View Full Version : I Feel So...Sad and Depressed...*sigh*

06-01-2003, 07:55 PM
A little while ago, I was looking so forward to the end of the year, and now...I feel so sad!
My best friend, Vicky, is leaving next year and she is the *only* one of my friends who I can really relate to and talk to. She was so nice to me and accepted me for who I was, unlike everyone else who didn't like me because I wasn't exactly like them...just another trend. Now I don't know what I will do without her next year. I mean, I had other friends besides her, but...they weren't the same. :(

06-01-2003, 08:02 PM
Im sorry...:( I know how you feel, friends I have had have moved away and passed on. I just try to remember the good times we had. Maybe you can still keep in contact with her? I hope you feel better soon.

06-01-2003, 08:33 PM
welcome to my world!

06-01-2003, 09:28 PM
But the beauty of life is all the wonderful and interesting people you will meet as you continue on your way! There will be more friends to meet, and there's nothing to say that you will lose your friendship with Vicky as long as you both make the effort :)

06-02-2003, 05:16 AM
That would seem to be bit of a problem...you see, she curses all the time and one time she said a 'bad word' when she was on the phone with me, and her mom called me back and yelled at me for 'being a bad influence on her.' I am not allowed to call her, go places with her, or talk on the internet with her.
Well, of course we do! :D But, still, we'd never see each other. Plus it kinda hurts my feelings because some of my other friends go over her house like every day it seems like then they come back to school talking bot how much fun they had...:(
Come to think about it, NOT ONE of my friends' parents like me. Because of one girl who I hate and hates me back tells her mumsy dearest all these awful things about me that have no truth to them, and her mom has the biggest mouth ever and is friends with everyone's mom, so now *everyone* knows stupid lies about me that no one believes are fake.
Ugh, sorry this turned into a vent! :rolleyes:

06-09-2003, 06:15 PM
sry bout my female dog of a motha. she can be such a lil weirdo sumtimes

06-09-2003, 07:31 PM
I'm so sorry :( :( I know exactly how you feel. My closest friend, Ericka, and I were so excited to graduate from High School then go on to college together. We'd been talking about it for years :D Our senior year we got accepted into the same college, but later on Ericka decided to go to a different college - IN ALASKA!! I cried and cried. :( I really didn't want to go to college without her, and I still don't like it much... I miss her SO MUCH :(

Dakota's Mommy
06-10-2003, 02:14 PM
I'm sorry to hear that she's leaving the area! One way you can still make things work is keep in contact with her, especially over the internet (so cheap) that way you still have that friend to confide in and be close to. I know it's not that same, but at least you'd get to keep the friendship, just not be as close to each other as you are!

06-10-2003, 04:04 PM
Im sorry your friend is leaving.I know how you feel because a whole lot of my friends are going to other schools too.