View Full Version : Hi Carla!

Daisy's Mom
10-15-2001, 10:37 PM
I know that your sweet little Lulu is a Springer Spaniel so I thought you might enjoy seeing pictures of Daisy's best friend, Lucky. Lucky lives up the street but she comes to visit Daisy a lot. They play together and curl up for naps together. They're adorable!

Awwwww they're kissin'!

Look at that face!


I love how her lip is colored so that it looks like she is sneering! :)

Okay I'll stop smothering you with photos now ;) But Lucky is here so much, she is like a part of the family! Her family doesn't really take very good care of her... I saw her caught in a bush once by a choke collar that they just left on her! I took it off her, and took off the one they put on her a few weeks later. Finally they got the hint and gave her a normal one! And one summer she was literally covered in fleas. My sisters, cousins and I all pitched in our pocket money to buy her a flea bath! :) We love our Lucky Loo!

[ October 15, 2001: Message edited by: Daisy's Mom ]

10-15-2001, 10:57 PM
Awww Bridget, Daisy and Lucky are so cute. I love the pic of them together. Thats wonderful that you take care of poor Lucky. Hopefully she's not too bad off :(

10-15-2001, 11:58 PM
What cuties!

10-16-2001, 12:08 AM
Wow, thank you so much for posting those pics. They are great!! I love all of 'em.
That's great that you look out for Lucky, too bad her onwers don't.
I love the first pic the best of them sort of kissing!!!
Talk with you all soon.
Still don't have my computer set up so I haven't been postin that much. I will soon though.
Carla ~ Purrfectpaws

10-16-2001, 01:14 AM
How Cute!!! Too bad you can't adopt her she is a beauty!!
They are such sweet animals. I love em.

10-16-2001, 01:15 AM
awwwe! that was so nice what you and your family has done for Lucky!!!!

10-16-2001, 07:10 AM
Lucky has that adorable spaniel expression, lots of love and a little bit of "woe is me".
It's so cool when your dog has friends of her/his own, isn't it? Thanks for sharing these pictures, Bridget, and giving Lucky a little extra tender loving care.

10-16-2001, 08:52 AM
Bridget, they are just too cute, talk about BEST FRIENDS :D

10-16-2001, 09:42 AM
Bridget, the pics are adorable. Lucky is lucky to have Daisy as a best friend, so she can get some extra special loving from you and your sister :) You are such a nice family! Thanks for the pics and please don't hesitate to post more...many, many more :)

Dixieland Dancer
10-16-2001, 09:45 AM
What a friend Daisy has found! And you deserve an award for caring and taking care of your Daisy's Best friend! I admire your compassionate heart!

10-16-2001, 04:29 PM
What a great friendship; best buds! How neat they get to visit and have playdates. They are so adorable together. And she has such a great foster mom in you, Bridget! I love the look on her face in the last pic. :)

Daisy's Mom
10-17-2001, 06:40 PM
Thanks, everyone! I love my lil Luckster! :)