View Full Version : How do you deal with Spam?

05-29-2003, 02:19 PM
Note for british members - NOT THAT SPAM!!! :D

I suppose we all get more and more spam, and it's very annoying!! :mad: Only a few weeks ago, I started copying the spammers IP addresses and wrote to our provider to see if they can do something about it. I know there are blacklists, but as the spammers keep changing addresses, it's useless! :(
I've tried to block them on our mailserver, it doesn't work either.

I like this article about spamming! :D


05-29-2003, 02:32 PM
Interesting article :p Would have loved to see the face of the spammer who received 10,000 of the same e-mail. I've heard that it's better not to unsubsribe when you get unsolicitated e-mail. Because then they know it's a valid e-mail address and will unsub you from that list and stick you on 10 others. I've heard it's better just to block the sender of the e-mail.

05-29-2003, 03:27 PM
I hate spam. Here's how I try and keep it to a minimum:

My main mail account is my ISP account. I protect that email address very well - I don't give it out to just anyone, and whenever I have to sign up for anything online (except stuff like eBay, PayPal, and Amazon.com - those are companies I trust) I use my Yahoo.com free account instead. This really cuts down on the majority of spam, although I think my ISP has some filters in place too.

Yahoo has a pretty good bulk email folder, if the stuff is not directly addressed to me (as most spam is) it goes in there. I can empty that folder out without even looking at the spam. Whenever I have to provide an email addy and I'm not sure if a site will share or sell my info, I use the Yahoo account.

05-29-2003, 04:06 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Randi
[B]Note for british members - NOT THAT SPAM!!! :D

He He He Randi - d'you know people still eat that stuff!!!

I'm so fed up with the amount of spam I get - when we got back from our 2 weeks holiday - I has 2,580 emails!!! 12 were from friends and yes you've guessed it - the rest were spam!!! Grrrrr it makes my blood boil - such a waste of time.


Miss Meow
05-29-2003, 05:09 PM
Like Boscibo, we keep our e-mail address with our ISP fairly private and don't use it to subscribe to e-mail lists or anything in the public arena. We use our Hotmail addresses for that so if anyone sells our e-mail address, they'll just get the Hotmail one. That gets about 300 spams a week, so I don't bother checking it any more. The private address gets about 2 a week, so I can live with that ... just.

05-29-2003, 07:09 PM
OOOps, when I read the subject line, I thought you were talking about the lunch meat......:eek:

05-29-2003, 09:25 PM
I totally know what you mean about spam. Hotmail is very bad about it, so I stopped using that account. I found another free email provider (www.fastmail.fm) that I have not had any spam at all. I'm pleased.
I agree, when I have to sign up for stuff on the internet (aside from ebay and the likes) I use my "bogus" email account which is just another freebie email account I use for junk.

05-29-2003, 11:16 PM
easily!!! We run our own email server (iahu.ca) & we put up an anti-spaming program so no one who uses our email will get spamed & if one gets through, action is taken very quickly & the spamer is hunted down & shot (not really but his spam will be blocked).

if u want to try ours go to fttp://webmail.iahu.ca

iahu is pronounced yahoo

there r a couple PT members using iahu.ca & they said its good so far & its been a month or 2 now

mine is [email protected] we have about 10 members so far, so very few names r taken.