View Full Version : Retriever lead/leash

Malaika Klemm
10-18-2001, 02:52 AM
Hello pet-talk lovers -
we had to register again- I forgot my passwort - ups ;-)
So everybody should know us- only Camille is new- she is 5 month by now- and a very good looking Golden girl.
If I would know how to get a pic in here- I would do it...
Anyhow- we are looking for retriever leads or leashes- I have no clue how you say to them .... collar and leash in one piece...
I use them here and I would like to know where to get them in the US ...I saw a really cool looking leash and my friend Margit could bring one over- (she lives in Michigan).
Do you know any online internet shops who sell such leashes or do you know companies who produce them ???
If you know other pet talks /discussion lists- where I could ask this question please also let me know !!!
Greetings Malaika with my golden girls

10-18-2001, 06:00 AM
talua, go to sitstay.com, or petsmart.com or petco.....these are all great companies and have a great selection of doggie items...the deli dog

Golden Smiles
10-20-2001, 06:17 PM
Dr's Foster and Smith have a great online store also.....I get a lot from them! Always quality, and shipped quick!

10-20-2001, 10:26 PM
Hi--I use a leash/collar combo that I got from a company called Solutions. The leash velcros to the collar when you aren't using it. It looks like just a collar. Pretty handy when you are walking a big dog, and don't want to use the leash all the time. The leash is short--only 36"--that's why I said good for a big dog.