View Full Version : Got some Catsip!

05-27-2003, 03:26 PM
Finally - I kept forgetting to look for it at Petsmart, but I got 3 cartons of Catsip and 3 cartons of Whiska cat milk. I knew Hanna would love it, you should see her beg every time I have ice cream. She really is the worst beggar I have ever seen. She runs around my legs and squeaks every time i'm in the kitchen. She *thinks* she wants whatever I am having, but most of the time when I offer her a taste of something she doesn't like it - except cheese and ice cream.

Abby doesn't like it (which is no surprise, she doesn't like anything except cat food, only dry) and Bo is still undecided.

How often do you let your cats have it? Once a day...?

Oh - I had a perfect photo opportunity ruined today. Finally the picture I've been waiting for - all three cats in a pile on the bed. I saw them, went to get my camera and by the time I got back Hanna had jumped off the bed. Drats!

05-27-2003, 03:40 PM
My boys think Catsip is the best thing in the world. But, if Taz gets too much at once, he'll throw up. So, tiny treats.

05-27-2003, 04:01 PM
My guys like it, but throw up too! Guess its too rich for their systems. They also get it in very tiny protions.

05-27-2003, 11:49 PM
I only bought it once because Cirrus didn't seem to like it. Sunny liked it better when it was still warm and Storm liked it better when it was cold. I also noticed that it gave at least one of my cats loose stools. So no more catsip for them.

05-28-2003, 05:43 AM
I bought it once and Corkscrew and Tibby didn't really seem to be too excited by it.

05-28-2003, 07:43 AM
I use the Whiskas brand of the cat milk and it is a VERY special treat in our household. Both Emily and Tanner recognize the container and will come running and start to beg. After buying it I always have to hid it if I don't want them to be beggin all the time :rolleyes:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-28-2003, 12:17 PM
Both Tubby & Peanut love the Catsip! They used to get real milk on a regular basis, but it got to the point where Tubby would throw up within an hour of having the milk, so we had to stop the milk. I was devastated because I knew how much he loved the milk, so I was ecstatic when I discovered CatSip. Now Tubby can have his milk again. He knows what the little blue box is, and will meow incessantly until I put the dish on the floor for him. :rolleyes: :D He even knows that the rattle of the dishes means it's CatSip time, and comes running. ;) I give it to them on saucers, and all they get is what will fit in the middle "cup" part of the saucer.