View Full Version : Sick fish? Please help.

I Love Brian, Forever <3
05-30-2003, 01:19 PM
One of the 5 goldfish are staying at the bottom of the tank, not swimming and has a small white growth on one of his top fins. Do I remove him into a fish bowl and then treat him for ick... or does he need an aerated tank? What should I do?! Please help ASAP! Thanks!!!!

05-30-2003, 01:33 PM
Wish I could help but I only have cats. Years and years ago I had a fish tank with Neon Tetras and Guppies. I remember once I had to treat them for Ick but did not have to separate the sick ones from healthy ones. Are you sure it is Ick?? I'm no expert and I know the other fish people on board can help you. Good luck little fishie...

I Love Brian, Forever <3
05-30-2003, 02:27 PM
I'm pretty sure it's ick. Most of the fish that I have had have died from ick. I have no luck with it. Thanks for your help, though. :)

05-30-2003, 09:47 PM
It's not ick if it's only one bump on the goldfish, ick spreads all over.

Put your fish in a seperate tank, go to you pet store and buy some antibiotics to put in with him. One pill does 10 gallons of water, so not the whole pill......just judge it out. The other tank put the antibiotics in there also, just to be safe. If you have any charcoal filter in the tank, remove it, charcoal will destroy the med.

There is several kinds of antibiotics, but most have descriptions of what they treat, so look for the one closes to what you think your fish has. It's a good idea to always have some Meds in the house, just for times like this, the faster you treat the better.

I would say it's a fungal infection from what you said. Ick is small white specks that kind of glitter some on the fishs body. Ick comes from changing temps., in the water, cold to warm etc etc.