View Full Version : paedophile released........this makes me real mad

06-04-2003, 12:02 AM
I m not certain whether this is the right place to post this, but here goes anyhow.
This is happening in nz right now, a paedophile is being released into the community(not mine) into a street where there are many young families and everyone is powerless to do anything about it.
The story goes as follows, this paedophile was in lake alice mental hospital for raping a 6 year old girl ( a family member) when he violated a 23 mth old girl, he was sentenced to ten years.
He has served his time now, and even though they know he is likely to re-offend, and this is the experts who are saying this, there is nothing can be done, he will be released and only supervised for 6 mths.
I think this is outrageous, and the laws suck here. what opinions do you have on this one and any ideas?

06-04-2003, 12:26 AM
Oh my that is horrible!!

But some people do change. Take my dad for instance. Not telling what he did, but he did realize what he was doing was very wrong & turned himself in (they told him to go home & they'll look into it). He went & got himself fixed, hes taking hormone pills & saw a shrink or something like that. He did all that on his own.
& he's been clean for 20 yrs now

06-04-2003, 08:33 AM
Here in the U.S., they have a website that posts pictures of sexual offenders that have been released from prison, including pedophiles.

I certainly hope they warn the families living in the neighborhood where he'll be. It's sad that the laws seem to cater more to the criminals than the victims.

06-04-2003, 04:59 PM
Paedophiles who are released into the community MUST knock on EVERY door on the street and say "Hi, I'm a convicted Paedophile and I am moving into your street. I will be living at number 7. If you have an issue with that, please call this number." That way EVERYONE in the steet knows who he is and where he lives so that they can keep their children away from him.

At least, and I am being conservative here, 95% of Paedophiles re-offend. They do what they do because it is their sexuality. What would all the people on these boards do if heterosexuality, or even homosexuality, were suddenly deemed "evil?" Nothing is going to change the fact that I am attracted to adult males, nor will it for anyone else here whether they are attracted to adult males or females. That is who we are. As far as paedophiles go, there are those who know that acting on their desires is "illegal" and try their best not to do it. I commend them. Those that have offended, will most likely do it again, having learnt from prison only one thing - "I don't want to get caught again, so I will be VERY careful this time."

This person probably will offend again and may even escalate to murder to avoid re-capture. It is scary, it is abominable, but hey, there isn't much we can do about it.

Desert Arabian
06-04-2003, 05:17 PM
We are having the same problem in Milwaukee right now. A paedophile was released a couple of days ago, in a neighborhood seconds away from an elementary school, park, and daycare center. I believe this man has molested 6 children. What is even more sick, is that the community was never informed about this man being released.

Everyone in the community is fighting to get him kicked out. I am not sure what's going to happen. I just heard about this last night.

06-04-2003, 06:10 PM
That is disgusting!!! A six year old and a 24 month old?!?!? That makes me want to gag! :mad:

06-04-2003, 08:12 PM
I have to say, and it may be naive, but how can they change?

It's a sexual preference - you cannot change homosexuals to be straight just as I believe you cannot change paedophiles not to like children (and I am NOT saying homosexuality should be changed or is a bad thing, that's a persons right to choose).

Whilst you can teach them how wrong paedophilia is in prison and mental units you cannot take away the "urge". Short of castration (and I do not see why they should not be castrated after taking a childs sexuality) nothing can be done to ensure they do not lust or re-offend.

06-04-2003, 08:18 PM
Ive even been told castration does not take the urge away, and a specialist who works in this field with whom i am friends, says its not possible to ever change them, so i tend to agree with you.

06-04-2003, 08:20 PM
One more thing whilst i remember, they also say the worse a time they have going back into the community the more likely they are to re-offend, the people interviewed in the street where he is going to live, say they feel like the ones imprisoned now.

06-05-2003, 06:04 AM
Gosh, wouldn't be awful? Being so afraid for your children's safety that you can never rest still, never stop worrying that they will be his next prey. Of course they are going to feel like they are imprisoned.

06-05-2003, 11:13 AM
It's the way our govt deals with this kind of criminal and their so called "rights" that makes me question the term "civilized nation."

I have to say- and I am not sure I'm ashamed of this opinion- that if it were my child who'd been molested, I'd participate in some "country justice."