View Full Version : sick kitty Romeo THANKS!

05-25-2003, 07:47 PM
First of all, I want to say thank you to everyone who has been replying to my post regarding little Romeo!I t is such a comfort to know that there are such wonderful caring people who are sending prayers, and well wishes for my little guy.:) I can't begin to tell you how incredibley fortunate I was to have come across this site:D i check the posts ever morning, and also at night after work. To have such nice people who love their animals-(especially kitties!) as much as I do. What a God send!:D I am reading fantastic advice from everyone, and also I can't get enough of the GORGEOUS kitty pics! Little Romeo is 9 weeks old now, I t hink I forgot to mention that. He is s till is not feeling well, I wonder if this is normal, or should I be concerned? It is really hot were I am, and I hate to pack him in the car to take him to the vet, if it is not necessary, maybe I am just being to anxious to get him well.My poor Sammy-10 months just loves little Romeo,he follows him everywhere, and even naps with him. If Romeo meows,Sammy runs like lightning, to see if he's o.k. It's as though he knows Romeo is sick, and it is his job to keep a eye on him. As far as keeping them seperated, I asked the vet, and he said that Sammy's immune system should be strong enough, not to get the Coccidia. I hope he's right. I live in a condo, and it would be very difficult to seperate them. Poor Romeo, he has all these little clumped mats-to the skin all along his tail, I trimmed them as best I could, and his vitamins, Nutri-Cal, have dribbled all over his white chest, and he is just a sticky mess! :( I wonder if he is too young to get a nice bath from the groomer when he is well? He is drinkingwater, but not eating much, not even the baby food. OOOHHH I was sooo excited to get my new sweet baby, and he's sick :( I feel much better now, sorry for the super long thread! Thanks again to everyone! Hugs, and kisses and tummy rubs for the kitties too! :D

05-25-2003, 07:52 PM
Poor kitty :( Hope he get's better soon.

05-25-2003, 08:52 PM
Get better little guy!!

05-25-2003, 11:31 PM
If he doesn't start showing some improvement soon I'd call the vet and let them know what's going on. He may need to be seen again. Please get better little Romeo. Prayers are on the way for a full and speedy recovery.

05-26-2003, 06:20 AM
Like you, I joined PT when my Pixel was very sick with an infected ear. The love and support of people here certainly helped! I agree with KAK, if Romeo doesn't show any improvement, get him checked out. Kittens can get very sick very quickly, so you can't be too careful.

I hope Romeo gets better soon!!! Pics please :)

05-26-2003, 08:04 AM
If he still won't eat here's two formula that the Siamese Rescue recommends:

Prescription Can food: A/D mixed with KMR (consistency of pea soup) syringe in .5 cc at a time till 3 cc. Every 2-3 hours (6 hour break at night)

Or: Pedialyte mixed with Nutri-Cal.

I hope you're young one feels better soon.

05-26-2003, 08:33 AM
I hope Romeo feels better soon, but it may take what seems like a long time (because we want it to happen instantly). Whenever I think it has been too long, I alway call the vet and innocently ask" I forgot to ask, but how long should it take for him to be feeling better?" This way they won't automatically say bring him in (which I think vets tend to do). As for a bath, I am a gromer and 9 weeks is fine but wait until he is well because he could get chilled being wet and if his immune system is compromised he could relapse. The matted areas may need to get shaved because using a scissors to cut mats out of a cat is dangerous!!! My Amber got that matted under the chin area when she was a sick kitten and we just shaved what what necessary and let it grow back in. Good luck with Romeo.