View Full Version : Mysterious Postcard!

05-29-2003, 02:01 AM
The weirdest thing.......yesterday in the mail we received a postcard. The postcard was from Hawaii, addressed to some people in California (I'm in Utah). The name/address was not even remotely close to ours. I mean, I can see getting the neighbors mail on accident.......but really.....:confused:

Anyone else had that happen? I think I'll put it in an envelope and forward it on to them.

05-29-2003, 03:06 AM
Several years ago, I mailed a payment envelope with the company name and address pre-printed right on it and it came back to me "Moved - Left no forwarding address"... :confused: :confused:

05-29-2003, 10:11 AM
On the road where I lived growing up there was another Kim Smith. Sometimes I got her mail including her paychecks. :eek: :D

No.. I never cashed them.

Never gotten anything from someone as strange as you mentioned Amy.

05-29-2003, 10:19 AM
I've gotten other people's mail (usually postcards). They have arrived sorta stuck to my mail. Like the stamp on their postcard gets stuck to my mail.

I once got someone else's paycheck with mine too. The company was doing batch mailing and i guess had two envelopes that got licked at the same time. They both came stuck together to my house, with my check and the other person's check.

05-30-2003, 12:22 AM
Once I got my Medic Alert info to double check for validity, and another woman's too. I was livid about the lack of confidentiality.

They apologized all over the place, and I guess basically "they are the only game in town" so I stayed with them... sheesh!

On a lessor annoyance scale, I once got my season tickets for the ballet, and those of the people next after me alphabetically. They lived near me, so I dropped them off. :rolleyes:

Funnier? I once sent a friend (who lived 80 miles away) an invitation for a 4th of July party. She got it on Halloween! ;) :D