View Full Version : What was your pet's Shelter Name?

05-27-2003, 06:19 AM
Many of you have adopted or rescued your precious pets! What was your pet(s) shelter name before they found their forever home?

Pixel's name was Leila. Cute, huh?

05-27-2003, 06:28 AM
Ripley didn't have a name. He was 03-01-104. :( He was the most forelorn looking little guy, matted from head to toe and very shy. I think I am the luckiest person in the world to have found this little cutie patootie and am thankful every day! (Sorry to get a little off topic but when I think of him at the shelter I get a little emotional).

05-27-2003, 08:39 AM
Her name was Ruby. She knew her name already so I didn't want to confuse her and change it. I like the name anyway :D

05-27-2003, 08:42 AM
Reggie wasn't from a shelter but he was the last pup in a litter that nobody wanted.....he quite a bit older by then. His name before was Scooter. :)

05-27-2003, 08:50 AM
My aussie that i used to have was named "Squint", but we decided to change it to Bandit. Angel and Dillian (cats) didnt have names...they were just a bunch of numbers.

05-27-2003, 09:04 AM
MooShoo's (my Sphynx) name used to be "Spot" because of a large spot on his back. Since he has the pattern of a moo cow, my daughter Amy named him Moo. I put in the Shoo part. :D

Shorty's name was Faberge. I changed it to "Shorty". (She's a Munchkin)

My American Curl, Carly the Curly Girl was originally named "Deenamonster" by her breeder.

All three of my purebreds were RESCUED from bad breeders.

The only cat rescued from a shelter was Doogie, originally named "Georgie".

The rest of my cats were named by me! :D

05-27-2003, 09:29 AM
Killian's name was Killian! I thought that after 2 1/2 yrs. of being called that, he should keep the name. Anyway, I thought it was an interesting name and by keeping it, I could segue into telling people about rescuing dogs from shelters, when they ask his name and how he got it. LOL

Shiloh's name was Shiloh. I have always been interested in Shiloh Shepherds since the 1970's. When we met her walking on the Walkathon trail going backwards, we just knew she was for us. What a sign! A GSD named Shiloh. We adopted her that day and kept the name. The funny thing is that we had no intention of adopting another dog that day. We were so lucky to have her find us!

Adopting both Killian and Shiloh were the best decisions we had made!! Even though Killi has liver disease and autoimmune disease, I would go back in time and adopt him all over again!!! And needless to say, Shiloh is Shiloh, and we love her!!

05-27-2003, 09:32 AM
Clive came from the streets, but when people learned that I was going to adopt him they started calling him Lucky. In fact, when my friends who knew him before come to visit, they still call him Lucky. :)

05-27-2003, 11:09 AM
My Sidney had the shelter name of Elmer. He was the "last of the litter".

05-27-2003, 11:26 AM
Lolly's name was Lolly. I adopted her at 5 years old and I didn't want to confuse her anymore than she was by changing her name.

Reece's name was just numbers when he was at the kill shelter. Then he transferred to the no-kill shelter and was named Paul Smith. After being returned 3 times, he somehow became Paw Smith.

Shiloh was off the street so she had no name.

Peka was named that at the shelter and I kept it.

05-27-2003, 11:47 AM
Graham was named Rufus, which I thought lowered his IQ quite a bit. I didn't like the name so I named him Graham, after the cereal "Golden Grahams", since he is Graham colored and he is golden in spirit. I LOVE his name and it's just so perfect for him.

Kersey was named Kersee, after Jackie Joyner-Kersee, the olympic runner/jumper. She was named that by her foster mom because when she wanted on the other side of the fence to play with the neighbor dogs, she just effortlessly bounded clear over the fence without barely touching it to play with the labs on the other side of the fence. Her foster mom was so impressed with her agility that she named her Kersee. I didn't really like the spelling of her name, so I changed it to Kersey, but liked her name way too much (and it was too fitting) to change it, so I just took off an "e".

I named Minion, as he was dumped by his previous owner :( I know he had a name before, but I would have had no way of knowing what it was. When I first saw that precious little kitty the name Minion came to mind immediately. I called him that before he was even my kitty, while he was still living on the streets. I didn't even know what the word "Minion" ment, but I knew that that was going to be his name. I think it's fitting and I think he really likes it. MiniMin is his most commonly used nick name and he responds well to his nicknames and his real name. He always responds with a trill when I call his name :)

05-27-2003, 12:19 PM
My dog Alex was actually Alex, he was so old he knew his name so well we couldn't change it (he was 9 years old and a throw away!). My cat Phoebe was Sammy because for some reason they couldn't figure out if she was a male or female! And Cleo was Newi (I don't know how to spell it) which is French for night (she's black). I thought it is pretty, but not a name for our family!

05-27-2003, 12:30 PM
Rocky didn't have a name...but he did have a brother and I regret so much for not getting him too....:( They were both strays with one green color and blue color.....

05-27-2003, 12:46 PM
Lucy was named by me.
Cookie was originally Alice

Mufiin was Muffin, named by my nephew, I don't know her name prior to that.
Emma was Thelma
Louise was Louise
Charlie was Gideon
Patches was Spock
Cassie was Gypsy
Callie was Angel
George and Henry, I don't remember their names, one was called icon, can't remember which one or what the other was called.

05-27-2003, 12:58 PM
PUFF, my childhood cat, I found on the way home from school. I say found. But now all these years later, maybe I stole him from someone. He followed me and I took him home. He was little, black and white. I have no idea why I named him Puff. But later I sang "Puff the Magic Kitty" to him. :)

LEROY was black with a thin thin white ring around his lips. He was a stray, he just hung around my appt. He looked like the old time black singers, when they preformed and painted their lips pure white. He was King Leroy Lamont :)

TONEE, I bought from a private family that had bought her from a breeder. Their old dog just didn't like her so they needed to sell her. Her name was Danielle, she was 12 weeks old then. But I changed it to Tonee. Well I made her papers say "Antoinette Germaine" her real name was #sm105507. She was Princess Antoinette Germaine.:)

KELCEE was #1364. I adopted her over the phone after seeing her in the shelter. I was at work thinking about her and called to get more info. They told me that 'today' was her last day, and if I wanted I could put a hold on her. I did. When I saw her in the shelter I didn't even know if she was a boy or girl. That night I was watching TV, "L.A. Law" and when they said Anne Kelsey, I thought "OH Kelcee would be a cute name for the kitty". I had already had Tonee, the two ee thing going so wanted to keep that ee thing. Her middle name is Yorel. which is Leroy backwards, her brother before her. She is Princess Kelcee Yorel :)

SHEP-EE Lynn was my husbands dog. She was a stray on his dead end road. He started calling her 'the old shepherd girl' and then shortened it to Shep as years went by. When we met, I said she needed a middle name, thus came the Lynn, and the two ee thing again! She was Queen Shep-ee Lynn.:)

ASHLEE was named Asher from the shelter. Her owners gave her up. So sometimes we still call her Asher. But had to get the ee thing in there again. And we added her middle name, Rose, after Rose Nylan (Betty White) on the "Golden Girls". Betty is a real animal person. She is Lady Ashlee Rose.:)

NINA was named Nina and we added Princess Nina Grace. We sometimes spell her name Nee-na:) :)

05-27-2003, 01:13 PM
Simba and Nala didn't have one. - honey [in my sig] blue stang24's dog... her name was Honey already.... We were thinking on Precious but Decided on Sweet Precious Honey. :)

05-27-2003, 01:36 PM
George was called CPC. He was named after the carpark he was found in :( I always wanted a cat called George so that is what we called him.

Milly/Mildred was called Edwina.

Milo was Milo, we liked the name.

Treacle was Sooty. We changed his name in memory of Caramel (Our nearly cat)

05-27-2003, 02:24 PM
Abbey was A--they had gotten 3 dogs from Ohio in a transport, and just named them A, B, and C--the man at the rescue changed that into Abbey, Baxter, and ???? I forget. She knew it, so we kept it.
Riley's name was Dominic--supposedly. that's what the woman who was coming to drop him off told me, but he didn't even move when I said it, so we changed it.

Edwina's Secretary
05-27-2003, 02:44 PM
Mildred's name was Edwina?????

Cinder & Smoke
05-27-2003, 03:01 PM
Going back a few generations ~

"Fred" - the furst "Howze Kat" - was a tiny stray who moved in with and adopted "Casey" the German Shepherd as a foster mom. The kitten just acted like a Fred - and was originally examined by Doc Mike and "thought" to be a male... so Fred stuck. (Mite have had sumpin to do wiff Dad becommin "Phred" wiff da Fire Guyz!) On "neuter day" da Vet's Gurl called an asked if Dad minded if they did the "other operation" - kuz "Fred" wuz a she! Fred stayed Fred, even though Fredrica mite have been more appropriate.

"Arrow" was hired from the Dawg Pound to be a guard dawg atta howze - but moved inside durrin his furst winter and onlee went *on duty* when da Hoomins left for werk. He wuz dumped off atta pound when he wuz about one year old and knew his name - so Arrow it was.

"Shadow" wuz a beautiful Shepherd/Husky street kid around towne fur several munths... Had a red collar; but no one ever looked for her. Two local Vets had never seen her, and the lady across from the Fire Station knew Dad "needed a dawg"... The name came by accident - Dad an No-Name-Yet were inna Fire Station. Wunna da Fiur Guyz came in and not seeing N.N.Y., asked Dad "Where's your shadow?" *Instant Name*. "Shadow" fit her like a glove.

Dad's note: (through leaky eyes...)
Dear Casey, Fred, Arrow, and Shadow ~
You're all at the Rainbow Bridge now :( - but NEVER will you be forgotten!
Thanks for being important parts of my life. Wait for me, Kids... :(

"Boots, da Kat" - wuz a "walk up" atta Ranch... prolly dumped out frunt azza tiny lil kitten. Managed ta get past Shadow who wuz out onna tie-out ropey inna frunt yard. Climbed in the hole inna screen door an sat down on Dad's kliner chair arm an sed MeeOUW! I'z HUNGREE!
His name came frum lookin like he wuz wearin a pair of white firefighter's "Boots" onna back legz.

"Cinder"... I wuz a 6 mo old street kid till I gotz arrested an tossed inna new jail in Wheeling, WV. Nebber had a "Jail Name" - onlee an inmate fur 3 weeks. My jail Foster Momz posted a nice mug shot (earz UP) on the jail's webby site - just aftur Miz Shadow died :( an Dad wuz really down inna dumpz. Dad drove almost 3 hours to *check me out* - took me onna kuple Test Walkz around the jail yard, I passed a Kat Test (sorta ignored a jail kat inna face-ta-face "test") - so Dad sed "SOLD" an paid da Jailur a lil munnie - an off we went to da Ranch! (Course dat wuz AFTUR da Foster Mom sed I HADDA have a :eek: *baff* affore she'd lemmie go...) Dad sed Wow! when allua street grime warshed off. :rolleyes:

"Smokey" owes hiz Happie Home to allua Pet Talk Gang ;)...
He started out az "Stray" - but Dad dint like dat an we fixed him up all propur rite here on PT!
Frum becommin a "Keeper" to pickin hiz name - Pet Talkerz wuz there frum the start to now... If ya missed it before - get kumfortabul and read all about him here >>
Cinder's Tailz & Smokey's Adoption... (http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3850)

So... them'z Our Tailz... an we're stickin to em!


05-27-2003, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by AdoreMyDogs
Graham was named Rufus, which I thought lowered his IQ quite a bit.

HEHEHE, that cracked me up :D

I came THIS close to naming Reece Graham :) Good name!

Desert Arabian
05-27-2003, 03:34 PM
Dudley was a number. I can't find the exact number, but it was something like C-2513. Sam was called Rusty by the lady who gave her to us.

At first when I read the thread title I thought you meant the name of the shelter which we got our pets from. lol. Which would be H.A.W.S. (Humane Animal Welfare Society), in that case.

Aspen and Misty
05-27-2003, 03:39 PM
Nova's name was Bridgett, and she looks liek one. I just don't like the name so I changed it :D


05-27-2003, 03:44 PM
Spot is our only shelter dog and that was the name he came with. We thought about changing it, but he knew it well, it fits him and we got a note with him fromthe little girl who's dog he was. It was obvious she cared about him and so even though she wont know it, we partially kept his name for her.

05-27-2003, 03:49 PM
I've never rescued from a shelter before :( But my grandma was given a poorly treated husky, and she gave him to us. She named him "Rauzha" (sp?) We hated the name for one thing, and it's a girl's name. So we renamed him Cheeko :D

Desert Arabian
05-27-2003, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
Dad's note: (through leaky eyes...)
Dear Casey, Fred, Arrow, and Shadow ~
You're all at the Rainbow Bridge now :( - but NEVER will you be forgotten!
Thanks for being important parts of my life. Wait for me, Kids... :(

Awww....that is so/too sweet! :( :)

05-27-2003, 04:01 PM
I got one of my dogs from a neighbour, who's dogs "did somthing" on new years, and Taffy was called Plum.

My other dog Honey(Lhasa Apso mix) wasn't from the shelter, we kind of rescued her. The people that had her before hated her so much, and I know they didn't pay attention to her because 1. She was kept outside from when she was 6 weeks old (even in winter)

2. They said she was a boy. and she clearly isn't.
They called her Beethoven and her fur was all mated when we got her.

It sad what some people can do to an innocent pet...

05-27-2003, 04:25 PM
Misty had the same name every since she was born. We thought it was a great name and we didn't want to change it!

05-27-2003, 04:40 PM
Rutherford was Jello
Fern was Brown Sugar
Jim was Smudge
Kim was Lilly
Calvin was Wilson
Ashley was Quilt

Monte and Willow came with those names

Amber and Sterling were unnamed at their shelters

Jasper was a no name kitten, Lucas was a no name stray.

And the children who found Biddy named him and I kept it.

05-27-2003, 05:49 PM
Our shelter had a theme(music) and they named the cats having to do with the theme.
Midnight was Waltz
Reese was Melody
When my friend got her cats the theme was sports and one cat was named Javelin and the other was something that I forgot.

05-27-2003, 05:54 PM
And we added her middle name, Rose, after Rose Nylan (Betty White) on the "Golden Girls". Betty is a real animal person.

I have read that ... I loved that show! and I liked her character on the show, LOL. did you see the episode where she wanted to adopt the puppy?

Phred-- I had a dog when I was a kid, named Boots, he was black with some white, but his legs were black, except all four had white feet, looked like boots... I was about 4 I think, when I got to pick out his name!:)
I had dogs growing up, Poochie (Boots' mother) and she had another litter, or two( didn't do the spaying thing back then!:( :( )
and they were all given away when the time came, except one we kept for a while,a ndI got attached to her, then we gave her away, and as the people were getting back in their car I kept trying to tell my dad, them them her name is Sandy... tell them her name is Sandy! I was about 6.
I had a stray that hung around outside for a while, named her kitty.
Boots ran away after we moved, and I rode my bike around asking everyone I saw if they had seen him... no luck! I was 15.. no more pets til I was 20, Lucy..

05-27-2003, 05:55 PM
Zeke was Augustus lol I didn't really like it to much :o Other then that I could call him "Auggie" which sounds cute ;)

05-27-2003, 06:02 PM
Lexie did not have one either, the lady at the shelter does not like to name them as it makes it too personal.

05-27-2003, 06:21 PM
"can't live without you"
"can't live without you"
"can't live without you"
"can't live without you"
"can't live without you"
"can't live without you"
"CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU" (Binx, he he)

Prairie Purrs
05-27-2003, 06:26 PM
Kacey and Kiri were part of the "Winnie the Pooh" litter at the shelter. Kacey was Rabbit and Kiri was Kanga.

05-27-2003, 06:27 PM
I remember a lab once there name "Little Dumbo Who Tried" I don't know, maybe its just me, but I didn't like the name >:[

05-27-2003, 09:58 PM
remember a lab once there name "Little Dumbo Who Tried" I don't know, maybe its just me, but I didn't like the name >:[

it's not just you!:rolleyes:

05-27-2003, 10:23 PM
Hmm out of the 6 I have right now, the ones who actually HAD names there... were Asim and Isha...

Asim was Blare
Isha was Binky

05-27-2003, 10:41 PM
perky was biscut. blah! we hated that name, not to mention biscut does NOT suit a black and white dog

and Ripley, was rosco, he had been abused w/ the name rosco and got scared whenever we called him that, so we changed it to Ripley:D

05-27-2003, 11:47 PM
Olivia: Ebony
Micah: Mike
Noel: Zuni

Yea....we TOTALLY changed those names....especially poor Noel...

I liked Olivia's name, but its so common for black cats...we all know I can't be common!!! ;)

05-28-2003, 01:00 AM
I adopted Storm from the Humane Society and they had already named him Storm. I thought it was a nice masculine name for a grey cat so I kept it. I don't think this was his original name though because it took him a while to respond to it. :)

When I adopted Sunny he really didn't have a name. The lady sometimes called him Mr. something or other I forgot. I had already picked his name out before I adopted him because I knew that I wanted a male orange cat. Well his name fits him purrfectly. :)

Before I adopted Cirrus, his original name was Flint. When he was adopted as a kitten, it was changed to Rocky. The lady had to bring him back because she became very allergic to him and his brother. He was then called Flint again. Since he didn't even know his name I wanted an s sounding name with a weather theme. Nomilynn, Naomi, thought of Cirrus and I liked it so that became his new name.

My RB Pepper was named Chocolate but I decided to change it to Pepper because I thought Chocolate was too long and he was a black cat not brown. I didn't realise at the time that the name Pepper was so popular. :)

05-28-2003, 05:22 AM
I don't know about Corkscrew, but Tibby was named Judy. I didn't like it very much.

05-28-2003, 07:53 AM
Soo many beautiful foster babies! It's a good point that people keep a pet's name if they are a few years old - it would just confuse them!

Originally posted by tomkatzid

KELCEE was #1364. I adopted her over the phone after seeing her in the shelter. I was at work thinking about her and called to get more info. They told me that 'today' was her last day, and if I wanted I could put a hold on her. I did. When I saw her in the shelter I didn't even know if she was a boy or girl. That night I was watching TV, "L.A. Law" and when they said Anne Kelsey, I thought "OH Kelcee would be a cute name for the kitty". I had already had Tonee, the two ee thing going so wanted to keep that ee thing. Her middle name is Yorel. which is Leroy backwards, her brother before her. She is Princess Kelcee Yorel :)

That is how I adopted Pixel! I rang up and reserved her on the spot after hearing about her blue point coloring, half Siamese heritage and beautiful blue eyes :D

05-28-2003, 08:34 AM
Dandy was just a number (no name), but Guinness was fostered and his foster mom named him "Boo"...i think he came into the shelter around Halloween.............


05-28-2003, 10:30 AM
My horse was called Roch when I got him (he was saved from slaughter) I changed it to Ross.

One of my gerbils - the only one who actually had a name was Suki. She was previously Scampi.

The guinea pigs kept their names - Teddy and Rex and the last 2 from the rescue centre didn't have names - now Widgit and Wingit.