View Full Version : Heartworm in cats

05-27-2003, 02:06 PM
Because I've lived in Tucson the past five years, I have never been concerned with heartworm infection because my kitties are indoor only and due to the climate temp. not being very adequate for mosquitoes. I am, however, moving to Alabama at the end of the week and to get my cats on Hartguard I had to have them tested for heartworm. Two of my cats were negative, but, Whisper was positive for antibodies and negative for antigen to the parasites.

I didn't own Whisper until he was about a year old and before this he was allowed outside. This is the only place I can assume he had come in contact with the disease. My question is: has anyone had these test results in their kitty and if they did, was the kitty actually infected? If someone's cat has been infected, what are the treatment options? Are they successful?

I didn't get a chance to ask my vet this because he's going to call me back with further information from the lab. I know I'll have to bring him in for further testing but I'm just concerned about his health and I want info from someone whose cat has had this before. Thanks.

05-27-2003, 06:11 PM
I am sorry, but I don't know too much about it. Is it possible there was a false test? I didnt even know cats were at risk for heartworm until last month, when my 'new' vet suggested it. I sure would appreciate an update when you have one.

good luck with your kitties, and your move.

Desert Arabian
05-27-2003, 07:03 PM
Our cats have never been infected with heartworms. They get Heartguard, because indoor cats get it too, just as many as outdoor cats get heartworms.

As far as I know, the Heartguard works, because we've never had any problems.

05-27-2003, 07:25 PM
How can indoor cats get it? Isn't it trasmitted by mosquitoes? My vet has never even suggested it for my indoor cats. Our dogs are on Heartguard, but they go outside.

Desert Arabian
05-27-2003, 08:05 PM
There is a huge poster at my vet's office about Heartguard and indoor cats getting it. Our vet inforces Heartguard strongly!

Mosquitoes get in your house...they feed on your cat...your cat gets heartworms.

According to that poster, Wisconsin is in the high-ranking spot for indoor cats and heartworms. I can't remember exactly what it said, next time we to go the vet (June 5th), I'll take another look.

05-27-2003, 08:49 PM
Thanks - I'll ask my vet about it too, next time I go. I hope no mosquitoes get in my house, I hate any bugs inside. It is really hard sometimes to keep them out, because our dogs go in and out whenever they want. I have to open the door for them (we have a fenced yard) and sometimes I strongly urge them to hurry up, before the bugs fly in.

05-27-2003, 09:35 PM
The vet called me back today and after talking to a specialist, he assumes that if Whispy is infected its with one or two worms. He told me to go ahead and give him Heartgard and the low dosage should be good enough to kill the worms. My guess is that Whisper was infected before I got him and he still has antibodies to the parasites....

05-27-2003, 10:12 PM
Good luck, and thanks for the information!;)