View Full Version : <sigh> Is it just me or am I really going crazy?

06-01-2003, 03:13 PM
Okay. We were coming home from camping, and I was perfectly fine. I was singing along with the radio when something struck me.

Only 7.5 days of school left.

All of a sudden, I just stopped singing, and I kinda had a puzzled look on my face. I thought, 7 and a half days? It seems so unreal, because I can remember perfectly the first day of Middle School. And in 7 more days, I'm outta there for good.

It just struck me as so weird, because usually I am so excited when the years over, but this time I was sad... And what makes it worse is at the end of the year, the teachers show a slide show of pics from the whole year... Kids cried last year, and all my friends are like What babies... Personnally I think it will be hard not to this year.

I think I am going crazy.

I'm going to miss Middle school...

06-01-2003, 03:41 PM
well next year I am graduating nd , Now thats scary, I will be off on my own, of course I will live with my parents till I get a place, but its weired to think that I will not have school anymore.

06-01-2003, 07:26 PM
Yeah, im graduating middle school and going into high school next year too.....Im going to miss my friends soo much, and my wonderful teachers who never gave up on me. :)

06-01-2003, 07:50 PM
Hey! You're not crazy AT ALL! :) I am graduating 7th grade this year, and sometime when I think about it, I get sad. As much as I TOTALLY hated my teacher, I still has some really awesome and hilarious times with my friends and other classmates.
Last year when I was in 6th grade, they showed a slide show and it was really sad to see everyone on the screen looking so happy and looking like they're having so much fun. It was hard to watch, but it was also very sentimental. I will never forget it... Good luck! ;)

06-01-2003, 08:54 PM
yea..school goes by so quickly. I remember, my first day of high school 2 and a half years ago...and it just seems like time flew by. I mean, 2 weeks left and then in september i'm gonna be grade 11. Ack...I don't wanna grow up...

Dakota's Mommy
06-02-2003, 09:15 AM
Yep, it's amazing how much you can't wait to get out of school while you're growing up but then when you get to a major point of going from one school to another one or graduating all together, reality really hits you, another year older and another year you have to be more mature and accomplish even more. Reality Bites, I miss the good old days of high school, and I never thought I'd think that once I grew up, I just wanted out of there quicker than I could blink!

06-02-2003, 10:15 AM
Well, I definatly can't say i'm sad to be getting the Hell away from that place! :D I still have 12 more school days. and 16 more days in total :( Blah...

06-02-2003, 05:36 PM
That's all you have left? We still have like 3 and a half weeks left.
:( I'll be going into grade 8 next year, and into high school in grade nine. I will miss my school too!

06-03-2003, 12:15 AM
I was the same why too...The last day of middle school I came home from Valley Fair and was like "oh my god IM gonna MISS YOU ALL!!"

06-03-2003, 05:20 AM
It is sad closing one chapter of your life, but a wonderful new one awaits! Don't rush through your school years towards the future, guys, enjoy them because that time will never come again. Take it from an adult, you will miss these years once you move on.

Boy am I jealous! When you work fulltime, you don't get to take the whole summer off very often at all, if ever! :)

06-03-2003, 06:35 AM
I know exactly how you feel. Ihave 3 more days of school and then next friday my LAST exam! Then I graduate. I can't believe it either. It's great isn't it? That the school year seems to go so quick.. lol

06-03-2003, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by bluekat
That's all you have left? We still have like 3 and a half weeks left.
:( I'll be going into grade 8 next year, and into high school in grade nine. I will miss my school too!