View Full Version : sneezing kitty

06-04-2003, 08:33 AM
Sammy is shedding like crazy, I was wondering if it could be possible if his own shedding is causing him to sneeze? He has just a bit of eye gunk also, not alot, just a tad. Could he be allergic to himself?:confused: I brush him several times a day, I was having a problem with spitting up hairballs, but I have been giving him Pounce hairball remedy treats, which he loves, and they don't give him the runs. Spitting up happens rarley now.But the sneezing has me wondering :rolleyes: He is acting normal otherwise, playful, and a good appetite.

06-04-2003, 08:58 AM

Sounds like he could have a URI or kitty allergies. As fas as shedding is concerned, he's simply shedding his winter coat. My cat Mollie Rose was diagnosed with kitty asthma. She started sneezing again just recently and was put on Orbax and Interferon. The sneezing stopped within a week.

I'd take him to the vet just to rule out an upper respiratory infection. The last thing you need is for it to turn into pneumonia.

Good luck.

06-04-2003, 11:21 AM
My Sunny also sneezes sometimes but acts normal too. I think he has allergies because the sneezing will just go away on it's own. I'd watch Sammy and if it continues to get worse I'd take him to the vet. Didn't your other cat have a URI recently? Maybe Sammy caught something from him. Please keep us updated on his condition.

06-04-2003, 11:29 AM
Please keep us updated!

06-04-2003, 08:55 PM
Thanks for the advice!
My little kitten Romeo had coccidia, with severe diarreah.
I am happy to report that he is100% back to his former kitten self.
He was very skinny, you could feel all his little bones:(
But now he is roly poly, and full of energy!:D Now he loves to eat, he even tries to sneak into the fridge, when he hears it open.
Gotta keep an eye on him! Maybe I should have called him Munchie instead, he's always acting like he is just STARVING!:rolleyes:
I think Sammy may have sneezed twice all day. Maybe I was just being paranoid, but I will watch how it goes with the sneezies!

06-05-2003, 12:45 PM
What are other signs of URI? my Nellie started sneezing as the weather got better and we opened the windows. She doesn't sneeze a lot but I notice it happen at least once a day.

I assume it is alergies because she started sneezing just as the season started. I'm afriad to take her to the vet because I hear bad stories about our local vet and I'm a really poor student but I don't want to risk my cat's health even if I have to risk my credit rating :(