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View Full Version : Dog Haiku

12-06-2000, 02:06 PM
Sent to me by my sister. Some might not be "real" haikus, but are cute nonetheless.

I lie belly-up
In the sunshine, happier than
You will ever be.

Today I sniffed
Many dog behinds. I celebrate
By kissing your face.

I sound the alarm!
Paper boy, come to kill us all
Look! Look! Look! Look! Look!

I sound the alarm!
Garbage man, come to kill us all
Look! Look! Look! Look! Look!

How do I love thee?
The ways are as numberless as
My hairs on the rug.

My human is home!
I am so ecstatic I have
Made a puddle.

Sleeping here, my chin
On your foot, no greater bliss, well,
Maybe catching cats

Look in my eyes and
Deny it. No human could
Love you as much as I do.

The cat is not all
Bad, she fills the litter box
With tootsie rolls.

Dig under the fence, why?
Because it is there. Because it's
There. Because it's there.

I am your best friend,
Now, always, and especially
When you are eating.

[This message has been edited by Smilla (edited December 06, 2000).]

12-06-2000, 02:29 PM
that is a real cute poem. thanks for sharing it

karen israel
12-06-2000, 03:51 PM
Really sweet!!!! Really, really, really!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

12-06-2000, 03:59 PM
I love it!!! I am sure if dogs could read they would say it speaks for them beautifully!! Thanks for sharing it. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

12-06-2000, 04:12 PM
Just terrific! Gonna post this one at the kennel! Thanks

12-06-2000, 04:42 PM
I think those haiku are just precious. Thank you so much for sharing them! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

12-06-2000, 08:30 PM
Hey, let's add our own!

Remember, haiku rules are 5-7-5

I remember this
Place where the porkchop once fell
Drool in nostalgia

I need that biscuit!
Dinner is too distant, I
Will STARVE without treats!

12-06-2000, 08:56 PM
Excellent, excellent idea!

This one's called "The Wallow", penned by our Katie and Sugar:
I smelled something foul
In it I did roll around
Ruined by a bath

And this one, titled "The Night Visitor", is for Logan:
I was fast asleep
Mom crept in and smelled my paw
Very, very strange

12-06-2000, 09:11 PM
FRITOOOOOS http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

12-06-2000, 09:38 PM
I'm not as smart as you are this late at night, but give me until the weekend and I'll think of something! These are precious! And yes, I admit it, I did smell those frito feet late at night when no one was watching!

12-06-2000, 09:38 PM
My contribution:

Shelter dogs just sit
Waiting for someone to love.
Please love me, won't you?

***Save a life, ADOPT***

12-06-2000, 11:58 PM
Some very interesting haiku. I'll have to come up with one. I did one for my cat, but not the dogs (the one I did can be seen under the name Christi Upson on http://www.poetry.com (http://www.poetry.com),)), now let me go sniff those frito feet for inspiration.....

[This message has been edited by ktreva52 (edited December 07, 2000).]

12-07-2000, 10:01 AM
6am I wake
How can you slumber, person?
The day is ours, rise!

Now that I've been out
And you are awake, I curl
Back to the bed's warmth

You watch me, I know
Disgusted at my return
To deep snoring sleep

I do not feel guilt
YOU had to get up for work,
I just did my job!

12-07-2000, 01:10 PM

That's wonderful! They are all great!

12-07-2000, 10:19 PM
Freckles: Done and done. I made a minor error in the title of the topic, but it's in "Cat General" if anyone is interested. Still haven't come up with one for the dogs, tho'. More frito feet???? NO.......doggie perfume.....Gack!

12-07-2000, 10:48 PM
I've got one and didn't have to resort to "Treasure Perfume".....

Liquid eyes beseech
Be my master, be my friend,
I am now your "child".

How about limericks?

I sing of the Jack Russell Terrier
A masterly rat and fox harrier.
Though smallish in size
He's not in his eyes
So size of the prey is no barrier.

I know, kinda trite, but I just dashed it off for the poetry contest thing on Poetry.com. I'm working on more for a book my daughter's writing. Ideas?

[This message has been edited by ktreva52 (edited December 07, 2000).]

12-09-2000, 04:39 PM
The one verse I saw in an e-mail version of Dog Haiku that is missing above (and it is one of my favorites) is

I hate my choke chain
Look world, they strangle me! Ack
Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack!

[This message has been edited by RachelJ (edited December 09, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by RachelJ (edited December 09, 2000).]

12-09-2000, 07:51 PM
I starve, I perish
Will 5 o'clock never come?
Where is my dinner?

* * *

Spoiled, delicate
One hundred-forty pounds of
Love covered in fur

12-11-2000, 01:05 AM
Root, dig, snort, dig, bark,
I have to find the vermin,
I am Terrier.

We're discussing doing a book in the Cat Haiku (Cat General, Cat Haiky-u <a fumble of the fingers> ) and donating the proceeds to three organizations in honor of Dogs, Cats, and Pets. Anyone want to do that?

Pets are people, too,
They just do not seem like us
They might be smarter.

I have gone ahead
Wait for you at the bridge
When you are ready.

Hmmm, getting morbid, I guess. Time for bed.

12-11-2000, 09:11 AM
Ok, here's one submitted by my two "water" hounds:

Take us to the lake
You know how we love to swim
We'll be in the car.

12-11-2000, 09:04 PM
Day begins with an
Insistent nose - how could I
resist love-fill'd eyes?

12-11-2000, 10:54 PM
Snow...run, jump, dive, slide
Black and tan dog all white now
Had great fun today!!

***Save a life, ADOPT***

12-12-2000, 08:16 PM
Winter is dog bliss:
Black nose snow-plows tunnels, paths
Of old scents, new tracks

A snowball is thrown -
I pounce! Hey, where did it go?
This white stuff hides it!

I, Saint Bernard, perch
On lofty, sturdy snowbank -
My own, private Alps

12-13-2000, 08:27 AM
You are all so good at this stuff. I love each and every one. Keep them coming.

12-13-2000, 08:24 PM
I try to be good
But even when I'm not, she
Says I'm the best gift

A tree in my house
Trimmed with lights and shiny things,
Candy canes - I drool!

Cmon, folks, join in!

12-13-2000, 10:05 PM
Christmas Day is here.
Our presents under the tree.
We are family.

written by Killian and Shiloh

[This message has been edited by Sudilar (edited December 13, 2000).]

12-14-2000, 06:04 AM
There is snow outside.
So wet, so deep, so darn cold.
I poop in the house!

Submitted by Tucker

12-14-2000, 08:00 AM
http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif Love that one!! We have all had days when we open the door for our doggie's morning bathroom trip and they look up at us on the stormy days and say with their eyes...."do I really have to go out there?" Seems like Tucker took matters into his own paws!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif You started my day with a laugh!!

12-14-2000, 08:01 AM
Rachel! Thanks for the great haiku! Love to start my day out with a good laugh. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

12-17-2000, 11:07 PM
Big winds came, and rain
Sticks and sniffs are everywhere
How to choose just one?

Daisy's Mom
12-18-2000, 09:52 PM
Wow you guys are all so good at this! Daisy and I are laughing at thema ll, they're great! And Daze wanted me to add these ones, she wrote them herself http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif :

I am running fast!
No one can catch this basset!
Ouch... tripped on big ears.

You are holding leash!
Are we going to go walk?
I beat you to door!

I ate ham last night.
Go check your room... I ate it...
But it came back up!

The windows are clean!
We can see through them! Oh no!
Time to go smudge nose!

12-19-2000, 08:44 AM
Daisy is a master of the Haiku. Those were great. I can picture each one. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

12-19-2000, 09:41 AM
I had just read about the terrible weather conditions in the East on the Internet and then I read your Haiku. It made me laugh out loud. Thanks
Originally posted by RachelJ:
There is snow outside.
So wet, so deep, so darn cold.
I poop in the house!

Submitted by Tucker

12-19-2000, 09:09 PM
I ate ham last night.
Go check your room... I ate it...
But it came back up!

Daisy you are quite a talented little doggie. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif I especially liked this line about the ham. It's nice that you told your mommy to check her room. Sometimes we find out the hard way....in bare feet in the dark!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

12-19-2000, 09:59 PM
Here's Honey's last night's story....

My mom wouldn't wake up
I needed to go outside
She got a present

(and believe me, I wish I had waked up!)

12-19-2000, 10:38 PM
Along the same lines...

My Dad sleeps real tight;
I had to go pee, last night.
It's unner the tree.

Love, Cinder http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

Daisy's Mom
12-20-2000, 01:52 PM
Thanks from Daisy! She thinks you are all great at Haiku too http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

12-22-2000, 06:34 PM
A tree in the house
That you don't let me water ...
What fun is that, huh?

A branch would be good
Except for those pricklies
You yell if I chomp

It's precarious ...
I didn't make those shiny
Things fall off, honest!

A tree in the house
I can't chew it, water it
You guys are no fun.

12-25-2000, 07:08 PM
Honey was a mess
She did not like the new place
She is so glad to be home

Lilly was a mess
She acted like a baby
She is so glad to be home

Logan was a mess
She about pulled all hair out
She is so glad to be home!

Mimi missed us much
She had a quiet Christmas
We all wish for that

That's my Christmas Haiku! Can you tell it was frustrating? http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

12-26-2000, 10:31 AM
I poop in the snow.
Snow, snow, snow, snow coming down.
Where did my poop go?

Santa Paws brought ME
some very special cookies.
But SHE doles them out!

Submitted by Hannah

[This message has been edited by RachelJ (edited December 26, 2000).]

12-26-2000, 10:53 AM
Rachel you have a real talent for getting inside a dog's mind!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif Love your haikus! Hannah and Tucker must send you their thoughts and you just sit down and transcribe them!!!

12-29-2000, 03:24 PM
Logan: I was sorry to hear that the trip to Mom's wasn't much fun -- although I have to admit, the haiku are very good. It was that short person in a dog suit there, wasn't it????

My territory
You can't stay here with me now
I will eat you up.

Well, perhaps the New Year will bring better days. Get some rest and check on your furkids and hug 'em all for us.

12-29-2000, 05:01 PM
Ktreva, it was awful, but things are back to normal now and my girls are happy again.

We are at home now
We just eat and sleep all day
Happy, Happy girls

authored by Honey and Lilly