View Full Version : Kai the pigdog....

06-02-2003, 07:29 PM
Sunday night, I switched Kai to the raw diet. I gave him a chicken wing to munch on while I supervised. He abosolutely LOVES this stuff, so naturally...he ripped it out of my hand and gulped the whole chicken wing down. I'm not sure if he chewed it before it went down but he did it so quickly that I really doubt it. Should I be terribly concerned? I'm keeping an eye on him just in case.

06-02-2003, 07:37 PM
There was no bone was there? If he swallowed bone, I would be concerned, I would just keep an eye on him. :)

06-02-2003, 08:09 PM
Yeah was there a bone? If there was, and he swallowed it whole, I would be a little concerned cuz that would be a little hard to pass thru ur tummy... Hehe Abby would like a chicken bone too.. :) I love the name Kai.. :)

06-02-2003, 08:20 PM
yea he had a bone with it. I thought of giving him that peroxide stuff to have him vomit it back up but I didn't know what kind of peroxide. I hope his tummy allows him to pass it through...I really don't wanna bring him into the vet's..my mom just lost her job so we really can't afford it. I'll keep an eye on him...see if he eats normal...poops normal...etc...

Thanks Ilovemyabbygirl! I got the name kai from a camp leader that I had a crush on ...LOL...

06-02-2003, 08:22 PM
How big was the bone? If it was a little one, I would see no cause for concern, but bigger, then i would bring him to the vet asap, just if you think he really ate it of course.:)

06-02-2003, 08:24 PM
It wasn't horribly big. It was just the chicken wing. He stole it all. It was very thin too so I think maybe his tummy might be able to handle it. He's acting normal right now too...we just came back from a little jog..so he seems fine. I'll wait a few days before I sleep soundly.

06-02-2003, 08:26 PM
Okie, then I think it should be okay:)

BTW, I love your new sig! Its a crackup! In a good way of course..:D

06-02-2003, 08:29 PM
lol thanks. I have another one I'll probably use sometime this week. I just scanned a whole bunch of pics so it'll keep me busy for a while...lol...I gaurentee you'll love the next one.

06-02-2003, 09:57 PM
I give Foxy chicken wings all the time and he eats the whole thing.

06-02-2003, 10:13 PM
dont worry about it, happy did that with a chicken back once she later threw it up and ate it properly, if he seems fine, he probibly chucked it up and at it properly when you were not watching him:) either that or he did eat it properly my terriers are so fast ate eating there bones you would never know they had been chewed:)