View Full Version : Message to all CatLovers

06-05-2003, 08:43 AM
O.k.Listen up.There has been some people saying bad things about a few of us kittyowners who kitties live outdoor.That is so mean,and before you even know us.That shows bad things about those saying that.It is hurting our feelings and we want it to STOP.

06-05-2003, 09:08 AM
I think they all have already stopped. Posting something like this, is just going to make it start up again.

06-05-2003, 10:05 AM

well...I feel that everyone has a right of speech .. and if some pet talk members feel strongly against having cats outside (like myself) I think we should be able to say it, my humble opinion.

Maybe I missed the part where people were saying bad things about those who keep their pets outside, but of course that is and exception and I don't think we should be saying things about PT members ..

06-05-2003, 11:32 AM
i didnt see anything bad posted about anyone... but its not safe, and thats our opinion. no one is stopping you from allowing your cat cat outside, but (god forbid) he or she is injured, don't come running to us with boo hoo stories. I mean, normally if someone had an outdoor cat and somehting happened then of course there would be sympthathy, but not with the thought and warnings....

K & L
06-05-2003, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by CoolBabe22
O.k.Listen up.There has been some people saying bad things about a few of us kittyowners who kitties live outdoor.That is so mean,and before you even know us.That shows bad things about those saying that.It is hurting our feelings and we want it to STOP.

OK listen up???? I don't think so!

06-05-2003, 01:27 PM
Must have missed that one..

Prairie Purrs
06-05-2003, 01:28 PM
If you expect most people here to sympathize with cat owners who keep their cats outdoors all the time, without spaying or neutering them, you're come to the wrong place, I'm afraid.

06-05-2003, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by CatsinDenver
If you expect most people here to sympathize with cat owners who keep their cats outdoors all the time, without spaying or neutering them, you're come to the wrong place, I'm afraid.

Well said, and very true! ;)

Bad enough the cat is outside, let alone not neutured! IMO people who let cats outside and not neuter them shouldn't be allowed to have cats, its only making feline overpopulation worse. Owning a pet involves responsability...and that includes taking responsability and getting them neutured. :rolleyes:

06-05-2003, 03:09 PM
Now- listen you meanies....OF COURSE we would be sad and sympathetic about the loss of a kitty life, come on. I don't want any kitties outside in danger, but, should the most unfortunate happen, I would cry along side the person that lost the pet. That is compassion, and I don't believe anyone else on here wouldn't do the same. I agree with the warnings, and posting our opinions, but, I don't agree with being hateful.

06-05-2003, 03:32 PM
I'm sorry if you think people have been mean to you. But lots of us have done so much to help kittens and cats that have been left and abaonded and we see how many cats are homeless. But not getting your cats fixed you are helping to contribute to this problem. Even if you take care of the kittens and find them homes, there are still so many cats out there that don't have homes. It's one thing to leave your cats outside 100%, but the fact that you don't care to get them fixed is what upsets me.

06-05-2003, 04:51 PM
we are not being mean. and yes I would always feel bad for the CAT but not the owner , after warnings. If I say oh i know its possibly dangerous to let my cats out and do it anyway and something happend, would you feel at all symathetic? to me? I wouldnt unless the cat got out by mistake.

06-05-2003, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by marysmerrycats
i didnt see anything bad posted about anyone... but its not safe, and thats our opinion. no one is stopping you from allowing your cat cat outside, but (god forbid) he or she is injured, don't come running to us with boo hoo stories. I mean, normally if someone had an outdoor cat and somehting happened then of course there would be sympthathy, but not with the thought and warnings....

Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see any derogatory comments about those who keep their cats outside ... all I saw was arguments made for and against both cases.

It's a personal choice, really. We started off with cats that were predominately outdoors when I was younger, but we lost too many furkids to dogs, cruel neighbours kicking them :mad: :mad:, cats getting lost or running away and cars. As the years went by, the cats stayed indoors more and more. Mum's two cats now rarely go outside, and don't stay out for long. They are 8 and 6 years old respectively, the oldest cats I've ever owned. This is a testament to the simple fact that CATS WHO ARE KEPT OUTDOORS DIE A LOT YOUNGER.

Finally, Pixel does not go outdoors AT ALL. She is quite happy to run up and down the stairs, and enjoys the run of the whole house. I know that she is happy, she is a very affectionate and loving kitty who is ALWAYS purring! And she'll have a long life.

I'm not going to say that keeping a cat outdoors is cruel, it is not. It is just risky. Experience has taught me well.

06-05-2003, 05:20 PM
Missed that one, too!

Of course everyone has the right to express their opinion, but it's not okay if that happens in a rude way!

If this might be a comfort for those with outdoor cats: I'm often attacked for the fact that I'm keeping my cats strictly indoors, not from people on the internet, but from those living here in my hometown. In Germany, the common idea still seems to be it's animal abuse to keep a cat indoors. :(


06-05-2003, 05:33 PM
Kirsten that's right but in the cities it's changing. I have a 30 km drives to my office, part of it in the countryside and especially in spring and early summer there are daily dead cats on the streets. Sometimes I am glad it is winter because then they stay in and I do not have to see that. The same with hedgehogs. I hate that.
In 1978 I lost my beloved Meo who was less than 2 years old in a car accident and since then I know I don't want to hear the story of "Better a short and happy life..." again.

BTW I once talked about it to a university professor of zoology who had cats. And he said: Of course you must take the time to play with your cat, to give it excitement and training but then their life will be happy and fulfilled even when kept inside.

Miss Meow
06-05-2003, 05:44 PM
We all have our opinions on the subject, which is fine, but I'm sick to death of new threads being started about it :rolleyes: This is what, the fifth thread like this in the last week??? :mad:

(OK, I'll stop opening them ...)

06-05-2003, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by ScantyNebula
well...I feel that everyone has a right of speech .. and if some pet talk members feel strongly against having cats outside (like myself) I think we should be able to say it, my humble opinion.

Maybe I missed the part where people were saying bad things about those who keep their pets outside, but of course that is and exception and I don't think we should be saying things about PT members ..

I agree! I've never known any PTers to speak poorly of the other members for allowing their cats outside. I've just seen debates where each side states their reasoning. Most of the time it stays fairly calm and polite .. sort of ... er maybe not :)

Originally posted by Miss Meow
We all have our opinions on the subject, which is fine, but I'm sick to death of new threads being started about it :rolleyes: This is what, the fifth thread like this in the last week??? :mad:

AGREED 100% !!!!!!!!!!

06-05-2003, 06:24 PM
A rude way?:confused: So now you see me being rude but not other members posting to me??:confused:

06-05-2003, 07:14 PM
Well, I suppose telling people to "Listen Up" and "Stop" on a public message board could come across as being rude.

Just asking nicely without the "listen up" part would have been more acceptable.

06-05-2003, 07:44 PM
Yes i really think its time to put the indoor/outdoor debate to rest, i think everyone knows where we all stand on this issue, coolbabe is maybe reasonably new here and young, so lets not be too hard on her.
I just realized i posted my other thread on the poll she raised, it should have been in here, oh well never mind.

06-06-2003, 05:59 AM
To be honest i have to say one more word on this, i do consider being called IRRESPONSIBLE AND IGNORANT derogotary to my character, even if no-one else does.
It is offensive to me, as if you knew me well you would know i am neither of these things, a most unfair comment to make just because i choose to have indoor/outdoor kitties.
I have never ever made any unkind remarks to people who choose to keep their cats indoors, it is considered cruel in my part of the world as in germany, but I DONOT hold that view at all. Ok i am outta here, ive said my peace, got that hurt off my chest.:)

06-06-2003, 06:01 AM
By the way this comment was not directed at me personally but to all who have indoor/outdoor kitties, but still as i am one of them, that includes me doesnt it?

06-06-2003, 10:12 AM
All I am saying is that some people are accussing me of being a bad owner,and it wasn't nice to me.carole,i am not talking about you,and i am defindently not calling thoses cats anything.i am talking about their owners,not the cats

06-06-2003, 10:16 AM
did anyone actually call her a bad owner? I didn't see that ... =/

06-06-2003, 10:20 AM
you know what i am talking about if you read when they were calling me things.:mad:

06-06-2003, 10:48 AM
I think you ***might*** be reading into things a teeny bit....I don't really see anyone being exactly critical of you, as a person.

Coolbabe, how old are you?

06-06-2003, 11:09 AM
I don't remember calling anyone irresponsible or ignorant.
Things are different in NZ, I understand that.
Nor do I EVER remember any posts by coolbabe person.
Why get this started?
Trust me I grew up with outdoor only dogs and my aunt and uncle have outdoor only cats. It is a personal choice, any my personal choice is to have indoor only cat and a dog that is outside supervised.