View Full Version : my sneeky puppy

06-04-2003, 06:27 PM
hey everyone,
2day my puppy got out of the house. i had just got back from school and my mom started talkin to some friends that were out side. Then after 20 min. we went into the house and we were like where is snowball then we look all over the house and she is not there:confused: i was soo sad thinking were is my puppy.
then we all went outside to look 4 her then i see this small little ball of fluf all the way down the block. :eek: So then we all went into the car and drove to her. We were so MAD:mad: . Then we got her inot the car and i wanted to yell at her 4 running out but she looked so worried and cute that i couldent:( so then i felt bad..... the we all went back into the house;) that gave me a big fright....:D do any of you have storys like that??? :) well thats all bye bye;) :p

06-04-2003, 06:38 PM
You shouldnt yell at a puppy simply for being a puppy!! Im glad Snowballs okay though.:)

Daisy and Molly have definatly gotten out before. I was coming home from the mall, and I see the gate to the backyard WIDE OPEN! I was like OMG, and Molly and Daisy had basically flown the coop... We searched all night for them, and found them early in the morning the next day, together! Im so glad that they were together. I was more happy then angry, so I didnt have the heart to yell at them.:)

06-04-2003, 07:07 PM
i kno but i was soo worried but i didnt yell at her....:rolleyes: he he

06-04-2003, 08:46 PM
it's great that you chose not to yell at your pup. Remember don't punish her unless she is caught IN the act and not after it. She won't remember what she did. I'm glad she's home safe. I'm extra careful about Kai getting lost. I've read stories and even though alot of them made it home, I don't want to risk anything, I'd rather prevent it. The one time he slipped out we were getting into the car from the vets. My mom had gone down the road to go buy something at safeway while I had the keys to take Kai in the car. At the time, he REALLY hated the car. While I got in, I tried getting him in but he just kept pulling and pulling. Then I thought, "what if he slips out". As I went back out the car to just pick him up and put him in, he slipped out! I had his collar, leash, tags all in my hand. I was so worried because behind us was a VERY busy street in Vancouver. Well, being a pup who just wants to scare his mommy, he ran towards traffic. I started running after him yelling his name and saying come but trying to sound calm at the same time. He sniffed the grass and bushes, I tried grabbing him but he slipped within my grasp. He decided to run the other way, without the major traffic, THANK GOD! He had dashed in front of a few cars but I had made sure they wouldn't hit him by waving and just letting them know. I chased him 3 blocks until we got to a park. I figured, I'd run into the fenced field with only a few openings and try to get him from there. Right when I was about to, he looked at me and had this look on his face "what the heck are you doing mommy? Aren't you having fun too?" Since he looked at me, I tried tricking him into sitting. I made my hand into a fist and got him to think that I had a treat in my hand. I told him to sit, and BINGO he did it. I quickly grabbed him and dashed back to the car. I forgot to close the car door in all the chaos. I had hoped nobody would steal it while I was gone, the keys were still in. The car was still there and we all returned back safe (and panting). He gave me a major fright but it also made me realize that even basic training is SOOO important. So now, I'm a nut about his collar leash and tags. When we go out, he wears a collar with his tags but I attach the leash to the halti. Appparently, shelties' necks are bigger than their heads and that's why he slipped out.

06-05-2003, 04:42 PM
:p BumP:p

06-05-2003, 06:05 PM

youz shoudntz run outz on ur mummy like thatz las time i didz that my mummy had a heartz tack!! Tanks godz ur safe!! :D :D

Love the camz..

your best friend ;)

06-05-2003, 06:05 PM

youz shoudntz run outz on ur mummy like thatz las time i didz that my mummy had a heartz tack!! Tanks godz ur safe!! :D :D

Love the camz..

your best friend ;) hehe

06-05-2003, 06:56 PM
Phew! That was close!!! So glad you're home safe and sound, Snowball!:)

06-05-2003, 08:40 PM
:D snowball says she wont do that again.....phew...:p

chloe's mom
06-06-2003, 10:30 AM
My Chloe is a bit of an escape artist. Not a true Houdini, like other dogs I have known, but she is creative. I got home from work one day and my roommate was in the yard and on the phone with the shelter. I listened to her conversation and realized that, in the 8 hours I was gone earning money to pay for dog food and tennis balls, Chloe had managed to get out of the locked house. Turns out she nosed up the window I had left cracked a couple of inches, popped out the screen and jumped out of the window. We had just moved, so her tags weren't up to date. (I'll never make that mistake again. Now as soon as the lease is signed, I get a new tag made) We drove and walked and called and whistled and finally went to Kinko's an made a bunch of signs and hung them all over. When we got home, there was a message on my machine. Someone had found my girl that morning and taken her home. They thought, since her tags were outdated, that we had moved and dumped her! They finally convinced the phone company to give them my new number and called me. I went to their house immediately. Turns out, they love dogs, just can't have one. They took Chloe for a long car ride (heaven) and then to a park, where she was allowed to run off leash, (which I don't usually allow), and then - the grand finale - they took her swimming, which is as good as it gets in Chloe's world. They thought she was such a wonderful dog (she is) and had thoroughly enjoyed their day with her. I was just so thankful that she was safe and happy. Needless to say, I didn't leave the windows open anymore when I left the house :)

06-06-2003, 11:28 AM
Glad Snowball is home safe. Kia has given me some frights like that.


Be a good pup Snowball and don't do that again! :)

06-07-2003, 05:13 PM
snowball was just telling me how she would never do that again....:D i am soo happy But we all know she maybe just do it again but umm... oh well i hope she wont tho....:p

06-08-2003, 02:04 PM
:p Bump:p he he:rolleyes: