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05-30-2003, 03:42 PM
sweep and mop around your dogs?

Mom told me to sweep and mop the kitchen floor when I got out of the shower. Well when I went to sweep I look in the kitchen and the puppies are all in a pile at the very corner of the of the tiles. I had two opitions: 1.) Wake them up and move them and fight for an hour to sweep and mop that one spot (cuz they will not sleep anywhere else) 2.) Just work around them and get that one spot later.

I took the second one. Anyone else have a stubborn dog that you just gotta work around?

05-30-2003, 04:54 PM
My cat, Ron won't move for the life of him. For instance, the other day I wanted to wash the sheets. He was laying on it. I pulled the sheet off the bed and drug it all the way to the laundry room with him laying on it. He wasn't even concerned he stayed in a comfy ball the whole time. I didn't think it'd be nice to throw him in the washing machine, so I finally pulled him off. hehe.

05-30-2003, 04:56 PM
Another story about him, he likes to sleep in the bathtub. He knows darn well when I am going to take a shower, but he'll lay there until the water starts hitting him. Then he'll casually get up and get out of the shower.

05-30-2003, 06:10 PM
How cute. That photo of Ron, reminds me of my laidback Milo. :D

05-31-2003, 07:39 AM
Bob usually moves out of the way automatically when I am cleaning. With Ebby the cat it is a different story, not that she won`t move, on the contrary, when I am vacumning she will move as soon as I come within a couple of feet of her, and sometimes, if she is lying comfy on my bed I will leave vacumning until later, or even next day, because I so hate to disturb her!:) :D

05-31-2003, 07:49 AM
It is physically impossible to mop, vaccum or sweep around Callihan and Mitchell. For some reason the cleaning apparatus seems to threaten them both and Callihan feels it is his right to attack and destroy the apparatus. In other words, you will eventually get bitten by Callihan if you are holding on to the cleaning device.

:D :D :D

05-31-2003, 09:31 AM
This is another way Kito wins the strange dog contest--when we lived in our apartment, he HATED the vacuum--he would bark, and try to attack and bite it--he had to be locked up sometimes when we ran it!! Since we moved into the house, he could care less about it--you can run it right up next to him, and he won't move--usually I'll just go around him!! The dustbuster really freaks him out though--he can't handle it--weirdo!!