View Full Version : Trip to White Mtns. (**pics**)

05-31-2003, 05:45 PM
We've had a bunch of stress lately, and it being our 6th anniversary (yay, happy anniversary to us), we decided to take an overnighter to the White Mountains of New Hampshire to relax and not think about problems. :) (I know that Bella & Ripley's Mom, Pam, has been there before) Malone had so much fun with us! We went on some nature walks, played ball, and basically had undivided attention for almost 2 whole days! :) I thought I would share some pictures with you...I took lots more, but they probably be boring unless you had been there.

We stopped on the side of the road just as we entered the real mountainous area. We walked around taking pictures of water falls. Here Malone was trying to come see his Mommy. :D

We stopped at this cute country store that was actually located in a covered bridge. It was very cute & pricey, and Malone got a brandy new bandana out of that stop! Here he is, my very HAPPY boy!! :D this is my favoritest picture of all of them

Stopping to smell the flowers on a nature walk to "Diana's Baths", a very beautiful water falls. The walk was about 1.6 miles one way...very enjoyable, and not very buggy.

Posing in front of Diana's Baths. Right after this picture was taken disaster struck. Mark went on ahead to get a couple more pictures, and I stayed behind with Malone. All of a sudden he went crazy (butt-tucking is what we call it) and he leapt from the rock about 6' down. I was mid jump when the retractable leash got stuck, and I ended up falling flat on my face. How very embarrassing!!! I let go of the leash and he took off at 90 mph. I was so scared and screaming my head off. He came running back, and I managed to grab the rope of the leash. He took off again, and I ended up with a nasty rope burn over 4 of my fingers. It wasn't so very serious, and today I'm just very bruised and sore from falling. What a nawtee pup!!

Relaxing with his favorite bone that night in our cabin...

http://www2.innevi.com/~emenay/trip06.JPG \
Some very beautiful waterfalls. I just wish the camera could catch the feel of the wind on your face, the whispering breeze and the call of the birds. It was so peaceful!!!

And this is the cabin that we rented. They are so dog-friendly, we are definitely going to go back there when we can stay longer.

I hope I haven't bored you, and that you have enjoyed the pictures!!

05-31-2003, 06:08 PM
Oh! Oh! Oh! You are stirring up my memories! Your pictures are sooooo nice and I know the trip was a little stress reliever except for that nasty fall!! I certainly hope you are OK, and I am so thankful that Malone came back and you got his leash!!! Whew! How nice that you found a 'pet friendly' place to say. It looks like Malone had a great time too. When we have gone to the White Mountains we have stayed in Franconia. Not far from there was The Old Man in the Mountain. It was a face naturally formed in the mountain that resembled an old man. It recently fell and it's hard to believe it is there no more. Here's the story if you haven't already heard about it.
There are so many wonderful spots up there. We did some hiking to artist's bluff and here is just a glimpse of what you can see from up there.
And of course there are lots and lots of cute places to shop and things to see. We also went to see the bears at Clark's Trading Post.
Sorry to monopolize your thread! I think I need to get back up there! :) If we ever do, you can be sure I'll let you know in advance so I can meet you in person and of course that adorable Malone! ;)

05-31-2003, 06:19 PM
Wow, Pam that's a beautiful picture!!! (And no, I don't think you are monopolizing the thread) :)

The old man's falling really touched a lot of people up here. It was so representative of New Hampshire. I heard that a company in Connecticut is in the trial stages of re-creating him.

And we would *love* to meet you if you are ever up this way again!! Also, if we ever get down to NJ, I'll let you know as well. ;)

05-31-2003, 07:57 PM
Wow! Great pics :) Looks really nice :) Malone is such a cutie :)

05-31-2003, 08:16 PM
That sounds really nice, aside from the fall.
We're looking to go away this summer, maybe even for just a long weekend, and possibly taking the dogs, but we aren't sure yet--it looks beautiful there!!!
I just love this picture of the nawtee boy

05-31-2003, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by lovemyshiba
That sounds really nice, aside from the fall.
We're looking to go away this summer, maybe even for just a long weekend, and possibly taking the dogs, but we aren't sure yet--it looks beautiful there!!!
I just love this picture of the nawtee boy

Oooh if you ever head up this way, I would love to meet both you and your beautiful pups!! ;)

05-31-2003, 09:01 PM
Great photos Cookiebaker!:)
I like the White Mountains almost as much as the Green Mountains!;) My favorite thing to do is go horseback riding in the mountains.
A few years back I went on a trail ride at Gunstock Mountain, it was perfect weather and no bugs!(weirdest thing, usually flies are all over the horses on a trail ride!)
Let me know the next time you head over my way, next weekend I will be crossing those White Mountains to go to Maine and see the ocean!:)

It sounds like we need to plan a Pet Talk meeting for somewhere in New England.
There seem to have been so many big Pet Talk meetings in other areas, maybe we should plan one too!

05-31-2003, 09:12 PM
Great pics it reminds me of this place near here called bear creek, it is soo peacefull and nice, it is a HARD hike to get to though, and dogs can come on the trail with a leash on. *Tikeya wears hers, most of the time ;)*.

Who took care of the bun in your sig while you were gone?? jus wondering :p

06-01-2003, 08:02 AM
Hi Tikeya's mom,

We were gone for a little over 24 hours, and just put lots of extra food in Willow's cage. Same with the cat & bird. They sure missed us, but they did fine. Thanks for asking. (And if we were going to be gone longer than expected, we would call my bro. and he would drop by and take care of 'em)

06-01-2003, 09:11 AM
WOW...what a BEAUTIFUL place~!!! Looks like Malone did enjoy his 2 day outing of attenion with yall. Malone....why did u have a bo NAWTEE??? You silly boy~! Thanx for sharing the pictures...n' no they didn't bore my I enjoyed them~!

06-01-2003, 12:10 PM
What great photos! Malone, you are such a handsome boy, I just love you! :D (just stop being a nawtee boy for mom, ok? She bought you that lovely bandana--and that fall sounded painful!)

It's great that you found such a dog-friendly spot! I'd love to visit there!! We have some gorgeous places here, but many of them don't allow dogs on the trails! :(

06-01-2003, 02:31 PM
Wow, it looks very beautiful. Your puppy looks sooo happy to be there!

06-01-2003, 02:44 PM
Malone is such a cutie! He must have had so much fun! It looks beautiful up there! Thanks for sharing the pics! :D

06-01-2003, 05:45 PM
Sounds like you all had a great time there (aside from the fall, hope you are doing ok today:)). That picture of the waterfall took my breath away! I can just imagine the feeling you had while you were there. And no, the pictures weren't boring at all. I'd love to see more if you have them.

Cisco's Mom
06-01-2003, 08:29 PM
What a great time it sounds like ya'll had. Well, ya know except for the naughty pup thing. I'm glad to hear that niether of you were seriuosly hurt! What a beautiful place. It def. looks like a trip Cisco would enjoy.:)

06-01-2003, 11:27 PM
Happy 6th anniversary. :D

Your's and Pams pictures are wonderful.

06-02-2003, 09:45 AM
What a beautiful place to go to relax and unwind - except when your dog tries to cause you serious injury!:D Seriously, I hope you are feeling ok now?
Great pics, the waterfall looks so lovely, and of course so does the deliciously handsome Malone!

06-02-2003, 10:01 AM
Love the pics! Glad you guys had a great vacation (dispite the fall. :eek: :( )

Dakota's Mommy
06-02-2003, 11:10 AM
Wow, looks like lots of fun was had! What a beautiful area too!

06-02-2003, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by anna_66
Sounds like you all had a great time there (aside from the fall, hope you are doing ok today:)). That picture of the waterfall took my breath away! I can just imagine the feeling you had while you were there. And no, the pictures weren't boring at all. I'd love to see more if you have them.

Thanks for the compliments :) I chose out a few more that you might find interesting...

This is the first view as you come into the mountain range. It truly is breathtaking, and pictures just don't do it justice.

A cool picture looking up at the sky.

Mount Washington from a distance. (Mt. Washington is the tallest mountain in NH)

We drove up Mount Washington, and this is the train that rides to the top. It blows out LOTS of smoke!!

This is me :o standing on the top of Mount Washington. You could see for miles around!!

Looking down you can see all the small tiny roads in the valley below.

The trees and vegetation are so weird the higher you get on the mountain. These "trees" are very typical.

06-02-2003, 09:31 PM
This is my favorite though
I love to see the fog like that, just don't love driving through it!

I actually got a couple of good fog pics when I was coming home from my parents.