Help - an dont wunt Miz Kimmy ta be afraid ta go fur whutebber it takes on account of not havin enuff munnie!

THANKz fur Your Help last nite, God!
'Preciate Your helpin Kimmy get Kia to da White Coatz in tyme!!

We'll be krossin Pawz & Klawz, God.
Let us knowe iffin we kan do anyfin else.

Thankz, God!

/s/ da Prayer Pups

06-06-2003, 10:51 AM
Kimmy, I am so glad to hear Kia is doing better and I hope she can get to come home to you tonight. I agree with everyone else that you should stop beating yourself up about what happened, it really isn`t your fault!
Keeping both Kia and you in my prayers.

Love and hugs all round.

06-06-2003, 11:01 AM
First off Kimmy it isn't your fault! You were only doing what you thought was best for her!
Kia will forgive you no worries!
Give her a hug from us!

06-06-2003, 11:11 AM
OMG!! Kim.....im soooooo sry to hear about Kia. Please don't blame yourself.... All of us here are goin to be prayin to ya...cause we love that blue-eyed girl of yours.
Im gald to hear that she is doin a lil' better though....she is though I know she can get better~!

We miss you Kia~!!!! Lots of LOVE~!!
Asia, Alex,
Ashes, Meche, Kayro
n' Baby

06-06-2003, 11:14 AM
I also was telling her on the phone last night it's not her fault. Neither she nor her normal vet would have known Kia would have a horrible reaction to this shot.

Right now, the best vets in the state of Michigan (and student interns :eek: ) are looking after her. Usually when an animal gets sent to the MSU vet place, the animal is in REALLY bad shape, since it's above the level of care any normal vet clinic can provide. When I found out about Kia going to MSU I was really scared for her and Kim, honestly.

I was saddened by my little friend Kia being in such bad shape, and also quite worried about Kimmy, since she said it'll be an $800-1,200 MINIMUM bill for this, and they don't take payments, so she'll be maxing out her credit card just to pay for this. :(


06-06-2003, 11:17 AM
Bless you Prayer Pups! *tears up*

Bless all of you.

I'm going to call the doctors. I can't sit here and wait. I want to be with Kia if I can.

*hugs to all!! *

4 Dog Mother
06-06-2003, 11:24 AM
Thanks, Staci, for drawing my attention to this thread. Wasn't on the computer much yesterday so I didn't know what was happening with Kia.

Oh, Kimmy, I am so sorry that this happened to Kia. I too am crying because I know I would be out of my mind with worry and guilt if it was one of my babies.

But like all the others, I am going to say don't blame yourself. With all the stuff on the market and the shots they give our pets today, it is hard to remember what is what and what they have had and what is reported to have negative results.

I had read on a thread here that Pro-heart was a ? for some vets. It was what we had been using on our dogs but when we got Jack with all his problems I asked our vet about it. She said that she had never had a dog have a problem with it. That is was usually very young pups and old senior dogs that sometimes had problems. So Jack had pro-heart too - as did all of our others.

So please don't blame yourself Kimmy. It's like when you have a kid and the dr. gives a prescription for something and your child reacts. You think you should have known better but there is no way to know what is safe for every person, animal. And my dad took penicillin for years but then became allergic to it. It's just one of those unknowns that we all have in life.

The think to be proud of is you were able to get her help so quickly. Fear can paralyze and tears can keep us from doing what we need to do as quickly as we need to do it. You did a great job in getting Kia help quickly and that is what is important.

Kia and you will be in our prayers as she continues to heal. And I will give each of our dogs an extra hug thinking of Kia as I do so!

06-06-2003, 11:44 AM
Just got off the phone with Dr. Eifler.

Kia is sitting up and so they moved her to a larger kennel.

The doctor had just gotten off the phone with ProHeart and they said that bloody diareha and seizures is a known side effect but this is the first time they've heard of an animal having both.

Dr. Eifler said she was surprised that ProHeart admitted to the knowledge of the side effects. She said not very many companies would come forward and say such a thing.

Kia's still has the bloody diareha and said that she'd probably do well to stay another night under observation but that I can take her home if I want too.

I told her that it mattered on cost. She said she'd have the bill done up and that I can come visit Kia at any time (I'm leaving soon)

If I did take Kia home and I needed to take her back to the hospital, Dr. Eifler said she wouldn't charge me for bringing her back.

I don't know..... should I take her home? I miss her so much.

Oh... and they have her on a Pepto like antibiotic.

06-06-2003, 11:48 AM
I don't know..... should I take her home? I miss her so much.

well what is the cost now, and how much more is another night? it is a hard decision, go visit her and then maybe you can decide there?

06-06-2003, 11:48 AM
Oh, Kimmy, I am so sorry for everything that you and Kia and Andy have gone through. You are in my thoughts and prayers. If you need anything, just let us know. As Phred said, I'm sure there are plenty here who will be willing to help you out financially. Just provide us the address and I'm sure some funds will come in. Kia, keep up the fight. You are young and strong and I'm sure you can't wait to get back home with your mommy. God Bless you all!!!!

06-06-2003, 12:00 PM
that's a very tough choice--on one hand, you want her to stay where she can be monitered by doctors, and on another you want your sweet baby home with you.
I'm sorry I can't help you on that one, but maybe once you see her you can make up your mind.
I am shocked that the company readily admitted to the side affects also, but I am glad that they did.
Please let us know what you decide.

Prayer pups--you 2 are the BEST!!!!
I would love to help out in any way possible.

06-06-2003, 12:11 PM
You must NOT blame yourself, Kimmy!! You are a wonderful fur Mom and you could not have forseen the terrible reaction Kia had!!:( The important thing right now is that Kia is turning the corner and doing so much better!! Prayers continue for Kia's full and quick recovery. Perhaps another day at the vet's would be prudent, and if so, remember, in EVERY way, that we are here for you!! Love and hugs to you Kimmy...Hang in there and DON'T BLAME YOURSELF!!

06-06-2003, 12:11 PM
Mugsy the darling that she is, is writing a letter to a vet that is running a sort of awareness campaign about ProHeart 6.


Edwina's Secretary
06-06-2003, 12:16 PM
How far away is the vet? That would be important fact to me in making the decision as to whether to bring her home today or tomorrow (also...can you get her out on a Saturday?)

06-06-2003, 12:27 PM
Roughly 10 minutes away Sara. :)

06-06-2003, 12:35 PM
Oh Kim - please don't blame yourself sweetheart - remember things happen. I'm keeping you and precious Kia in my thoughts and a bit like our 'famous prayer pups' have lit a candle - all thoughts and love across the miles.


06-06-2003, 12:40 PM
Please don't blame yourself. In fact, I am really wondering why this medication is still on the market and available, if it is known there are serious side effects.

For me, I think I would want to know that Kia is 100% out of the woods before I brought her home.

But that is just my opinion and you will know exactly what to do when you see her.

06-06-2003, 12:54 PM

The letter is written to the concerned vet and a rather pointed letter has been written and sent to ProHeart6. I wasn't very nice (imagine that).


Kim is bringing her home. She isn't very far from the vet. I think that is the best for Kia. I am wondering if some of the diahhrea isn't being caused by the stress of being in an unfamiliar place and not feeling well and not having Mommy around.

Best of luck Kim...call us when you know something.

06-06-2003, 12:55 PM
I can't believe I am just finding out about this...I didn't get on PT last night, and my mom called me a little bit ago at work to tell me.

You and Kia will be in our prayers. I'm sure Kia will recover wuickly, she is a strong healthy girl. And as everyone else has said, don't blame yourself. Medicines/vacations can be such a life saving thing that is hard to remember that there can be side effects or a downside. You had no way of knowing this would happne and you were doing what was best for your baby...making sure she didn't get heartworm.

Try to stay positive...you were there when it happened, you got her treatment quickly and you are close to MSU. Their vet programs is one of the best. I'm sure Kia is getting the best care possible.

06-06-2003, 12:55 PM

I'm so sorry to hear the news about Kia. I've just read your
last update & sounds like the Vets are getting this under control.
As to bringing her home today, I would leave that up to the Dr.
If they feel she would benefit from another 24 hrs of monitoring,
I'd leave her where she is. Hard to do, I know, but if they think
it best, I'd do it. Did they say anything about possible after
effects with Kia ? Prayers & hugs going out to you both. Liz.

06-06-2003, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by lizbud

I'm so sorry to hear the news about Kia. I've just read your
last update & sounds like the Vets are getting this under control.
As to bringing her home today, I would leave that up to the Dr.
If they feel she would benefit from another 24 hrs of monitoring,
I'd leave her where she is. Hard to do, I know, but if they think
it best, I'd do it. Did they say anything about possible after
effects with Kia ? Prayers & hugs going out to you both. Liz.

OMG! I just found this and I wanted to add that you and Kia are in my prayers too!! I agree with lizbud. I think if the Dr. feels that it would be better to monitor Kia for another 24 hours, then I would do it. I know this is going to be a huge financial burden to you, but sometimes we just have to take that as it comes, because our pets are our kids to most of us here. Everything has a way of working out, and I'm positive you'll manage, especially with the help of all your wonderful friends, both PT and non.

Please, please please don't blame yourself!! I found myself doing the same thing when my Marius had an adverse reaction to routine shots, and started vomiting blood. I have actually been so scared to take him back, but since he's an indoor cat, it's easier for me to do that. With dogs, it's a bit more difficult because they do get more outside time. You were being a good dog mommy and making sure Kia was vaccinated and guarded against the dreaded heartworm. I would have never imagined something like this happening either. Don't blame yourself. Kia knows you love her very much, and I'm sure she'll pull through ok. She's a strong girl, and a fighter. Many prayers are coming to you and Kia during this difficult time.


06-06-2003, 01:25 PM
Mugsy, I wonder if Kim can get ProHeart6 to help pay for the mega-huge sized bill they caused with their product, having to take Kia to a specialty place to get worked on and all. :confused:

Since they DID admit to the vet the problems the meds could have are the exact same problems Kia is having right after getting a clean bill of health from her normal vet. She gets the preventitive shot and BAM.....she's down for the count. That vets testimony would hold up against ProHeart6 I'd say.

06-06-2003, 01:43 PM
I am so sorry to hear about your news!
I haven't been on much lately!

You are Kia are in our thoughts and prayers. Please don't blame yourself, from what I read you were great in the way you handled the situation. I'm not sure I could have done what you did.

Please keep us updated and we will keep you and Kia in our thoughts and prayers.

06-06-2003, 02:04 PM
Hi ramanth,

Boy, this sure hasn't been a good week for pettalk puppers,
but you reacted way better than me in a crisis.
Glad to hear that it looks like Kia will be okay and I'll send
some positive vibes her way.


06-06-2003, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by gini
Please don't blame yourself. In fact, I am really wondering why this medication is still on the market and available, if it is known there are serious side effects.

For me, I think I would want to know that Kia is 100% out of the woods before I brought her home.

But that is just my opinion and you will know exactly what to do when you see her.

I agree 100%, Gini. I think it is time for it to be pulled, even if there are dogs who handle it fine. Who is to know when it might affect theirs?? And now I'm wondering if there are any cases where a dog went for a second, third, etc shot and had the ill effects, after tolerating it the first time. There is no telling. I'm just glad that it seems that Kia is going to be ok. Praise God for that!!! :)

Here are a couple of articles that were shared on another community regarding Pro Heart 6:



06-06-2003, 02:10 PM
I hope that Kia makes it through alright. Some prayers are being sent her way. Just remember to be positive and don't blame yourself!!!

06-06-2003, 02:21 PM
Lots of prayers are on the way for you both!

06-06-2003, 02:21 PM
So sorry to hear...Unfortunately I am not in a position to help you financially. My prayers are with you and Kia.

:( :( :(

06-06-2003, 02:28 PM

Kim just called and said she's with Kia right now at MSU. They said the reason it's so expensive is they have her on constant IV drip to get fluids into her system, and that has to be monitored by the nurses continuously. They said if she took her home, to cook her boiled rice and cottage cheese with a little water to continue to give fluids into her system.

They said if she took her out right now, it'll be $900. If Kia stays another night, it'll be another $300-500.

06-06-2003, 02:28 PM
Here's (http://dogoftheday.com/archive/2002/April/14.html) one reason.!

06-06-2003, 02:36 PM
I had forgotten this, Joan!!!! Thank you for bringing that back up!! :)

06-06-2003, 02:47 PM
I have to share that reading again about Kia as Pet of the Day just gave me the chills. My arms have goosebumps on them right now. Kia - sweet one - please pull through for your Mom!

06-06-2003, 02:53 PM
That story is so sweet. What a special girl! :D

06-06-2003, 03:00 PM
Wow...$300-$500 for one night...adds to an already difficult decision. Not that we wouldn't do anything for our babies, but will you have more piece of mind knowing that if she stays there is trained staff to treat her immediatly? Or is it possible, like Molly said that she may recover quicker at home?

Whatever you decide Kim, I know you will chose what is best for Kia, and the money will work out somehow.

Cinder & Smoke
06-06-2003, 03:19 PM
Just talked to Kim (& Kia) in the Hospital -
Kia IS going to stay another night...
So thay can work on getting some water & food inot her via mouth. The IV drip will continue;
as well as round-the-clock monitoring by the overnight Vet Techs.

Kia HAS be Out & About with Kim - they took a stroll outside. Kia is Very Tired now, but seems reasonably *happie*! :)

Doc is still concerned, but optomistic.
Kim shot some pix of the Patient - and will go back to work to post them here.

I suggested she ask if she could come back later for a visit - no word on IF that's allowed or not.

More as we get it... STAY TUNED!

Prayers for Kia NEEDED!!

/s/ Phred

06-06-2003, 03:25 PM
Kia is such a special little girl. She's a fighter so I'm sure she'll be home in no time, playing with her dearest mommy. Prayers until she gets back home safe and sound.

06-06-2003, 04:06 PM
I agree with everyone. DON'T BLAME yourself!!
Their is nothing you could have done.
I am so glad Kia is turning around for the better.
Still sending lots of love and prayers your way.

06-06-2003, 04:16 PM
Thanks for the update Phred.

What about if at 5 pm central time (6 pm eastern, 3 pm pacific, 4pm mountain?) all available Pet Talkers say a prayer for Kim and Kia? The more voices God hears the better. Everyone with me?

If your unsure of your time zone, look here:Find your time zone (http://www.worldtimezone.com/)

06-06-2003, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
Just talked to Kim (& Kia) in the Hospital -
Kia IS going to stay another night...
So thay can work on getting some water & food inot her via mouth. The IV drip will continue;
as well as round-the-clock monitoring by the overnight Vet Techs.

Kia HAS be Out & About with Kim - they took a stroll outside. Kia is Very Tired now, but seems reasonably *happie*! :)

Doc is still concerned, but optomistic.
Kim shot some pix of the Patient - and will go back to work to post them here.

I suggested she ask if she could come back later for a visit - no word on IF that's allowed or not.

More as we get it... STAY TUNED!

Thanks Phred. :)

Thank you all for the thoughts, prayers, and well wishes. :) And Joan, that was sweet of you to post her DOTD link. :)

As promised, here are a couple pics of the patient.



She is SO embarressed of that "blue thing" on her tail. ;) (It keeps her tail clean from all the poopy. :o )

It was a rough decision but as Phred explained, I did decide to leave her at the vets for one more night.

I can and am going to visit her again tonight. The vet will be there till 9 p.m. but I can visit even later than that. The front staff that was there when I left will be there when I get back.

Kia enjoyed her walk (she pulled quite a bit) but it tired her out quickly. She drank half a cup of water and held it down so the vet said that is a good sign.

Mommy is tired! And I bet I have some happy (?) cats when I get home.

06-06-2003, 04:56 PM
I'm so relieved she's doing better! What a scary thing.

06-06-2003, 05:01 PM
Still praying for Kia. Hopefully tonight will fly by for you, and then you will be with her again. Glad things are looking a bit up!

06-06-2003, 05:09 PM
Kim, I am so glad that Kia is getting better. I'm also glad that you have decided to let her stay at the hospital another day. I think she had a brush with death yesterday (you will see when you research this further). It is better that she is watched over carefully for a while. Hugs and good luck to you and Kia.

06-06-2003, 05:20 PM
{{{{hugs}}}}, and it will be tomorrow before you know it!!! I am so glad to see pics of Kia, even with the funny thing on her tail. I think the vet tonight was a good idea. Kia will get her supervised rest, and you will get a decent night's sleep, I hope. You will need it, cause I imagine on Saturday night you will want to pop an eye open every once in awhile.

Accidents happen, and we learn from them. Life is too short to look backwards. Your energies are better spent on tomorrow, not what has already happened.

Sleep tight, you and Kia.

06-06-2003, 05:22 PM
So good to see Kia, even with a sillt blu thing on her tail. Get some rest tonight, I'm sureyou'll need it tomorrow :)

06-06-2003, 05:33 PM
She also hates that bell. ;) *laughs*

"I'm not a cow or a cat." is the look she gives me.

Well, I'm just about out the door. I need to run home and check on the kitties and then it is back to the vet.

Phred, the wonderful internet sleuth that he is, found some great info that I'll give to the doc. :)

I won't have internet until Saturday evening (at my parents where Kia and I will be spending the weekend)

So if anyone feels like calling me, Phred, Mugsy, and Moosmom have my number. :)

*hugs to you all! *

06-06-2003, 05:35 PM
Kimmy, thank you for posting those pictures of Kia, such a welcome sight, even with the blue thingy on her tail and not looking as chipper as usual! I am so glad she is doing a mite better and, along with most everyone, think your leaving her another night under close supervision is the best option.

Prayers continuing.
Much love, many hugs

06-06-2003, 06:01 PM
What a momenteous, emotional day. Kimmy, I can't tell you how happy it made me to see pics of our belove Kia!:) And Phred, tireless sleuth that you are, thanks for all of your guidance, advice and support! I think it's best that Kia have another sleep over for monitoring and to check that those fluids stay down. It's wonderful that you can visit her into the wee hours, though!;) Just remember Kimmy, you need some rest too, so get a good night's sleep. Your girl's going to need her Mommy when she gets home!:) God, please watch over our dear friends Kimmuy and Kia.

Love, prayers and positive thoughts for our beautiful Kia and her wonderful Mommy, Kimmy!:) Love, Sandra, Cody and Star!

06-06-2003, 06:27 PM
glad Kia is almost recovered! wow, what a bill! I would want to see if the company that still makes that product, would have to pay at least some of the bill, if they knew it could cause those side effects...wow, I don't thnink I will complain about my cats vets bills anymore!

feel better Kia!

06-06-2003, 06:40 PM
Feel better Kia!
My prayers will be with you! :)

4 Dog Mother
06-06-2003, 06:51 PM
Glad to hear (and see) that Kia is doing better. Kimmy, you and Kia will be in our thoughts and prayers tonight and throughout the weekend.

06-06-2003, 07:15 PM
Thank Dog!!!!
Kia is a little better!!!!!
I just got home from work...had to check on Dear Kia!!!!
as everyone said...it is in No way your fault...I think by now you know that....
and as cincysmom said...the money will work out somehow....don't fret...hug your furbaby!!!!

Thanks for the update and the pics.....

Tell Sweet Kia...That the Blue Bandage Compliments her Beautiful eyes So Well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Kim...take care of yourself...Kia needs you healthy.....:)

You are both in our thoughts and prayers

06-06-2003, 07:58 PM
Yea for Kia!
She sure looks tired in the pics!
Will be thinking of you!

06-06-2003, 09:09 PM
:) :) Yeah for Kia and you too, (Kim)
So glad things are looking up for you two. We will continue to keep you both in our thoughts and prayers. :)
I hope you get some rest tonight, you will need it to keep up with Kia's road to recovery!

Sleep tight and please keep us updated.
Keeping you in our thoughts and Prayers, Lisa, Max and Spike!

06-06-2003, 09:11 PM
Oh my gosh, I feel so sad seeing those pictures of her. She looks tired but alert and I think she'll pull through beautifully. I really wish I could send you some money but I am going in debt practically from paying for my foster's vet bills. I hope you can make ends meet :( I can't wait until Kia is back with you. I know she's a mama's girl and needs some TLC from you. I'll be looking forward to more updates and can't wait to hear when she's back to 100%.

06-06-2003, 09:36 PM
Kimmy.. I'm so sorry I'm so late..I was out most of the day yesterday and today but Logan called me. I never need anything for my birthday, but since I still have a few more hours, I just prayed that God will grant me my wish that Kia has a full recovery!! That's all I want!! Poor Kia, Poor you. I know how you feel but you can't blame yourself! It's easy to say but I went through something simiilar. You have to realize that you can't love Kia any more than you do and you would never ever hurt Kia for anything in the world. Kia's in good hands [COLOR=purple]in the right place. The photos were so touching. What a beauty! Listen, I'm not working right now, but I think I'll still be able to help you out. Been there..but TG for Pet insurance! Many prayers are coming your way too... as hard as it is, you must take care of yourself so you can take care of Kia. Love, Karen

Sara luvs her Tinky
06-06-2003, 10:05 PM
I just came across this...
I am praying for you guys... stay strong...


Poor baby girl... (had to go ahead and read the rest of the thread)
Little Kia girl you are such a good puppy!! I am soo sorry you are having to wear that horrible blue bandage.. I wish I could come over and kiss you right on the nose. You take it easy and drink your water. We are all praying for you and I just know you will be better in no time. I love you Kia... and Kim you take it easy.. I just know everything will be better soon.

06-06-2003, 10:13 PM
So glad to see that Kia is up & about, but Staci's right, she does look very tired in her pics, not the way I'm used to seeing her at all. I'm glad you decided that she needed to stay, just so they can keep a close eye on her.
And like everyone else said, get some rest yourself, she needs you strong:)
More {{{hugs}}} & prayers on the way.
Luv you both.
Anna, Mark, Angus, Roxey & Huney

Cinder & Smoke
06-06-2003, 10:37 PM

Dad jest called da Hoppsbittel an talked to da Gurl that put Kia
to Beddy-Bye...

She sed that MawMee Kim wuz in fur a visit an stayed till a lil aftur 10pm.
Mom took Kia fur a Walkie anna Outie - they had a Reel Nice Visit! :)

She sed Kia wuz a lil *tiurd* aftur da hike an seemed like she wuz
reddie fur bed.
But ebberbuddie tinkz Kia iz doin Reel Gud! :D

An dat'z about all Dad kuld get her ta say... :p

Now let'z all keep Krossin our Pawz an Klawz,
an sayin our Prayerz, so Kia's all reddy to GO HOME inna mornin!!

An Miz Kimmy - you try ta get sum *sleep* tanite!
We gotz God werkin onna case - so thingz will turn out jest Fine! ;)

{{{HUGGz}}} to Kia an Kimmy!! :)

06-06-2003, 10:39 PM
Prayers and positive thoughts are still flowing your way from us. Glad to hear that she's staying another night at the vet just in case. I was also very happy to see some pics of her. What a good, strong girl you are, Kia!

Licks and hugs,
Britt and Lady

06-06-2003, 11:55 PM
Oh Cinna and Smoke!!!
What would we do without our"Prayer Puppers"
and our "phred!!on the spot reporter!!!";) :) :D
you guys are The Best!!!!

06-07-2003, 12:10 AM
Kim, I'm so glad to hear that Kia is doing much better. :) Prayers and positive thoughts are still coming your way. Please take care.

06-07-2003, 12:14 AM
I am so sorry to hear about Kia. She is a gorgeous dog! My prayers are with you and Kia. I know everything will turn out ok.

06-07-2003, 02:38 AM
DeliDog - thanks for PM'ing me about this!!!

I have been away for work (again), and only logged in at home THIS EVENING!!!

Kim, hugs, prayers and kisses to you and Kia. NO way was this ever your fault (as everyone has already said). At least you got Kia baby back to the vet quick smart ......
tears in my eyes as I read all the posts ........ and also read the DOTD day that Kia had last year.

Molly - you, strongly wording a letter ....... that I gotta see!!!!! :D Need more people to write ....... I am happy to oblige.
Phred - thanks for keeping us posted too.

Kim - again, love and best wishes to you, Kia and your kitties. They too must wonder where beautiful Kia is!

Keep us posted (when you can .....)

Michelle, Captain, Ruby and Jo

06-07-2003, 04:21 AM
Originally posted by delidog
Oh Cinna and Smoke!!!
What would we do without our"Prayer Puppers"
and our "phred!!on the spot reporter!!!";) :) :D
you guys are The Best!!!!


Glad you got to spend some time with your girl last night, Kim. It has to be at least a little easier being able to see her. Hoping things are going well this morning and we look forward to an update from you tonight :) Nothing will help Kia recover like loving from Mommy and Grandma and Grandpa!!!

06-07-2003, 06:17 AM
I'm so sorry you had to go through this, Ramanth. I haven't posted in this thread yet, but I've been reading everyone else's prayers and thinking of your special girl all day.
Good luck. I'm so happy that she's doing better (and the blue thing on the tail is quite becoming, she should know. It matches so well with her eyes).
Prayers and hugs ;)

06-07-2003, 06:32 AM
Oh my I am glad she is doing so much better! This thread is every pet owner's nightmare. You handled things beautifully Kimmy and a big Thank You to God for healing your little girl! We can't wait to hear that she is back home in your arms. (((hugs)))

06-07-2003, 06:43 AM
Originally posted by Pam
Oh my I am glad she is doing so much better! This thread is every pet owner's nightmare. You handled things beautifully Kimmy and a big Thank You to God for healing your little girl! We can't wait to hear that she is back home in your arms. (((hugs)))

I totally agree with Pam!! Hope you are feeling even better today, Kia!!! (and Kim, too)

06-07-2003, 07:57 AM
Kimmy, I just found this thread and I haven't even had the opportunity to absorb all that has happened in the past couple of days. Please know that you cannot blame yourself. You are not a VET, and obviously even your vet did not suspect that this could or would happen or he wouldn't have given the shot. How can you then feel that you should have known?

I am so glad you took the pictures of Kia for us. They convey just how serious her situation has been, yet they also convey that she can and will overcome this event. They also brought back some memories of when Hannah was very sick. I know some of the fear you have experienced. I am glad that you are able to be with your folks this weekend. You need the support they can give you. Sometimes the shock of this type of situation can hit you after the the fact.

Thanks to Phred for the updates and prayers. Sometimes I think those Prayer Dogs with their sweet, gentle souls have a direct line to The Big Guy himself.

Give Kia all our love and wishes to come home to her loving Mom.

06-07-2003, 08:02 AM
Originally posted by Rachel
Thanks to Phred for the updates and prayers. Sometimes I think those Prayer Dogs with their sweet, gentle souls have a direct line to The Big Guy himself.

Yes, from their muzzle to God's ears!!!! They have Direct Connect!! Just goes to prove what I've believed all along: Pets are Angels sent from God to help us all.

06-07-2003, 08:09 AM
Originally posted by 4 Dog Mother
Then think to be proud of is you were able to get her help so quickly. Fear can paralyze and tears can keep us from doing what we need to do as quickly as we need to do it. You did a great job in getting Kia help quickly and that is what is important.

That was my feeling as well. You made a heroic effort and I believe it was what saved her life. Also thank God that the MSU emergency clinic was available to you. What a blessing that is in a situation such as this.

06-07-2003, 08:24 AM
I was so happy to see the pictures of sweet Kia. I agree, she does look tired, but just as beautiful as ever!!!
Take care, and give her lots and lots of kisses from me!!!!

Cinder and Smoke--your direct line is amazing--you 2 truly are angels!! And thanks for the reports Phred!!

I can't wait to see more pictures of Kia, happy and healthy again.
You did such a wonderful job, Kim--I really don't know how I would have reacted to that situation--you are truly Kia's angel.

Molly--would you be able to post the address for the company who you wrote the letter to?? I'm sure many of us would like to write a strongly worded letter as well. I cannot believe vets actually even carry this stuff.

((((Kimmy and Kia))))))

06-07-2003, 10:35 AM
Kim, I'm so sorry to hear about Kia :( But I'm glad she's doing better :) I'm sure she'll be back to her usual self in no time. She looks great in the pics, thanks for sharing them :)

Cinder & Smoke
06-07-2003, 10:54 AM
Miz Kimmy called Dad wiff More GUD NEWZ!!! :)

Seems Miz Kia had a GUD NITE inna Hoppsbittel!
Kim iz onna way ober there - anna plan iz for Kia to get *OUT* around Noon-tyme - TUDAY!

The Staff said she wuz quiet an sleepie mosta the nite...
Onlee gotz two problemoz - but they're not too seereeus...

Kia had a lil more :eek: bloody diarrhea :(, but they're thinkin that may be caused partly by issue # 2...

Kia duz NOT like :mad: da Hoppsbittel GRUB!! :p
Will not touch the krunchies they offur!

Dad suggested to Kimmy she otta stop atta Denny's Kitchin an ask da Chef to whip up a platter of Boiled Rice, well-dun Chikin or Kow, wiffa lil *splash* of gooey gravey! Now THAT soundz like a meal!

Let'z all keep ebberthin *Krossed* fur a while longer! Doc prolly hasta take anudder *look* atta *vitalz* affore Kia kan walk - but things look RELEE GUD for a discharge inna lil while.

Kim & Kia are goin ober to the Folkz - fur the resta the weekend. Otta hear direct frum them inna few more hours!


06-07-2003, 11:00 AM
Thank you for such a wonderful update on Kia. I had been checking all morning. One thought...maybe remind Kimmy that since Kia hasn't eaten in a while, frequent small meals may be the better way to go for awhile? Don't want an upset tum-tum....

What great news, and I can't wait to hear Kim's report tonight!!!

06-07-2003, 11:30 AM
Thanks for keeping us posted, Phred. If everything went as planned Kia should be free by now!!! Yeah!!!!

Cinder & Smoke
06-07-2003, 11:58 AM
Dad sez *Oopsie* :o
Must notta been *lissnin* so gud! :p

Jest tried to talk to Momma Kim... not answerin her cell dinger.
Called da Hoppsbittel...
Gurl sounded a lil puzzeled...
Seems Kimmy izint *due* till Wun a-klok...
"oh..." sed Dad...

But they hadda lil chat -
Seems da Gurl saw Kia prancin downna hall onna way OUT fur a *walkie* wiff wunna da Staff.
Gurl sed Kia *Looked Gud*!

So we prolly won't hear nuffin frum Mom an Kia till aftur 2 or 3 a-klok or so... gonna take a while ta sine out (an pay da :eek: *bill*).
Guess we'll all jest hafta :( w a i t ... a while longur.

06-07-2003, 12:25 PM
Thanks for keeping us posted, Phred.

Kimmy, I haven't been able to post til now, but I've been following this thread and praying for Kia and you all along. I hope Kia has a full recovery soon. She is one of my favorite PT dogs - love those blue eyes.

I think it would be a good idea to follow up with the manufacturer of the shot to see if they can help with the vet bill. If there are others with these same reactions, it could serve as the basis for a class action lawsuit, something the company would not like to have happen.

Anywho, take care of yourself and Kia and update us with progress as you can.

06-07-2003, 12:52 PM
Thanks for the updates Phred, I've been thinking of Kim & Kia
all morning. It's good to login and see the good news.:) Thank
heavens you acted so quickly & help wasn't too far away. I will
always believe in the power of prayer. Everyone's pulling for both
of you. Kia is a lucky pup to have you for a Momma Kim. We will
continue to keep you both in our prayers. Hugs & kisses from
Liz & Smokey.:)

Cinder & Smoke
06-07-2003, 01:55 PM
:D KIA iz HOME!! :D

Oh HAPPIE Daze!! :)

Welcome Home, KIA!

Well, she'z akshulee at GranMaw's & GranPaw's Howze,
but dat'z a lot better den bein inna Hoppsbittel!

MawMee Kim is firin up da puter rite now...
Big Tail commin rite up...

Y'all stay tuned!!

06-07-2003, 02:22 PM

06-07-2003, 02:24 PM
Kimmy. I'm so sorry I only read this post right now, but sometimes is good to be late because then I can read good news. And is certainly good news to know that precious Kia is doing better and coming home.
Positive thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery are going your way with hugs to both of you.

06-07-2003, 02:45 PM
YAY! Kia's out of there! :D Welcome home Kia! :D

06-07-2003, 03:09 PM
Hey everyone!!! (sorry for the delay... dad got on the phone... he's a gabber believe it or not. :rolleyes: :D )

Kia is home and TIRED! She didn't want anything to eat, just some water.

I originally was supposed to pick her up at Noon but then the Dr. called a little before and asked that I get her at 1 p.m. So I had to wait (anxiously I might add ;) ) and then I headed out. :D

She was VERY happy to see me... tail wagging, lots of kisses, and wanted a belly rub. I think all the excitement of seeing me tired her out. ;) She slept the entire way to my parents and then after greeting Grandma and Grandpa, she plopped on the floor and hasn't budged since. Although they are doting on her and getting on the floor with her and trying to get her to play.

(I think she's mad at me cuz she had to take a pill after we got back. :eek: ;))

Thank you all so much for everything. I look back now and the thing that suprises me the most is how I got her out the door and down the stairs without tripping or stumbling.

And now for the fun stuff:

Here's what the doc typed up.

Physical Examination: Lateral Recumbancy
Findings at MSU: Severe Tachycardia (250 beats/minute)
Weak pulses

Kia began vomiting profusely on presentation and had several bouts of severe bloody diarrhea. She was bolused one liter of LRS after which her heart rate declined to 180 bpm. Kia was given diphenhydramine and dexamethasone.

Kia was given 2 units of fresh frozen plasma due to her clotting abnormalities.

Kia's heart rate became elevated once again and so a dose of hetastarch was given in combination with LRS.

Kia began to improve ove night though she still had several bouts of bloddy diarrhea which continued thoughout the next day. Her last episode of vomiting was at 2:00 a.m.

Kia was kept on fluids thoughout the night and the next 2 days. She was started on ampicillin as well as sucralfate.

Fort Dodge was contacted in regards to the Pro Heart injection. They have seen similar reactions from Pro Heart in the past though Kia's reaction was an extreme one and the possibility of a reaction to the vaccines can not be ruled out.

Diagnosis: Anaphylactic Reaction

Prognosis: Kia's chances of recovering are good however, her gastrointestinal tract has been compromised and there is a chance that she could get an infection from bacteria that could enter the blood stream though the inflamed intestinal walls. For this reason Kia has been placed on antibiotics.

She's on Clavamox and Sucralfate for roughly two weeks. She's not out of the wood yet, but I think she'll be just fine. :)

06-07-2003, 03:15 PM
Welcome home Kia!!! I'm getting teary eyed just reading this. Just like Pam said, this truly IS every pet owners worst nightmare. I'm so glad that things are looking up for you. :)

06-07-2003, 03:15 PM
Thanks for the update Kim! I'm so happy to hear that Kia is at home with you now.

06-07-2003, 03:17 PM
Kim, I am glad that you are back home (with your parents) with Kia. What an ordeal for both of you!

I cannot tell you how strongly I feel that this product should be taken off of the market.

What Kia has been through should not happen to any animal.

And I do think the company should be paying for your vet bills!

Perhaps I am reacting very strongy today about this.......but I cannot help but feel this all could have been avoided!

Thanks for letting me vent!

06-07-2003, 03:43 PM

You get rested up pretty girl! You got a birthday coming up and we want you all better by then :)

06-07-2003, 03:54 PM
I am so happy to see that Kia is now with you, and you are with your parents. I think everyone can use a little TLC right now. I will continue to hold Kia and you in my prayers.

Steffi N
06-07-2003, 04:02 PM
Welcome Home Kia
I read your Dog of the Day story. You are very special and I'm glad you are home now and hope for a quick and complete recovery. Zam and Little Logan, you let your brother get some rest now.

06-07-2003, 04:02 PM
I'm so glad you have your sweetie home with you again. I would sure contact the company that sells that horrible product. If they won't pay for the vet bills, I would contact every newspaper and television station I could and warn every one about it. The company won't want bad press and may do something about their product that way.

Kia, you've had quite a time of it so rest up and enjoy being pampered.
Hugs to you both.

06-07-2003, 04:43 PM
I am so happy to hear Kia is home and most everything is improving. I haven't been on PT in quite a few days, so when I got on this afternoon I looked at the post and couldn't believe me eyes. Now, 45 minutes later after reading just about every word everyone has posted I am finally posting. I am sorry for all the stress this has caused for you and Kia. I know the financial part must be somewhat of a burden as well. I, myself, just going through with about $1800 with Orion right around Chirstmas. I am glad to hear everything is going well and that you and Kia were going home to your parents today and home tonight. I am sure we have some kind people that could help you out with the vet bill, as the extremely and generous people did for Myself and Kenny to help Orion get well. As for myself, money is tight until next Thursday (payday YAY!!!). What goes around, comes around. :-) People were able to help me when I was in need, and I, in return, hope I can help you as well as other when in need. Good luck with everything and may God bless you both. :)

06-07-2003, 05:02 PM
So glad to hear that Kia is back home again (well just like home-gramma and grampa's)!! Hope there are no lasting ill effects from this reaction. I am so glad that you survived, Kia. Kim, when you
read some of the reports and instances of fatalities from this drug, you can fully understand the extent of the danger Kia was in. I am so relieved that Kia is ok!!!!!
Thanks Phred for the updates!

06-07-2003, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
I'm so glad you have your sweetie home with you again. I would sure contact the company that sells that horrible product. If they won't pay for the vet bills, I would contact every newspaper and television station I could and warn every one about it. The company won't want bad press and may do something about their product that way.

My thoughts exactly! Oh what a horrible horrible thing for you both to have gone through but thankfully Kia is going to be just fine. A little R & R from mom and the folks and she'll be good as new. :) I'm glad your vet is taking the protective measures to guard against any possible infection. She has certainly been to hell and back. Thank goodness your baby is well!!

06-07-2003, 05:43 PM
Welcome home sweet kia! Kai wants to say something to you::D

Im glad yer bak home safely! My mummy wuz gettin wurreed bout u! Yer a brave gurl fer puttin up wif all diz...I no I wuddnt be as haf as brave wifout my mummy dere beside me 24/7. Make shure u give yer mum a big wet kiss bcuz she wuvz u wery much!

-Wuv Kai

06-07-2003, 05:52 PM
Oh Kimmy!! I'm so thrilled to hear that Kia is back "home," with her Mommy, G'Mom and G'Pop:) Kia's recovery is truly a gift from God! What a terrific vet you've got there too, Kia!! With a little r&r and lots of loving, I'll bet you'll be back on all 4's in no time! I can't tell you how happy I am that your precious baby pulled through, Kimmy! Kia, you are one brave little patient. We are all so proud of you, sweet girl! Lots of love and hugs to you Kia! Sleep well tonight...You're home!!!:D

06-07-2003, 06:11 PM
SOOOO glad to hear Miz Kia will be just fine!!

Tears of joy for you two ~ May everything be smooth sailing from here on out.


06-07-2003, 06:23 PM
Welcome Home Kia!
Much love and many hugs to you and your Mom!


06-07-2003, 07:46 PM
Welcome hope Kai, get better sweet heart.

06-07-2003, 08:26 PM
Someone in my obedience class today asked me about ProHeart. I told the whole class what happened to Kia and they all decided against using it. I also called a couple vet clinics where there are vets I know well and let them know what happened. One clinic may stop giving the shot altogether. So thank you Kia, you brave girl, for possibly saving many lives!

Miss Meow
06-07-2003, 08:32 PM
What a relief to check in this morning and see that Kia's home again :) Big hugs to you both and hope she wakes up feeling better today

06-07-2003, 08:42 PM
What good news to hear that Kia is well enough to be released from the hospital. She has been through quite an ordeal and will probably need some extra rest to get her strength back. Prayers that her recovery will be complete and there will be no lingering effects. Those baby blues will shine brightly again.

06-07-2003, 09:15 PM
Enjoy the evening, Kim, and don't just let Kia be spoiled, you need a little TLC too, after this mess!!! So glad she is doing well enough to be out of the hospital!!! :)

06-07-2003, 10:33 PM
Kim, I'm so glad to hear that Kia is home and doing well. Prayers and positive thoughts are still on the way for a full and speedy recovery. :)

06-07-2003, 10:47 PM
I am so glad that Kia is home and doing so much better!
Still thinking of you!

06-08-2003, 12:13 AM
Hey everyone.

Mister Phred called again to see how things were going with the Kia girl. :) He's so thoughtful and helpful.

Well, she's drinking lots of water which I guess is good, but she barely eats.

We cooked her up some rice and mixed in some cottage cheese, per instructions from the doc. She licked at the cottage cheese and then turned to walk away.

I coaxed her back and took a handful and she ate it out of my hand. She only ate a couple more handfuls, drank some more water and then went to lay down.

After we ate our dinner, dad took a left over baked potato, peeled off the skin and she ate it from his hand in small pieces.

When Mister Phred called, he suggested we blend up some pieces of her dry kibble to give the rice and cottage cheese the 'flavor' of her normal diet.

Sadly, no go. :(

I'm hoping she'll be more hungry tomorrow. I'll keep you all updated.

We'll be spending tonight and tomorrow night here at my parents. :)

Then Monday night I'll be home (Logan gets fixed on Tuesday so I can't free feed the kitties) but Kia will stay here.

Kia sends her love.


06-08-2003, 01:50 AM
Kim and Kia,

I'm sorry I haven't posted in this thread, but I wanted you to know that I am thinking about you and praying for you and Kia. So, even though it isn't written down, it is in my heart :)


06-08-2003, 06:38 AM
dear kim, i'm so glad kia is home, and you might, by this time have had some sleep. every time alex the wonder dog has come home from the er vet (he has epilepsy, and has gone into cluster seizures a few times), i cry with relief and some fear, fear from the charge card bill, and relief that he's back home with me.
since kias' gi tract is in a delicate state for quite a while, what did the vets say that she should eat during the recovery period? how long on the antibiotics? and when do you see your vet for follow up?

06-08-2003, 07:42 AM

06-08-2003, 08:00 AM
Would a little yogurt be OK for Kia? All of my furkids love yogurt, cats and dogs alike! I guess it will take time for her to feel well enough to enjoy eating again. Thinking of you both... (((hugs)))

06-08-2003, 08:39 AM
Yeah Kim,
So glad that Kia is home and a little better...
tell her not to be overly concerned with that svelt figure of hers...the potato and rice don't have fat!!!! :)
hope that she gets her appetite back soon!!!

06-08-2003, 09:22 AM
How's Kia doing this morning? I hope she's eating breakfast!

06-08-2003, 09:51 AM
Welcome home Kia!!!!!!!
You beautiful girl--you need to eat!! My dogs love cottage cheese, and I always use it to "bribe" them--I don't have any suggestions, sorry.
I hope to hear that she is eating today, and all good reports!!

06-08-2003, 10:17 AM
I wish I had better news. :( She just won't eat, although she DOES drink lots of water and keeps it down. She's not had any accidents. About the only time she'll get up is to go to the door to ask to go out.

She woke me up around 10 a.m. whimpering to go outside. I let her out and wagging her tail half heartedly she went to the kitchen, slurped up some water, and then went outside to pee.

When she came back in, mom had warmed up her rice/cottage cheese/blended kibble mixture and she turned up her nose to it.

The cat seemed interested in the food and Kia pushed Converse out of the way, and licked what little I had in my hand before walking away.

She needed to take her morning meds, so we buried the two pills into pieces of banana and (not without a fight) got her to swallow them.

She seemed interested in our breakfast of eggs, so mom scrambled her some eggs but she only ate two pieces. :(

Then it took some coaxing but she had a couple more pieces of banana (pill free)

Drank some more water and now again she's just laying there.

I'm going to call MSU to see what other bland foods I can give her.

Any ideas?

Ohhh Sue.. I know how you feel now with Killian. I'm practically begging her to eat but I bet her tummy still hurts.

Thank you all for your prayers, either posted or not. :)

Originally posted by joycenalex
since kias' gi tract is in a delicate state for quite a while, what did the vets say that she should eat during the recovery period?
Her discharge sheet said boiled rice and cottage cheese. Basically anything bland.

how long on the antibiotics?
roughly two weeks

and when do you see your vet for follow up?
I guess whenever I call them. :)

06-08-2003, 10:32 AM
All I can think of is Cheerios but I bet she won't want to eat those.

When Reece has gotten sick (not as bad as Kia was though), it took him a few days to start eating again too. I'd make him the boiled hamburger and rice mixture and he'd just pick at the hamburger and spit the rice out.

Maybe you can give her some Pedialyte or something to rehydrate her some more? Of course it does sound like she's drinking enough water.

I'm not vet, but I am thinking its normal that she's not eating yet. I'd be worried if she doesn't get her appetite back tomorrow though. Don't worry Kim, with your care I'm sure she'll be just fine!

06-08-2003, 10:54 AM
I think in general they know when it's a good idea for then to eat and when their little tummies just won't tolerate it yet. I agree with Aly, though. She should start eating something tomorrow, or I'd be calling the Vet.

06-08-2003, 11:08 AM

It's so good to have Kia home with family again. About the
not eating. Once when Buddy experienced a very bad bout
of upset stomach & diarrhea.(he ate a dead bird).:rolleyes: , the
Vet sent home some cans of Hills Prescription Diet I/D - a very, very bland mixture of tummy-friendly food. He ate 1/2 can &
some rice and kept it down. You can only get it from a Vet.Maybe
you could ask your Vet about it. It's very easy on the stomach
& gives the dog much needed nutrition until her insides heal
up a bit. Hugs & good wishes to Kia. :)

06-08-2003, 11:18 AM
One thing that has worked with Sadie when she didn't want to eat was to give her some low sodium Chicken broth. With Kia's allergies I don't know if that is a good idea or not, but maybe some kind of a broth she could drink would interest her more then food right now.

When Sadie got stung last fall and had to get a steroid shot, it was about 2-3 days before she would eat normally. I really think it just takes time, and right now even a few bites of something is good.

06-08-2003, 11:24 AM

I was in the computer room, mom was coming out of her bedroom when she said, "Hey! You're up and around!" I ran to the door and there's Kia coming up the hall, slowly but tail wagging, she saw me and increased her speed a little, rubbing her head against my legs when she finally reached me.

I asked her if she had to go potty, and she stared at me with the saddest blue eyes. :(

Passing the kitchen to the sliding door, she drank some more water and we went outside. She peed and then squatted.

She pooped out a little tiny solid (but very dark) poop!!! No diarrhea! Not sure if the darkness is still from blood or lack of food... but it was solid!

And then she bounced up the stairs! :D

When she got back in she stared baefully at my dad with those big sad eyes.

Gonna log off now and spend some time with my baby.

Maybe take her for a short walk to get some blood flowing. :)

Thanks for the suggestions everyone!

I'll keep you updated and hopefully she'll be eating soon.

Aspen and Misty
06-08-2003, 11:28 AM
O this is so happy to hear! I've been waiting for this news! Go Kia! You little sweetie!


06-08-2003, 11:33 AM
That is so good to hear! I'm so happy she's starting to feel better!!

06-08-2003, 11:45 AM
Can she eat a little hamburger and rice? Maybe she would like that. I know how you feel when she won't eat. It is scary and you feel so helpless. I hope she starts eating for you again. Maybe can you try a little canned chicken? I know when Killi won't eat, we try everything, but in Kia's case, you have to still be careful. Good luck. You are both in my thoughts and prayers constantly.

06-08-2003, 12:17 PM
What happy news this morning!! What wonderful parents you have too - making Kia special foods - and catering to her every whim!

06-08-2003, 02:03 PM
Kim, I'm so glad to hear that Kia is starting to feel better again. :) I sure hope she'll also start eating by herself too. I know that when my cats don't feel well it usually takes them a few days to start eating again too. Prayers are still on the way.

06-08-2003, 02:13 PM
Wanted to give you guys a little update now. Got some thunderstorms heading this way, so I'll be shutting down the computer soon.

Kia's back to laying around. I heated up some left over chicken for my lunch and on a whim whether it makes her itch or not, I gave her a tiny piece and she gobbled it up.

I then shared some cottage cheese with her and she gobbled that up. :) So she got a little more food into her. Not much....but she held it down. :)

Mom and dad had some Open Houses and a Graduation to attend, and I think afterwards are going to pick up some Pedialyte from the store.

Sue, I'm pretty sure she's allergic to beef and she's shown no interest in rice at the moment. :(

Depending on the weather, I'll try to give another update tonight. :)

06-08-2003, 02:18 PM
I'm glad Kia ate a little food for you!! Doesn't eating a little make you very happy! (I know it does when Killi eats.)

I wasn't sure what she was allergic to. That makes it really hard because you can't tempt her with all those tantalizing foods that she might otherwise eat (like steak). Can she have salmon? Good luck and I'll be waiting for an update. Hope the storms aren't bad by you.

06-08-2003, 02:23 PM
Glad to her shes doing better and keeping food down! Hope to hear more from you soon :)

06-08-2003, 03:38 PM
Is she allergic to fish? If not (very unlikely to be) then I'd try some whitefish mixed with rice. She may go for that. Salmon is something that she'd probably eat, but it's very high in fat (compared to other fish), and may be a little rich for her digestive tract just yet.
Chester has allergies to beef, lamb, turkey and chicken, so it's very hard to tempt him with the normal tempting foods, but the fish usually works, and he's not allergic to it. :)

06-08-2003, 04:34 PM
Kia eating a little is such happy news!:)

Hope the storms aren`t too bad!


06-08-2003, 05:04 PM
I'm pleased that she's drinking, Kimmy, and that she has eaten some small bites. I'm sure she still must feel lousy. Maybe by tomorrow, her appetite will start coming back. I hope so!! :) And I wouldn't be discouraged if she wants to lie around. She's been through a lot and her body is probably still very weak. Healing will come through rest. Have a great evening!!!


Cinder & Smoke
06-08-2003, 06:04 PM
Here's an *indirect post* from Tubby & Peanut's Mom & Dad
(Debbie & Terry) ;)

They're "On The Road Again" and can't post directly,
but Dad'z been trying to keep em inna loop - they gotta read their e-mailz
over the cell dinger.
Here's Deb's last note ~

I'm sooo glad to hear Kia was well enough to go home.
With you, Grandma and Grandpa doting on her,
she's sure to be all better in no time.

Hugs to you, and give Kia some belly rubs from me. :)

/s/ Debbie & Terry

06-08-2003, 08:13 PM
when alex had his last bout of gastritis, i gave him very small amounts of human baby food- beechnut. gerbers, mainly the chicken, rice, veggie mixtures (how do skin kids eat that?:rolleyes: ), no added salt and other preseratives. since kia has allergies, consider a health food store brand- might be a bit pricy, but worth it.

06-08-2003, 10:05 PM
I just got home, and this is the first thread I checked! Glad to hear sweet Kia is home! I hope she'll start eating more soon...but I think it's pretty normal that she's not. When Nebo was a bit sick as a pup (sort of a cold) he wouldn't touch rice, cottage cheese, beef, etc....I'm sure she'll start eating again when she feels better. {{{HUGS}}} to you both!! :D

06-08-2003, 11:12 PM
I'm so glad you're with your folks and not alone. They sound super. Whenever Cody was under the weather, he tended to drink a lot of water. Kia's poor system is still traumatized from being zapped from both ends. But the great news is that Kia no longer had the runs....I just thought of something, which Cody loved, plus the vet said was good for him, try adding garlic powder to the warm no sodium chicken broth. Cody loved it with his kibble and boiled chicken.

06-09-2003, 06:59 AM
Keep eating, prescious one, so your humans can stop worrying about you!

06-09-2003, 08:44 AM
Originally posted by lizbud

It's so good to have Kia home with family again. About the
not eating. Once when Buddy experienced a very bad bout
of upset stomach & diarrhea.(he ate a dead bird).:rolleyes: , the
Vet sent home some cans of Hills Prescription Diet I/D - a very, very bland mixture of tummy-friendly food. He ate 1/2 can &
some rice and kept it down. You can only get it from a Vet.Maybe
you could ask your Vet about it. It's very easy on the stomach
& gives the dog much needed nutrition until her insides heal
up a bit. Hugs & good wishes to Kia. :)

My Vet had prescribed the canned Hills Prescription I/D for Hannah too after she was in the hospital. Her appetite came back rather quickly (no surprise there) so I didn't even use all the cans because I didn't want her getting to used to the canned food, which she seemed to love. Let your Vet know about her reluctance to eat and see what he says.

06-09-2003, 08:52 AM
We had some busy weather yesterday after I logged off. whew! The tornado's missed us though and hit the county to the east of us. So we're okey dokey. :) (No one was hurt by the twisters)

Kia seemed so interested in the dinner mom was making (goulash) that I said, 'screw it', and mom set aside some beef and noodles for her and she gobbled them up. :) I think the meds she's on are counteracting any kind of itching she might have.

She woke me up at 4 a.m. by just staring at me. You know when you get that feeling? I opened my eyes and there she was sitting by the bed.... staring.

She did it again at 6 a.m.

Both times she piddled and hasn't squatted once. :D I think her diarrhea is all gone. :)

This morning I made her some scrambled eggs and she ate them up. :D

Gave her, her meds. And now she's spending the afternoon with G'paw. :)

06-09-2003, 09:26 AM
Kim, I am so glad to hear that Kia is doing so much better! Brian and I were thinking about and praying for you and Kia all weekend.

Actually, Bailey had that ProHeart shot at the beginning of April. She did not have any reactions to it. However, after everything that has happened to Kia, we're thinking we'll just switch Bailey to the other one, Sentinel or whatever it was called. Probably best to go with the one that has been around longer.

Hugs and prayers for Kia's full recovery. :)


Kona & Oreo's mom
06-09-2003, 09:28 AM
Great news! It seems like your little girl is on the road to recovery. Get well soon, Kia, and keep eating! :D

06-09-2003, 09:29 AM
Thats great to hear Kia is doin good~!!

Yea I know that feelin....Ashes seems to like to do it to me in the middle of the night too. Its such a weird feelin......

Glad the tornado missed yall n' nobody got hust from it.

Thanx for updating us on Kia....shes such a sweet gurl~! :D

Dakota's Mommy
06-09-2003, 10:35 AM
OMG, I missed out on this whole thing until today which I'm now caught up on! My mom did call me Friday night to inform me of what was going on but I can't log in at home so I really didn't get it to read anything, just kept you 2 in my prayers. I just can't believe it after reading it today! I'm so glad that she has gotten better and sounds like on her way to recovery. I will keep her in my prayers that the hardest part is in the past and that she just needs her rest in order to stay on the road to recovery. Wow, I just can't believe it. I don't know what I would have done. You did a great job rushing her in that day, Don't doubt yourself, you did the right thing that day! I'm so glad you you were able to keep the level head and make it through that day, like I said, I don't know what I would have done!

Keep us updated and we will keep you and Kia in our prayers!

06-09-2003, 10:49 AM
So glad to hear that Kia is getting better!!

06-09-2003, 10:54 AM
Me too. :) I'm going to call G'Paw around lunch time and make sure he remembers to give Kia her medicine and find out how she's doing.

I'll let you guys know. Oh... and I have pics from the weekend. :)

06-10-2003, 07:26 AM
Kia's doing better I think. She greeted me at the door, wagging her tail, but she looked visibly tired. We played a little tag, and she loped behind me instead of her usual run.

For dinner we made her rice, cottage cheese, and a few pieces of her dry food and she ate some of it. I added some garlic powder a little later and she ate a little more but left quite a bit in the bowl.

She had good bowel movements..... a little soft but no sign of blood at all.

She's still drinking lots of water. I wonder if her meds are making her thirsty? Either way, I'm glad she's staying hydrated.

When dad got home, she did her happy dance on the stairs, but no 'vocals' like she normally does.

Later dad got out some baby carrots and she did tricks for one! (speak, shake, and balanced it on her nose :eek: :D )

She ate a few baby carrots with no hesitation. :D

06-10-2003, 07:31 AM
It is such good news to hear that Kia is improving so! I hope she has a full recovery VERY soon. Mommie is worried, I can tell.

Many, many get well wishes KIA!

06-10-2003, 08:27 AM
I am so glad Kia is doing better..

Proheart injections, There has been two healthy dogs die after receiving the proheart injection here. I am still giving my dogs heart gard plus. I will not change. Proheart doesn't cover the other internal parisites like heartgard, interceptor or sentinel. and it cost more than heartgard and interceptor. Sentinel does cost more as it have the flea control in it. I don't like revolution either as it doesnt work on the fleas and ticks as well and at the vet clinic i worked at. we had 3 dogs this year test positive for heartworms.

Steffi N
06-10-2003, 09:15 AM
I'm glad to read that Kia is getting better and hope that she makes a full recovery soon.

06-10-2003, 09:25 AM
Wonderful news! Sounds like Kia is getting better and better each day!!! Good girl, Kia!!!! Give her a big kiss on the nose for me!!

06-10-2003, 11:20 AM
Kim, this is great news. :D I'm so glad that she's beginning to eat again on her own. I'm sure she'll make a complete recovery in no time. :)

06-10-2003, 12:29 PM
To the lovely blue-eye girl: keep it up sweet Kia, eat a little bit more every day and you'll be well in no time.
Big hug and many kisses from us.

06-10-2003, 01:11 PM
Mom called. Kia ate some crunchies for lunch! :D :D :D

She was a good girl all night. Kia got in her crate at bedtime but Gran'Paw wasn't gonna let that happen and told her to get her butt out of the crate and in the BIG BED! :D

Kia likes the Big Bed. It's a waterbed. She's famous for taking running leaps onto it and causing cats to go FLYIN' in all directions. http://smilies.crowd9.com/contrib/sally/lol.gif ;) :D

They don't like that much. :mad: :rolleyes: :D

06-10-2003, 02:23 PM
And sleeping in the waterbed--boy is she getting some great care while she gets better!!!
Keep it up Kia!!!!

06-10-2003, 04:36 PM
We couldn't have hoped for a happier update!!:) Munchin' krunchies, AND not just sleeping in the BIG bed, but the BIG water bed...with G'Paw!!:D Keep up the good work, Kia!!:)

06-10-2003, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by ramanth
Kia likes the Big Bed. It's a waterbed. She's famous for taking running leaps onto it and causing cats to go FLYIN' in all directions. http://smilies.crowd9.com/contrib/sally/lol.gif ;) :D

:D :D
Glad to hear you are feeling better, Kia!!!

06-10-2003, 05:12 PM
Poor Kia. I"m glad that's all over and its healing time. Give her lots of kisses for me! :)

06-10-2003, 05:31 PM
kia, dont ever scare us like that again!! what was this all caused by.. sorry i really havent heard the WHOLE story! Was is kia that at the pills?? im so sorry! i need to stay updated! I was freaking out when i saw this post i was like omg kia omg kia! lol.. Im so glad shes better! u freaked us all out kia please *TRY* and not do that again :) {sigh} its all over kim!

06-10-2003, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by ramanth

She was a good girl all night. Kia got in her crate at bedtime but Gran'Paw wasn't gonna let that happen and told her to get her butt out of the crate and in the BIG BED! :D

Oh goody, Gran'Paw is one of us ! With this kind of care, Kia will be 100% better in no time.

06-10-2003, 07:43 PM
GramPaws know best! Keep getting better Kia!!

06-10-2003, 08:16 PM
That is good news, Kim. I might have missed it, but why is Kia with your parents?

06-10-2003, 09:25 PM
Great news, Kim!!! Kia, you just keep miling it, and you'll get all the pampering you need to feel all better in no time...and then milk it some more :)

Cinder & Smoke
06-10-2003, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
... why is Kia with your parents?

Kupla reezunz, Miz Johanna...

1) MawMee Kim hadda shuffel lil Logan back & forth to da Whit Coatz -
...wuz :eek: *Big Snip* Sir Jury day fur him.

2) Kia needs 24/7 *obzurvashin* an *watchin* :cool: -
...an dat'z kinda hard fur Kimmy ta do whilst she's werkin.

Sooo ~ Kia'z gettin spoilt rottin at GranMawz & GranPawz Howze! :p

Bye-da-Bye ~
How's dat lil Logan KittyKid doin? :confused:
Otta be back at hiz howze by now...

06-11-2003, 08:15 AM
Kia ate all her dinner last night!!! :D :D

And when I got over there she greeted me on the stairs with a waggily tail and afterwards grabbed her hedgehog and wanted to play tug of war. :)

She ate some more crunchies this morning for breakfast. :)

Kia sends wet nose kisses. :D

Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
How's dat lil Logan KittyKid doin? :confused:
Otta be back at hiz howze by now...
He's walking funny. :D ;)

06-11-2003, 09:15 AM

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

06-11-2003, 10:46 AM
Wonderful!:) :)
(Kia feeling better not Logan walking funny!:D )

06-11-2003, 10:51 AM
So glad Kia's so much better! Whew! Now, no picking on Logan, Kia, okay? Munch that hedgehog! :)

06-11-2003, 11:03 AM
This is fantastic news!!! :D I'm so glad to hear that Kia is eating and acting normally now. Thanks for the update. :)

06-11-2003, 11:04 AM
Kia, now that GranPaw of yours must be some special guy!

Sleeping on the Big Bed probably gave you just a bit of an appetite.........and we are SO glad to hear that you are eating!

Kia, you gave all of us quite a scare.......probably scared you too!
But we are so happy to hear all of the good news!

06-11-2003, 11:08 AM
What wonderful news!! Kia's eating, wagging and playing--all she has to do is get that attitude back, and she'll be back to normal!!!!!:D

06-11-2003, 12:44 PM
I haven't been able to get on Pet Talk for a while. I am so happy to read the update. I'm glad Kia is getting better.

06-12-2003, 07:46 PM
Kia likes the Big Bed. It's a waterbed. She's famous for taking running leaps onto it and causing cats to go FLYIN' in all directions.

They don't like that much.

LOL I guess they wouldn't ! LOL

sooo glad Kia is okay!

06-16-2003, 10:54 AM
Kia's doing better. Her old appetite is back but she still tires quite easily.

Kia got to go to a picnic at a State Park on Saturday and enjoyed a nice swim and a walk complete with some hot dogs and chips. :)

On Sunday she was not very energetic in the morning and so Andy and I watched some TV and when he went to work, Kia and I headed over to visit his parents and then to the Bark Park.

Kia was a very good girl and I saw no change in her behavior. I'm so relieved. She had not seen another dog since coming home from the hospital and the vet said I might have to re-socialize her.

Thankfully, she played with all the dogs she could find and even raced a few labs in the lake after tennis balls. :)

I made her take some time outs so she wouldn't over exhert herself but after an hour, she was done and ready to go home.

06-16-2003, 11:08 AM
Oh, Kim, that is the best news!!!! I'm so glad Kia pulled through this very dangerous situation!!! I hope she quickly regains all her strength. Thanks for the update. I was thinking about her!

06-16-2003, 12:05 PM
Kim, what a nice surprize to open this and see how much better Kia is. :) Good appetite, playing with other doggies, and even a swim! :eek: - Great!! :)

06-16-2003, 01:38 PM
Oh, Kim it is so good to hear Kia is recovering well. :) :)

Prayers sent that each day sees her go from strength to strength.

06-16-2003, 03:53 PM
Wonderful news Kim - so lovely to hear that Kia is enjoying life again - please pass on a cuddle to the lovely girl.


06-16-2003, 05:03 PM
Fantastic news ........ Go Kia!!!! :D

06-16-2003, 05:27 PM
Ramanth, this is such WONDERFUL news! Given the stresses Kia's system went through, it isn't surprising that she is tiring out....so very happy to hear of her improvement.

06-16-2003, 06:25 PM
This is wonderful to hear Kim:D I'm glad Kia had a great time!

06-16-2003, 06:54 PM
That is such wonderful news.
Glad Kia had a good time and she is recovering nicely.

06-16-2003, 11:25 PM
This is great news. :D I'm so glad that Kia is doing much better and almost back to her normal self. :)

06-16-2003, 11:35 PM
WAY TO GO KIA!!!Give your Granpaw a huge wet kiss! Neat guy..Lucky girls!

06-16-2003, 11:47 PM
May the Mighty Ones hold Kia in their arms and heal her.


06-17-2003, 09:42 AM
Kia sends her love and thanks for the well wishes. :)

06-17-2003, 09:54 AM
Been reading up and just wanted to say I'm so happy Kia is getting better everyday. Do you think having such a wonderful mommy had something to do with it? ;) Give Kia a hug from me! Take care!

Steffi N
06-17-2003, 05:27 PM
Kia, I'm glad you were able to enjoy yourself at the picnic and at the Bark Park. You are making a remarkable recovery, and I hope you will have all your strength and energy back soon.