View Full Version : Clipping nails

05-26-2003, 12:49 AM
How often do you clip your dogs nails? (or have them clipped at a vet/groomer/etc.)

I'm rather obsessive about them, lol.....I clip Nebo's every 1-2 weeks. I always keep them as short as possible, they drive me nuts otherwise. I clip Reggie's about every 2-3 weeks. Smokey's don't need to be clipped. I swear, they've only been clipped maybe 5 times in his entire life, they just don't grow.

Also, how is your dog about having his/her nails clipped?

Nebo is great, he will even let me use the dremmel (sp?) grinder at work on them, and just stands there. Of course, I got him used to having them clipped since he was a pup.

Reggie is kind of wiggly, usually I just hold him in my lap...he's not *too* bad though.

I also have to clip my friend's dog, Lady's, nails pretty often...she's so annoying...:rolleyes: She doesn't try to bite or anything, but she will NOT hold still! "You're not allowed to hold onto my foot!"

05-26-2003, 01:21 AM
I clip Foxy's nails evry 3 to 4 weeks and he doesn't mind it. The first few times he was a bit jumpy and so was i because i didn't know how much to cut them.

05-26-2003, 01:22 AM
I am scared to death to clip my dogs' nails. They all hate it. Riley's are black, so I don't want to--the vet has done his twice, but they're getting long again:eek:
Abbey hates it, but she will put up with it, but we have to do it quickly.
Kito--wow does he hate it--actually that's a Shiba trait--they just despise getting their nails clipped--Our vet charges, but I may take him there anyway, I am so afraid to do it.

I should have had you do them while he was at Nebo's party--what was I thinking;)

05-26-2003, 02:09 AM
I clip Kai's nails about every week or so. I want to cut as often as I can and try to get the quick to recede. So far, I haven't gotten the quick yet :D *knock on wood*.

Kai's always been tolerant of getting his nails cut. The day we got him, the breeder cut his nails and then he got it cut by a groomer a while after that. So I guess he's been getting use to it. It's weird though...I only have to cut his front paws. His nails on the back never get long..thank god cuz one of them is black... EEKS

05-26-2003, 08:58 AM
I clip Ruby's every 2 - 3 weeks. We have some pavement in our back yard that she runs on a lot that keeps her nails pretty short as well. Ruby hates having her nails clipped.... absolutely HATES it. She gets very squirmy & wiggly :rolleyes: I would probably clip them more often if she wasn't so fussy ;)

05-26-2003, 09:58 AM
I don't exactly have a set time for Timber's. I just cut them when they look long, which isn't often...She runs on pavement for many hours a day, it helps keep her nails trim :D

05-26-2003, 01:58 PM
I don't relly have a set time to doing my dogs either, but it is probally about 1-2 times a month. They are all very patient about it. Spot's aret he easiest cause he has only one blac nail. Sadie has only one white nail and all of Cincy's are black.

05-26-2003, 02:06 PM
I cut their nails whenever the clicking on the wood floor starts driving me nuts (about every 2 weeks). But since I only recently got the courage to start doing it on my own, I've actually only done it twice. I'm trying to get the quicks to recede, but no luck yet. They still click. I got Jake's quick last week - poor little guy.

05-26-2003, 02:29 PM
I don't have a set time either, just whenever I look at their feet or they claw me to death which ever comes first. Usually about once a month.

Katie doesn't like it but all she does is try to pull her feet away.

Bull will show those cute lil teefers of his and when he sees that I'm not scared just tries to pull his foot away.

Duke has only had his done twice so he still doesn't like it but I can still hold him in one hand and cut with the other so he has to resort to whinning.

Both Katie and Bull's nails are black (unless I decide to paint them :p ) so it's a guessing game. Duke on the other hand is white so I can see the quick.

05-26-2003, 03:13 PM
I don't really have a set time on when to cut Asia'a nails neither....just when the clicking noise gets annoying..(which is now...:rolleyes: ) So I think I'll go do them now or later.

She isn't that bad about it..tends to wiggle a bit. Also whins b/c im making her stay in one spot :rolleyes: But other than that she is real go about it.:)

05-26-2003, 03:47 PM
i don't clip mine..I'm afraid I'll cut to short. Zekes nails REALLY need cutting but it'll have to wait till August or something when he's at the vets. He was fine with it till the vet cut in to much and it hurt him a little os now he's kinda freaked with it..
Josies nails don't seem to grow either? She rarely needs to be trimmed

05-26-2003, 04:59 PM
While Owen is the best dog in the whole world, he does have one flaw: he won't let me clip his nails. He screams (before I've even started). He gets groomed about every nine weeks, and he is FINE about Ellie the groomer clipping them. I've even watched her do it. They dont get tooo bad. long walks on the sidewalk keep them shorter than they otherwise would be....

05-26-2003, 08:15 PM
I take my dogs to the groomers once evey month, so they get them cut there:)

05-27-2003, 05:51 PM
All 3 of mine use to be really good about having their nails cut.
I went 11 years without incident with Maddie. She was so good
about having her nails done, but then about a year ago, I
accidently just nicked the quick. Not even enough to have to
use anything to stop the bleeding. Her and Murph have the
black nails, so it definitely makes theirs harder. Well now,
whenever I do her nails she cries and carries on, like I'm
torturing her. So I usually only do about 1 or 2 nails at a time,
like once a week. Murph and Oz I do about every 2-3 weeks and
they both lay quietly. I've gotten Murph's quick once or twice
in 12+ years, but fortunately he forgave me. Oz has white nails,
so hopefully I'll never have this issue with him.


05-27-2003, 06:02 PM
Chester hasn't gotten used to it and I've been cutting his nails once a week for 4 1/2 years! :rolleyes: He squirms and wiggles like a greased pig. Can't get the grinder anywhere near him, either. Open the drawer we keep it in and he's out the pet door!
Millie on the other hand doesn't mind too much and she lets me use the grinder. She's so much easier to do things to. :)

babolaypo65 - I can totally understand the screaming thing. My Westie used to do that, too! I'd pick up the trimmers and then go to pick up his paw and he'd scream bloody murder! Very un-nerving to me and the neighbors! :eek:

05-27-2003, 10:59 PM
When I was living with Max, I use to cut his nails every week or 2, but now its once a month to 3 months. I just don't get to see him much. but he chews his nails so they don't get too long for him

05-27-2003, 11:39 PM
I never heard of a dog chewing his nails!!!!

We did everyone's tonight--they were all surprisingly good!!!!!

05-28-2003, 10:05 PM
Thats all Max does when they get long, he mostly chews his hind nails. He'll be laying on the couch with hi hindlegs stretch out towards his face & then he'll chew on em... its funny to watch

05-28-2003, 10:25 PM
LOL! yeah, terriers try to be tough guys, but when it comes to his nails, and gum popping Owen is a total chicken. The screaming is a hoot though.

Originally posted by micki76

babolaypo65 - I can totally understand the screaming thing. My Westie used to do that, too! I'd pick up the trimmers and then go to pick up his paw and he'd scream bloody murder! Very un-nerving to me and the neighbors! :eek: