View Full Version : Headed off again for a long weekend

05-29-2003, 03:50 PM
We're leaving in the morning to take Helen to meet her dad for her week at the beach, then Scott and I will be on our way to Charlottesville, VA for the weekend. We will be home sometime on Monday evening. So I will see you on Tuesday. It has been a tough week, folks, workwise. I will share it with you in more detail, later. Just suffice it to say that this extended weekend, away from home and work, will be a blessing for me and Scott. Our children will be happy and occupied and we will have the opportunity to be alone, celebrate Scott's 36th birthday on Sunday, and just talk about the future and where we want to be. This is lifechanging stuff, people!! And I am actually quite enthusiastic about it. So, if you don't do anything else, say a quick prayer, or send a good thought. There are so many of us in weird situations right now, workwise.

Have a great GOLDEN (or Canine/feline filled) weekend. Hug those babies, love them, hug them and give them a kiss from us! Wanda and Kim are coming to care for our gang of 7 over the weekend, thank goodness. I know they will be fine and so glad to see us when we return.


05-29-2003, 03:53 PM
Logan - I hope you and Scott have a lovely week-end together and that he has a wonderful Birthday.
