View Full Version : Kids...

05-28-2003, 12:56 PM
We just so happen to be located right next to an elementary school (gr 1-6) So, I'm sitting here and I hear Zeke howling and this 'woof woof' so I look out the window and see this little kid standing there with his head up going "woof woof!" then zeke "howl" Now, I'm sure the kid was just being a kid, and now that I think about it I suppose it was kind of cute, but it annoyed me at the time as I'm trying to teach them NOT tobark..So I tap on my window, the kid looks, and I slowly shake my head. He looked away and left. Its really fun trying to train dogs not to bark when your right next to a school of loud kids lol..not only that, we're on a really busy street of ppl and dogs that always walk by..Our house also manages to be on 3 streets :o Anyone else ever had kids do stuff like that to your dogs? I've had other kids actually doing it to be 'cruel' if you can see the difference..but this guy just seemed like he had nothing better to do..Another kid use to always come and want to play with Jo, which was fine until he threw a stick over the fence and went to get it opening the gate, letting her out onto the road..did I mention it was a busy street? And I paniced of course..My dad had to talk to him cause I was pissed I probably would have said something I shouldn't as he didn't mean to :( Anyway the next time I told him Jo was tired and couldn't come out :rolleyes: How mean am I? lol

05-28-2003, 01:00 PM
not mean at all. i would have done the same thing.

05-28-2003, 02:14 PM
Not mean at all--they're your dogs!!!
We live near a lot of kids too, and before we even moved in, we told them about the dogs. How to pet them, how to let them sniff you, and stuff like that. Every time I bring Riley out just to potty, they come running "Riley, Riley, Riley!!!" I know they're just being kids, but he's easily distracted,and it seems they're always around when I'm trying to leave for work:rolleyes:

05-28-2003, 08:12 PM
I would have done the same thing. We have lots of kids around or neighborhood also. Molly will start barking at them (if they get to close to the house) they will start screaming and telling her to be quiet, yeah, really, like thats gonna help?:rolleyes:

05-28-2003, 09:47 PM
I definitely have done the same thing.
Somebody tied their dog outside of the Dairy Queen, and beautiful white long haired dog. He was huge. There were these kids torturing him. They would say ,"Doggie! Doggie!" When he came up to them they would run away and call him again. It wasn't he their dog, and they were torturing him like that and also they were petting it. I like when people ask to pet my dogs. The dog was barking because he wanted his owner. It was obvious that he loved his owner to death! Finally his owner came out and all the kids ran.:rolleyes: The dog started wining in content, and they walked away.

05-28-2003, 10:58 PM
No body has really bothered Max. Max was a kid lover so there was no fear & hes not a barker towards kids. But adult males beware, hes a totaly different dog as some have learned the hard way. No adult male that has tormented Max has gotten away with out having fear put into them. Sure its fun picking on an older black lab, but go to far & u'll soon learn he has rotti & pitt bull barks, grawls, movements & pissed off eyes. but he still wont bite, unless I try to get involved & the male shoves me (which hasn't happened yet)

05-29-2003, 07:30 AM
We lived in town when Angus was young and there was an alley that kids always walked down. Of course they would call the dogs and torment them (kids are so mean). They even once threw a bunch of fish hooks in our yard & Angus got one in his gums and one in his tongue that we couldn't get out, so we had to rush him to the vets. Of course we put our house up for sale the next week! Now we live in the country and there are no kids to bother them;)

05-29-2003, 02:00 PM
oh no poor angus

05-29-2003, 05:09 PM
It`s a bit odd I should come across this thread tonight because I had a couple problems with some kids today. First was with some who were on the steps and wall the other side of this gate out of my back yard/garden.
As you can see there is a gap on the left as you look at it which Bob looks and sticks his nose though (and there is a piece missing in the gate itself which was down to kids - but thats another story!) Anyways, I let Bob out and he ran down to the gate and woofed at them and, as I heard one or two of them say woof back, I thought Id better go out there. They weren`t really doing any harm but I said better not to put their hand though just in case. As I was talking I was looking through the hole in the gate and I saw one of them hit Bob on the nose with the back of his hand! Of course I told him off but one of the others began an augument with me, saying it wasn`t him, which I knew, and other stuff, so I told them to move from there saying Bob would bite them. One kid remained for a minute or so, a nice one who lives in our street, and I explained to him that Bob was in fact friendly but hitting a dog on the nose was not a good idea. The really sad part is that Bob kept going back to the gate to look for the kids and made me feel like a bad mommy!

The second thing involved the kid who sort of lives next door,(long story). Just to the left outside the back door there is small separating wall on the top of which (a long time ago) I put a piece of fencing so it reaches about 6feet in height. Now a couple of weeks back I was getting a bit uptight with her because she kept bouncing a ball against it then when the ball came over climbing the fence to get it and also opening the gate (although it has a bolt it can be opened from the outside with a bit of effort) and of course it would set Bob off barking - it is his job after all! Anyway, after this happening a few times on the trot I was going to have a word with her, tell her to be more careful with the ball etc, but then she suddenly stopped doing it - until today! Of course the constant banging against the fence got on my nerves but Bob was pretty quiet so I let it go, then I saw my gate wide open :mad:. I was very restained I think, I went out and closed and locked the gate walked back up and called over (couldn`t see her and wasn`t going to get a chair or owt to look over) my word were something like, "Kimberley, if you have to open the gate to come and get your ball you could at least close it behind you! Plus, if I were you I would be careful of the ball coming over if the dog is out because he will most certainly destroy it." All met with utter silence!

I think I have come to realise that, except for a few exceptions, I don`t like kids much at all!

05-29-2003, 05:19 PM
My dogs aren't really ever bothered by kids since they're always inside with me. But one incident that sticks in my mind is when Lolly had hurt her foot and was limping for 2 days. I was out walking her and these kids started yelling "AWWW Look at the cute doggie! It only gots 3 feets!" Hehe, I looked at her and it actually did look like she only had three legs because of the way she was limping.

The only kid that torments them is my second cousin, Kali. Lolly is doing GREAT with her now actually and they've leanred to play together (only took almost 2 years to get to that point :rolleyes: ) But for some reason she really likes to pull Reece's tail and follow him around being annoying. He's an angel though and runs under the bed when he's had all he can take. I'm always there supervising though and don't let her hassle him.