05-25-2003, 07:42 AM
Science Confirms: Politicians Lie

LONDON - After intensive research, scientists have concluded that politicians lie.

In a study described in Britain's Observer newspaper, Glen Newey, a political scientist at Britain's University of Strathclyde, concluded that lying is an important part of politics in the modern democracy.

"Politicians need to be more honest about lying," he told the newspaper.

According to Newey, whose findings were published by the government-funded Economic and Social Research Council, voters expect to be lied to in certain circumstances, and sometimes even require it.

"Politics should be regarded as less like an exercise in producing truthful statements and more like a poker game," he said. "And there is an expectation by a poker player that you try to deceive them as part of the game."

Newey said lying by politicians can occasionally be entirely justified, such as when national security is at risk, and the public even has a "right to be lied to" in cases where they do not expect to be told the whole truth, such as during a war.

But the main cause of lying is increased probing by the public into areas that the government would rather not discuss candidly. If voters only asked fewer questions, politicians would tell them fewer lies.

Bill Clinton famously lied about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, while earlier philandering U.S. presidents never had to lie about their affairs, because nobody ever asked.

"When journalists or parliamentary colleagues start to probe at that area which the government wants to keep secret, you are more likely to be pushed further and further toward the territory of lying," Newey said.

(Reuters) 05/19/03 11:06

So remember everybody, we must all be more honest about our lying!
… and we must ask fewer questions, then we get told fewer lies!
… and I have a "right to be lied to" because I do not expect to be told the whole truth.

I wonder how much these people earn for all this dedicated work. Nobody seems to want to pay me for stating the obvious. :rolleyes:

Oh well …


05-25-2003, 08:31 AM
Isn't wonderful how they use government money to state the obvious!!!

05-25-2003, 07:50 PM
I hope no politicians here in the US get wind of this. I am sure someone would say the English research was flawed, so it should be researched here too :rolleyes:

05-26-2003, 06:17 AM
Science Confirms: Politicians Lie - - - - - and we didn't know??!!!


05-26-2003, 06:29 AM
That's a scientific breakthrough? And here I was, thinking they had a cure for cancer or something useful! :D

05-26-2003, 08:31 AM
No, I'm afraid not, they apparently have more important things to do!

It reminds me a bit of the ancient Cretan philosopher (whos’ name I have forgotten). He is supposed to be the originator of the paradox.
It is very simple and goes like this: I am a Cretan, and all Cretans are liars.
Work that one out!

Lying is easy, it’s remembering what you said that’s the problem! :D
