View Full Version : Bitch in heat

09-10-2001, 03:41 PM
Does anyone know if a 4 month old male pup can make a bitch in heat pregnant or not? I really need the answer as soon as possible.

09-10-2001, 06:49 PM
Almost - There is no way a four month pup can properly mate.

Be aware of dates, keep an eye on your bitch and what on Earth are you doing running un -doctored animals together?

From the pup's point of view he is testing his dominance by his mounting behaviour and that has nothing to do with the female being in season. Two bitches will do this. As will males.

09-10-2001, 08:44 PM
Carrie, she's my friend's dog. I have told them many times to spay the dog but they won't listen, what can I do?

Now she wants to do the operation but the vet won't do it because he says that it is very dangerous. After this heat cycle, she will spay the female dog.

09-11-2001, 06:25 AM
Phew! I just couldn't understand why YOU would do this - it was a real suprise! I'm so glad it wasn't you - it has restored reality!
It is dangerous to spey a bitch in heat because of the increased blood supply to the anatomy in question.

Dixieland Dancer
09-11-2001, 08:15 AM
Usually a male dog under the age of 6 months can not impregnate a female. They do not have developed sperm before then. Again note that this is usually. As with anything there will always be the exception.