View Full Version : Scary experiences?

06-04-2003, 11:38 PM
Have you ever been attacked or bitten or even chased by a dog?

When I was younger, I was bitten by a border collie on the arm.

I was also bitten on the thumb by a neopolitan mastiff. It cut me up really badly and now my nail is gibbled lol.

When I was six, I went to give my friend a birthday invitation. When I got into her yard, her german shepherd started barking. It chased me down the street :o lol

Any scary experiences?

06-04-2003, 11:53 PM
I got bitten by my friends lab pup a few years ago. It was my fault though, it was sleeping and I woke it up while petting it. There was one time when I was scootering and I stopped to glance at my watch, and looked to my side to see a snarling GSD, unleashed and on it's own just lieing down. I started scootering away and I looked back to see it chasing me. I started going really fast and it finally went away.

06-05-2003, 12:15 AM
I've been lucky. (knock on wood) My only experience was with a hilarious mini pincher. His ears and tails were clipped all mean. Anyways, I am a phone repairwoman and I knocked on the door. This minpin comes out of no where and is literally hanging on my leg. So the lady puts him in this fenced area that is like thigh high. It was so funny cause the dog kept bouncing up. You'd see his face poke up and bark like every two seconds.

06-05-2003, 12:18 AM
When I was pre school age I tried to kiss a neighbors little back dog through their fence. He bit my lip. I ran home all bloody and my Mom freaked out:rolleyes:

06-05-2003, 12:27 AM
When I was a teenager I was bitten repeatedly on my
ankles by a yappi little dog.
3 years ago, I was bitten by a large dog that was
trying to bite Rocky, and the dog got my arm instead.
(had to have a tetnus shot for that one) :(
The owner of the other dog did not even say she
was sorry. (it happened at a leashless dog park)

06-05-2003, 12:39 AM
When I was younger one of my best friends had a very moody GSD that I was TERRIFIED of. It never attacked me or anything, but it would come charging & barking at me. And it was a huge dog!!

06-05-2003, 09:48 AM
Several years ago, my daughter's cocker spaniel was staying with me. We were on the bed and she attacked me, pushing me against the headboard. She looked like she was going for my throat. Her eyes were glazed over as if she was rabid. I had a hard time scrambling off the bed to get away from her. In a couple of minutes, she realized what she had done and was back to her normal, sweet self. She crawled under the bed to hide. I'm sure she was as scared as I was.


06-05-2003, 10:01 AM
Never, I am thankful to say!!! :) My great-uncle John did a have a Chiahuahua named Dickey when I was a little girl, and we just knew to stay away from him when he came to visit!!! Dickey peed on everything and snapped at everybody!!! LOL!!! :)

06-05-2003, 10:17 AM
When we first moved to NJ many years ago my husband decided to take his bike (pedaling kind, not like the kind Edwina is planning to learn to ride...hehe!) for a ride on one of the country roads near us. He came back huffing and puffing because he had been chased but a dog who was barking at him and trying to bite his feet as he pedaled. :eek: I don't know what kind of dog it was and honestly I don't think my hubby even cared! He just wanted to get out of there. Fortunately he was able to out-pedal the dog. That wouldn't be the case today! LOL! :D

I Love Brian, Forever <3
06-05-2003, 10:54 AM
About 8 months ago, Molli (Avatar dog) and Rosie, a rottweiler got into a fight. Somehow, I managed to get in between them (STUPID ME) and I took an excruciating bite for Molli, on my right hip. I've got a scar from it. :o

One time in Georgia, I was throwing out bread for the birds. Molli, Rosie and Murphie, another Rottweiler, now deceased, were all outside with me. I dropped a piece of bread and all 3 dogs wanted it. They all began to fight for it. By myself, I had to break all of them up. Luckily, no one got hurt.

In Georgia, I was riding my bike, when I came across two medium sized to 'small' large dogs. They saw me, looked at one another and split up. They went to either side of the road. Fortunately, I was going downhill, which allowed me to outrun these dogs on my bike. Otherwise, they would have owned me.
As soon as I sped up downhill, they turned around and started chasing me. Man, these dogs could run!!! I got away unharmed.

06-05-2003, 03:28 PM
My cousins had just brought their first Dobie named Prince. I was really little and a bit stupid ;) I don't remember really what happened but I started running from him (he may have scared me I don't know why) and I started to run away. He thought I was playing and started to chase me. So there we are, practically the whole family plus my other relatives who were visiting in a big circle, watching me run from this huge dog. My cousin picked me up and turned me upside down and just held me by my legs. Prince came up to me and licked my face. It wasn't scary but now I know better than to run from a dog. :p

06-05-2003, 03:30 PM
I have nevr been bitten BUT, I have been close to being bitten. one day Tikeya was in heat and I was taking her for a walk around the block, she was only like 8 months old at the time. This dog cam running up to me and Tikeya with teeth bearing, he was snapping at me, he wanted To breed with Tikeya, He was growling and wouldent leave me alone. So I kicked him :redface:. I didnt know what eles to do at the time being 12 years of age.

06-05-2003, 05:25 PM
Well, i guess this was scary, more like tramatizing... When I was 11 years old I saw my old black tabby cat, Babs, brutaly killed by a neighbors Chow....I hated that dog, we told them of the incident, and the neighbors said, "thats not my dog!" when sure enough it was their dog!!! Later that week, the chow attacked and killed a little beagle...the owner denied it again...and i guess the neighbors reported it to the police, and the dog as put to sleep..i know this might sound mean, but i was glad and relieved that dog was put to sleep.....we never had an outdoor cat after that....

06-06-2003, 10:37 PM
When I was like 3, a mixed breed bit me in the face. I had to have 5 stitches.:eek:

06-06-2003, 10:53 PM
I had 40 stitches in the face. :(

It taught me a valuable lesson - any dog can bite. I never let any dogs get close to my face anymore. This was a dog I trusted totally, so be careful.