View Full Version : *Seriously* P!$$ed off...(big problem)

06-04-2003, 06:38 PM
We had a class trip to an amusement park in I think Bristol, Connecticut called Lake Compounce and my friend, Vicky and my other friend, Eric have been dating for four months! :eek: They've had their ups and downs, but mostly downs and all of it thanks to Vicky.
Vicky, first of all has another boyfriend who is fifteen. He is a very bad boy if you catch my drift, and Vicky is dating both Eric and him. Well, she has never been kissed because she hasn't seen the other one too often, and she dates Eric every weekend and in between.
Well, she is getting very mad that Eric hasn't kissed her yet. He is really, really nice and I like him a lot (as a friend) and she and all of her friends keep pressuring him to kiss her, and it's annoying the heck out of both me and him. I try to tell Vicky that he will kiss her when he's ready, because it's not all about her. If I even tell her just to wait and in time it will happen, she gets very very mad at me and calls me and him names. (Don't get me wrong she is my best friend, but VERY moody!)
Like today, I talked to Eric and he is getting really sad because she treats him really badly and takes him for granted. They have broken up before twice and of course got back together. She crawled right back to him! And, he felt bad, and took her back, both times. :rolleyes:
He talks to me about the way he feels, the way he feels upset all the time, the way Vicky makes him feel like *bad word here ;) )
I hate the way she makes him feel, and then I ask him if it's worth it and he says it is.
His first kiss should be something special, not something he feels he *has* to do.
I am always in the middle of it, and today Vicky was talking to be on the phone, and I said I felt bad for Eric (big mistake) and she hung up on me! :mad:
And she doesn't even take into consideration his feelings. There are two people in a relationship, not one. Why can't she understand this??
Ugh, and talking to her is not an option. Believe me, I tried. Calm, cool, and collected, but, NO. It's my fault.
Sorry this is so long...just had to vent. :mad:

06-04-2003, 07:04 PM
Geeezzz! I think he should break up with her if he`s not getting the respect he deserves! Does Eric know the she is going out with his and another guy? If not...you might want to tell him.

06-04-2003, 08:18 PM
Please don't shout at me but..........

It sounds to me like you really like Eric (and there is nothing wrong with that!!) I wonder if that's what Vicky thinks when she hung up on you?

The problem is if you like him and he ends it with Vicky for you (or you and Eric start dating) then she will not like it.

It does sound like he deserves better - she should not be 2-timing, but you are only young and relationships aren't serious at your age - the best ones with boys, and the ones which last, are those based on friendship - not kissing etc.

I had a male best friend from age 11-14, when he got a girlfriend I was terribly jealous even though some were my girly friends. I really really wanted to be with him, but we were friends and it never went any further than that - and he came out as being gay when he was 16!!

06-04-2003, 10:39 PM
is she a spoiled brat or negelicted love from her parents??
just from watching my peers go through relationship after relationship. it seemed the ones who never understood the feelings of others then themselves were mostly spoiled brats & few were negelicted love from their parents.

I'll never understand young people who date hundreds of people. I never dated anyone when I was young, & I didn't want to. around age 13ish a few guys asked me out & I nearly tore them to shreds, because I told all my guy friends that I'm not dateing any of em, but nooo they wouldn't listen. But after them everyone knew better then to ask me... I do everything in my power to keep my word to myself & 1 was not to date any friends, anyone from Smiths Falls, no one younger then me or smaller then me & not until I was atleast 16. & I also promised myself to never drink, smoke or do drugs & I haven't broken em & never will...

06-04-2003, 11:26 PM
WHY??? WHY?? Cant I find a great guy who doesnt do stuff just to do it or because of presure....

I also have a female friend like that...Very moody high matanice lol now that I think about it....ponder...ponder.....yah i pitty all her boyfeinds....it drives me nuts she puts all her msn names to "Nobody Loves Me, not even my bofreind" it kills me so I block her not a nice thing but it works...

06-05-2003, 06:12 AM
This is why there are so many nasty guys out there ... because they get burnt by teenage girls and (unlike chicks) often guys who are hurt emotionally find it really difficult to ever move on. A number of my ex-boyfriend were like this. It makes me mad - we women expect decent guys, but equally we treat them like doggy poop.

Your friend needs to GROW UP and if she were my friend, I wouldn't be afraid to say so!

06-05-2003, 10:24 AM
arn't y'all kind of yuong to be getting into this kind of stuff? what your only 13 or 14! I am 14, but that's diffrent because I'm home schooled, and not around people too much. Tell her that boys are just big ulgy dumb inmature monkeys!!!!!!!

06-05-2003, 11:46 AM
According to your profile. I conclude you are still 13 and assuming your friend would be around the same age. Sorry to say but I seriously think America needs more seperate boy/girl schools like other countries. Kids are getting insane here with all that peer pressure, and honestly, it makes me sick so learn how many little girls are getting into such things. :eek: Can't you kids have some modesty? I'm so glad I don't and will never get involved in such things. We go to school to study, not to mess around with dumb guys. :rolleyes: I've never dealt with this stuff, and I can proudly say, I'm a much happier teen. :p Gosh, kids around here are just SO *not innocent*. :( My opinion.........

06-05-2003, 12:09 PM
I have always liked you, but I think that was really a rude thing to say. are you saying americans are tramps? I thought you considered yourself an american, now you say this. if you don't want to date fine. 13 is young, but I still think it was a mean response.

06-05-2003, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by marysmerrycats
I have always liked you, but I think that was really a rude thing to say. are you saying americans are tramps? I thought you considered yourself an american, now you say this. if you don't want to date fine. 13 is young, but I still think it was a mean response.

NOOOOOOOOOOO :o:o:o That's NOT what I'm saying. I just think this is a problem in our country. Kids go to school to study and learn, not have their minds floating around guys in some sort of dreamland. There are TONS of American kids that are NOT like that, and there are many in other countries that are, but I just feel its a problem in our country that so many kids are losing their innocence at SUCH an early age. In my opinion, that's not good for the society. Maybe its more of the way parents raise their kids then the school. :confused: But there is peer pressure at school, no doubt, and that's a major problem.

06-05-2003, 12:18 PM
yeah I agree with you.

06-05-2003, 12:19 PM
sorry I guess I misunderstood you the first time!:rolleyes:


06-05-2003, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by marysmerrycats
sorry I guess I misunderstood you the first time!:rolleyes:


No problem! We all misunderstand each other at times. :D

06-05-2003, 07:34 PM
I dont think that dating at 13 is bad at all, it is perfectly healthy to get hormons out of the way. I started dating at like 11. I would never keep a boyfriend longer then 2 days though lol. I had my first boyfriend at age 13, I really liked him. but he cheeted on me, I hate him now. :rolleyes:. I dated my second real boyfriend at the age of 14, he was tyhe best, so kind and good looking ;). I broke up with him because we were going off to different schools and it wouldent work out. But hear this, I was dating befor anyof my friends, and I am the ONLY vergin out of them all.!!! :eek: It just goes to show, that is you date at a young age it doesnt mean you are going all the way. I am 16 now almost 17 and ya I havent had a boyfriend for 2 years, guys are loosers at this age, all they think about is.. well, yyou know. hopefully I helped a bit. .