View Full Version : Dogs making paths..

05-29-2003, 12:09 AM
Ok, so me and Amy were talking about dogs making paths/trails in the backyard.. and so, look at these two pictures:


If you look at the photo - you can see a trail/path that Anna has made.. LOL..


This is Anna, WALKING right on her "path", lol..

Now, do YOUR dogs have to follow/have made "paths" around the yard??

Anna has to, I swear, she has to.. if I call her to come in or whatever.. and if she is on the other side of the yard.. she'll come.. but right on the path.. looks like Rosie is picking up the same habit... ;) Anna always has to be on it.. unless she and Rosie are playing.. or chasing eachother in the yard.. hehe..

05-29-2003, 12:18 AM
Captain does that .......... he runs a square around the yard.

If he is in the back corner, he runs all the way around his square to come to you :p .

Ruby however, barrels across and over anything in her path!!!

05-29-2003, 01:26 AM
I just wanna know how your grass is so green and pretty with dogs. haha. I'm jealous! We have a path that is actually about 6 inches lower then the rest of the lawn from the dogs. We have a shopping center behind our house. We have everything from grocery store workers, the people who clean the lots, to highschool kids smoking back there. My dogs have a path all along that fence from guarding it. That is their "duty" 24/7 and they love it. We recently planted jasmine and fenced it off to get the jasmine to grow. My dogs seems depressed without their "purpose". (I'm sure there will be a new path right in front of the temporary fence for the jasmine soon!)

05-29-2003, 01:29 AM
My dogs have made trails, also. The main one is along the fence with the dog behind it. It's like a trench! The other crosses the yard to the porch. We've recently just let the grass grow wild in the back yard to help keep the trauma down on the lawn. Now they just think they're jungle dogs. lol

05-29-2003, 01:44 AM
LOL that pic of Anna totally cracks me up! She seems so intent on walking that little path. heheh :D

There's paths in my yard too. I think they form mostly in the winter. Reggie and Smokey are babies so they make paths around the yard and will walk only on those paths when it's snowy. It goes around the deck, up the hill, and along the back fence line.

There's a path from the deck to the dog run, and I think that's partially from me, and partially from Nebo, lol. Nebo never sticks to a path, but he does run along the back fence and side fence and play "tag" with the dogs behind them so he's a part too.

05-29-2003, 07:06 AM
We had many more paths when Keisha was still alive. It was her goal to stay on a path, and Angus did too:)
But now the girls don't worry too much about that, so neither does Angus, so luckily most of ours are gone!
Cute pic of Anna!

05-29-2003, 08:53 AM
Yea! I'm gald we're not the only ones! :D
Here's some pics of Ruby's path :rolleyes::


(this one is harder to see since it's in dirt, but she has made a little gully along the whole side of the back fence...)

we also have a lovely mud stain trail leading up to the backdoor :rolleyes:

05-29-2003, 09:50 AM
Cute picture of Anna!!!

I don't have my yard finished yet, so I don't have any stories or pics to share--give me a few months;)

Dakota's Mommy
05-29-2003, 10:07 AM
Paths, nope! If that were the case I would consider half of my yard a path! I barely have any grass because of their craziness out back!

05-29-2003, 11:18 AM
Ohh yes we have paths everywhere. One going from the front to the back deck. Then lots of others. Yes they always follow them....its soo funny. Asia will sometimes come off her path...but Alex rarely does...LOL. :p

05-29-2003, 04:18 PM
We have almost no grass left in the backyard, but there are clear paths inthe dirt...a ring around the Pine tree and a racing strip along the fence where Cincy runs with the neighbor dog, Phoebe.

05-29-2003, 06:08 PM
Mine have paths around both our sheds but other than those I don't think there are any other paths.

05-29-2003, 07:51 PM

I too have that delightful "mud stain trail" on the carpet - don't ya just LOVE it :rolleyes: