View Full Version : The vacation from H*LL

05-31-2003, 08:42 PM
NO PICTURES, just glad to be back alive.

The very first day off the trip we got into a bad accident.
(Per the CHP officer, he thought it would be safe for
us to continue on our trip, since the damaged looked
We tried to continue and the next day we got
stuck on a two land road in the boomies up in a mountain cliff.
Thanks to a wonderful young man who was stationed
at a nearby marine base, who
drove my husband to get help as I waited with 3 dogs.
(car phone would not work and this place isn't even on a map)
An hour later we were able to drive the M.H. to a nearby
repair shop and because it was running
they could not figure out what was wrong.
We tried driving home again, and sure enough
the engine died again. We stayed overnight
in a motel with 3 dogs while my husband again got
the M.H. to the same small local repair shop.
Same thing, Could not tell us what was wrong since when
the M.H. was running perfect again.
Back track to a different route, so we could drive on a 4 lane road instead of a two lane. That way if we stalled their would be
a lane for cars to pass us instead of hitting us.
Made it almost home, and now our turn signals are not working,
the freezer door keeps opening and than the
engine stalls up the (STEEP) grapevine, right off a busy
Truck lane.
A stream of BIG RIGS kept passing us, and
it was HOT and I was terrified that one of the BIG RIGS would
hit us.
($148.00) Tow truck towed us over the Grape Vine and took us
to a parking lot. We were than able to drive the M.H.
home in the early evening.

If we did not have the dogs, it would have been a lot less

Tomarrow we are taking the M.H. to a repair shop and
will leave it their. I will probably go to work for 3 days, than
I think just Mike and I will go on a short vacation and
let my Aunt housesit and watch the dogs.

P.S. Rocky was sick and I also lost my favorite watch too. : (

05-31-2003, 09:38 PM
Oh my! What a disappointment for you, but I am glad you are home safe!!! It sounds like you need a vacation from your vacation. I hope your mini vacation will be enjoyable. What a shame about your watch and Rocky getting sick. Is he OK now?

05-31-2003, 09:39 PM
Aww Karen I'm so sorry the vacation was such a downer. At least no one was hurt. I hope Rocky gets better and I'm sorry about your watch. :( It seems like everything went form bad to worse.
:( I hope you fell better about it soon :)

05-31-2003, 09:50 PM
That sounds awful!! I'm glad you are home safely, even though it was no fun. I hope Rocky is feeling better, and that you can get a little vacation in soon--you deserve it.

05-31-2003, 10:16 PM
Oh Wow! Glad you are back home safely..

05-31-2003, 10:21 PM
Awww, I am sorry about the trip! That bites. If your talking about the grapevine in California, that is one lousy place to break down in the summer!

06-01-2003, 09:37 AM
Aww sry to hear that trip was a sucky one. Just glad everyone is OK n' ur all safe at home. hope the next trip is better~!

06-01-2003, 10:11 AM
WOW Karen, that one beats out my trip from hell! lol I hope the MH gets fixed soon without too much major wrong with it.

06-01-2003, 05:39 PM
OH NO!!!! Karen, I was just thinking about you guys and what a fun time you must be having!!!!:eek: The good thing is you weren't hurt. I hope Rocky is ok! What's wrong? I'm sorry your fun vacation was ruined:( Hopefully your mini one will be better! What a bummer!

06-01-2003, 05:51 PM
Ok Karen, and you were so looking forward to this vacation. I'm sorry that things turned out so awful. Too bad if it was going to happen it couldn't have happened when you were coming back;)
You said Rocky got sick, is he feeling better? I sure hope so.

Well, I hope your little vacation goes better than this one did!

Cisco's Mom
06-01-2003, 08:31 PM
:( :( :(

06-01-2003, 09:35 PM
Uh oh, you sure you're not talking about one of my vacations?? :rolleyes: Something like that happens every time we try to go.....I could write 10 pages worth...last year on our way to Yellowstone the truck decided to be evil and we had to spend all day in some stupid city in Idaho.

Sorry to hear about all the bad luck...:( I hope Rocky is feeling better! And I hope your mini-vacation turns out better!!

06-01-2003, 11:11 PM
Thanks everyone. I forgot today was Sunday,
so of course all the repair shops are closed.
Yep! It was the Grapevine in Southern Calif.
Rocky is doing fine, now that he is home.
I think he must have been nervous and excited
the first 3 days of camping and made himself sick.

He ate a big dinner last night, and today he was
back to normal.

I tripped and sprained my foot today.
Spent 4 hours at the hospital. (long wait)
So I have to wear this boot and take medication.
The good news is that I got a note for work, so I can
use sick leave instead of vacation for the next couple of days.

I am starting to think their is a black cloud over my head. :rolleyes: