View Full Version : New Cat column

06-03-2003, 12:34 AM
I just love Jon Caroll's columns, especially when they are about his cats (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2003/06/02/DD299220.DTL)

06-03-2003, 05:56 AM
That's pretty funny! I know what he means though, most of the cats we've had in the one household don't get on. The exceptions were Milo and Twirly who loved chasing each other, and Mum's boyfriend's pair of Burmese who are almost attached at the hip.

I come into the kitchen to make myself another fine bowl of strawberry-banana Jell-O, and they are pacing together. They look like Holmes and Watson trying to solve a problem.


Edwina's Secretary
06-03-2003, 10:55 AM
He is so descriptive! I can just see those cats.....