View Full Version : That waitress gave herself an additional $5 tip!!!! GRRRR!!!

05-29-2003, 03:49 PM
I took Andy out to dinner on Monday. We had a nice time and our waitress was very pleasant and refilled our drinks in a timely fashion.

The dinner came to $29.00 and Andy left $5 dollars on the table. On the reciept under tip I wrote 'On Table' and filled out the rest.

Out of curiosity I checked my online bank statement and Texas Roadhouse charged my credit card $34!!!!! :mad:

What!? How!??! Why!?!?


I know it's only $5... but still... :(

05-29-2003, 03:55 PM
Just called the bank. All I have to do is go in and fill out a Visa dispute form and let the process do it's thing.

ha ha ha! I'll show TRH to go taking my hard earned $5. ;) :D :p

05-29-2003, 03:56 PM
OMG! I can't even believe someone would do that!!! $5 onthe table is over the "expected" 15% and from my waitress friends cash is usually preferred. Is it possible it was an erroer someone should be made aware of?

05-29-2003, 04:35 PM
I can't belive that! I'm a waitress too and I can't even imagine doing something like that. In fact, if I did that I would be fired! It is policy that we aren't allowed to write on the receipt. I would report it to the restraurant if I were you!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-29-2003, 04:44 PM
I agree with Anna. I don't remember the specifics, but something similar to this happened to us a few years back. We called the restaraunt to ask about it, and they were very interested to know who the waitress was and any other circumstances we could provide. I don't know what happened to the waitress, but I do know the manager was not at all happy about it, and we ended up getting a gift certificate for $20.00 to make sure the experience didn't sour us on eating there.

Also, it's possible that someone else took the tip and the waitress never got it. I've seen with my own eyes someone who looked like a homeless person reach across the little fence that restaraunts put on the sidewalks and grab the tip off a table. He ran with it, and I was just getting out of the car so I couldn't stop him, but I did let the waitress know so she didn't think her customer's had ripped her off. After seeing that though, I always try and hadn the tip directly to the waitress if possible, and if not I try and put it under a glass or something so it's not out in plain view and easy for someone to just walk by and slip it in their own pocket.

Kim, definitely call the restaraunt and see what their take is on it. Good luck, and let us know what they say. :)

05-29-2003, 04:45 PM
I've had that hapen when I call the bank to see what the last transactions were and the amount from any restaurant I've been at is off a few dollars. What someone told me was that they'll run the card through for the amount they think they'll get tipped to make sure it is approved for that amount. Then go in at the end of the night or next day and adjust it to the correct amount. I'd call your bank and see if the amount changed over the last couple days. If it doesn't adjust, I'd file a dispute.
Good Luck! You wouldn't believe what I had to go through when my purse got stolen.

05-29-2003, 05:59 PM
That's really annoying, and I can totally understand why you would be ripped. I enjoy tipping extra for good service, but it's a real pet peeve of mine when the restaurant puts a note on the receipt as to what is expected. Hope everything gets straightened out for ya!

05-29-2003, 06:51 PM
This does happen somtimes. It may be a mistake, maybe not. Where I work if a customer calls and reports it, the manager will research the ticket and ask the server whats up. MANY years ago a bartender got fired for adding $3.00. But it can be a mistake. Your looking at one ticket as you close another one and put the tip on the wrong one. So again it could be a mistake. Now on the other hand... But do call the business and let them know. As someone else stated you may get a free coupon for a return visit out of it. And always draw a line through the tip area or put a 0 in it so no one can add to it. Also if the machine puts your entire credit card # on the recept, black out all but the last four #'s. Next year this will be law and all machines will have to be adjusted to print the last four #'s only.

05-29-2003, 06:57 PM

I'd definitely file a complaint or put a stop payment on the whole charge. Then see how fast the restaurant calls you!! Then I'd tell them what happened. In my opinion, what she did is stealing, plain and simple.

05-29-2003, 07:00 PM
I am so glad we dont have TIPPING in nz, thats right folks come on over for a holiday, your dollar is doubled and no TIPPING lol

Sara luvs her Tinky
05-29-2003, 07:15 PM
That happened to us once before. We sat and ate at the bar and the girl behind the counter was having a really bad night so Eric tipped her REALLY GOOD.... and she fixed the receipt to say 15.00 for the tip. Eric called the restaurant (about a week went by before we noticed) and they told us that she had been fired.....
some people just don't believe in making an HONEST living.:rolleyes:

Cinder & Smoke
05-29-2003, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by Chinadoll
... What someone told me was that they'll run the card through for the amount they think they'll get tipped to make sure it is approved for that amount.
Then go in at the end of the night or next day and adjust it to the correct amount.

Don't *think* it's supposed to work that way...

The "accept" or "reject" decision isn't made "In Advance" - it's made by the CC Company when the card is processed. The Tip amount has to be added on the bill and entered in so that the total (including the tip) is the only dollar amount given to the CC company.

There should be NO Way for an employee to alter the amount after the card is processed and returned to the owner.

One way to avoid problems - NEVER "give" your Card to anyone other than the Cashier - who should process it (with or without the tip) in plain sight. Then *CHECK* your receipt to be certain the correct amount was processed!

Often times either the cashier will get backed-up and have :eek: several cards & bills piled up for processing; or several waiter/waitresses will be lined up trying to use the terminal - often times they'll lay down a card & bill to wait on someone... a chance for your card to "stray"...

Much less chance of something going wrong if Your card stays in Your hot littl hand until the moment for processing actually happens - with You *watching* it happen! ;)

4 Dog Mother
05-29-2003, 09:32 PM
Like many of the others, I would call the restaurant. A $10 tip for a $29.00 bill is a darn nice tip. As many others have pointed out, not everyone is honest and your waitress may be doing this on a regular basis - not all people check to make sure their charges match their statements. I think that might especially be true of restaurant bills where you may not recall the exact amount the same way you would the purchase of items from a store. This waitress could have a pretty good thing going for herself.

05-29-2003, 10:58 PM
I would check with the restaurant too. If she added the tip herself, that's called credit card fraud, and is illegal. We cannot do that where I work, nor would I even think of it.
I hope everything works out for you.

05-30-2003, 12:37 AM
I would be interested in hearing the outcome of this Kimmy!
That is totally wrong!
We HAD a lady that worked in the cafeteria at work that randomly charged for things. I could get the same thing as someone else and my bill would be $2.32 and theirs would be around $4!!!! She finally quit to take care of her granddaughter!
Everyone is saving money now!

05-30-2003, 05:26 AM
thats wrong to just charge you for something like that.it annoys me when restaurants do dumb things.once i went to a restaurant that charged us for our plates!

05-30-2003, 08:23 AM
I never thought to call the restuarant. I'll do that today.

I called the bank and I can file a Visa Dispute Form, which I also plan to do.

05-30-2003, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
Don't *think* it's supposed to work that way...

The "accept" or "reject" decision isn't made "In Advance" - it's made by the CC Company when the card is processed. The Tip amount has to be added on the bill and entered in so that the total (including the tip) is the only dollar amount given to the CC company.

There should be NO Way for an employee to alter the amount after the card is processed and returned to the owner.

Yep, that's right, only a mgr can alter the amount after a card is processed & it isn't done in advance (at my work anyway).
I'm glad your calling the restaurant, some waitress....they give us a bad name:rolleyes:

05-30-2003, 10:36 AM

Just got off the phone with the restaurant. I DID write 'On Table' on the reciept and so they are going to credit my account the $5. No offer for a gift certif, but that's okay. The guy was really nice, appologetic and thanked me for bringing it to his attention. :D

05-30-2003, 10:39 AM
That's good!!!
I'm glad you called them, it sounds as if he was nice about it, and you're account will be credited.

And, just to add to what Phred and Anna mentioned, about altering the credit card amount, at my work, anyone can--as long as you know where the buttons are on the machine!! No managers code needed--I know that's probably not the way that it should be, but it works for us.

Cinder & Smoke
05-30-2003, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by ramanth
... so they are going to credit my account the $5.
No offer for a gift certif...
The guy was really nice...

Well, :rolleyes: Kimmy...

"... so they are going to credit my account the $5..."

Guess that's better than having to argue with the CC folks...

But the failue to offer anything to encourage you to return
("...No offer for a gift certificate...") is a little lame! :mad:

You should print out this Thread an send it to him (WITH your return address :p )
Tell him here's some *Free Publicity* for his
Texas Roadhouse Chain :eek: --
only a Thousand families read the story! :(

You *mite* get something back in the mail! ;)

05-30-2003, 11:13 AM
Yeah, I know Mister Phred. :o

I'm really meek and mousy and hate raising stinks. I was just happy to get the $5 credited with no hassels that I didn't want to go demanding stuff.


Cinder & Smoke
05-30-2003, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by ramanth
Yeah, I know Mister Phred. :o

I'm really meek & hate raising stinks...
... I didn't want to go demanding stuff.


Hey Kimmy ~

Don't feel bad...
DAD nebber *thinks* fast enuff in real life
ta pull it off either!

:rolleyes: :p

05-30-2003, 01:49 PM
awwwwww...... well we still love him. :)