View Full Version : I think Fawn is Spike's mama!!

05-28-2003, 05:50 AM
It's the darndest thing! I had just gotten through feeding Spike and had him on my lap. Fawn jumped on the bed and immediately started cleaning him! She kept trying to grab him by the nap of the neck. So I decided to let her go and see what she'd do.

Lo and behold, she grabbed him by the neck ever so gently, and took him to the closet in the spare bedroom and started cleaning him again. I had set up a little bed in there for her when she first came to my house.

I am so bewildered by this! I really think that she is his baby! When she first came to my house, she had just been spayed. I never knew what happened, whether she actually HAD her babies, or was pregnant when they spayed her.

When I go to the shelter today (Kathy is going to kittysit for him for 5 days) I'm going to do a little investigating. I'm not totally SURE if he's her baby, and maybe it's just the maternal instinct in her. But to watch her "mother" him had me convinced!

I'll let you know what I find out.

Sorry, couldn't get any pictures. The camera was at the other end of the apartment.

05-28-2003, 06:04 AM
If she was pregnant at spaying time, she might be expecting the babies and when she saw one she assumed it was her own. It will be interesting to see what you find out. But either way, what sweet behavior on Fawn's part.

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-28-2003, 06:44 AM
AWW how sweet!!!:)

05-28-2003, 08:35 AM

(Of course I was on the phone with you when she did that. ;) :D )

05-28-2003, 11:57 AM
I found out today that Fawn was pregnant when she was abandoned at the shelter. She was immediately spayed and never got to have her kittens. That's why the maternal instinct kicked in. So Jen, you were right on! ;)

She would've been a great mama, but it was for the best. :(

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-28-2003, 12:55 PM
Awww....that is so sweet! At least she can act out her maternal instincts on little Spike. He's adorable and probably doesn't mind having a momma again. :)

Russian Blue
05-28-2003, 02:17 PM
That's adorable!
