View Full Version : Messed up in the head?!..or what?!?!

I Love Brian, Forever <3
05-24-2003, 11:39 PM
Today I was at PetSmart with my mom when I saw two Great Danes. My mom's co-worker gave those two dogs a dog biscuit, you know, the small ones that are in a bowl on the counter. Anyway, her co-worker gave these two Danes a biscuit and the owner said, "UH NO NO NO..." Then she took the biscuits out of one of the dog's mouth, drool dripping off her hand and rudely and loudly asked for a garbage can. Then, she threw the biscuit in the garbage can. Then this woman turns around and starts yelling at my mom saying, "I DON'T APPRECIATE YOUR CASHIERS GIVING MY DOGS FOOD. THAT IS JUST WRONG AND RUDE AND IGNORANT. UNBELIEVABLE." Now, we just lost Simon and my mom really isn't in the mood for this woman's crap. Because she works for PetSmart, of course, she can't say anything. But hey, I don't work for PetSmart! ;) This woman was still in the store, she said, "HEY!" to her dogs, then hit them on the nose and kept saying, "BAD DOG, BAD, BAD, BAD!." So, needless to say, I followed this psycho outside. I said, "Hey, what the hell is your problem? If your dogs are given something to eat, they're GONNA eat it. You have some issues!" She said, "I don't appreciate that b...B*TCH giving MY dogs treats. That's f***in' stupid!" I said, "You know what?! YOU'RE the b*tch. You treat your dogs like sh*t and you're just ignorant. You don't even deserve those dogs." She just walked away, then went back into the store telling the manager. ---LOL, like the manager can control customers. Anyway, she tried to get my mom in trouble. She's friggin' psycho!

Some people just don't deserve to own animals.

05-24-2003, 11:48 PM
Well I know speaking from personal experience that I prefer if someone asks before they give my dogs treats, and the employees at the stores here are good abou that. A lot of dogs are now on specialized diets and can't have certain types of treats because it might cause helath problems for them.

The majority of times my dogs are good about taking treats from strangers, Smudge will take it but spit it out either that or not take it until I tell him it's okay. Winter and Tama are the exact same way. There are a few people that are allowed to give my dogs treats with out asking and the dogs remember those people and mooch as much as possible. Otherwise however I prefer that people ask me because it might not be something that I particularly want the dogs to have or it might not be an appropriate time for the dog to get a treat from another person. It might be a time when the dogs full attention has to be on me and having another person give them treats takes that attention away.

I don't agree with the lady hitting the dog and telling it bad, after all it was just being a dog, but I also think that you could have handeled the situation a little bit better as well. You have to remember to look at peoples actions from all sides.

05-24-2003, 11:52 PM
Getting into a fight, and bad mouthing her isnt the right thing to do..at least in my opinion, you should always ask the owner if you can give their dog a treat, or anything, but, yes i agree with you, she sounds like a "weird" and"stuck in the head" person.

05-24-2003, 11:59 PM
You did exactly what I would have done. I'd hit her for hitting her dogs..arg..it just pisses me off..I know it's not right but hey, she didn't do the right thing by yelling at your mom like that. The people here are good about asking if it's alright..but..come on..it's rude to give another person's dog a treat???!?!?! what's wrong with her..if she didn't want her dogs to have it, she could have just said "oh no, i don't want them having that" or something... :mad: Rude lady!

05-25-2003, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by Crikit
Well I know speaking from personal experience that I prefer if someone asks before they give my dogs treats, ... A lot of dogs are now on specialized diets and can't have certain types of treats because it might cause helath problems for them.


I don't agree with the lady hitting the dog and telling it bad, after all it was just being a dog, but I also think that you could have handeled the situation a little bit better as well. You have to remember to look at peoples actions from all sides.


And what if the dog was food aggressive?

05-25-2003, 01:26 AM
Just personally, I don't like it if people give my dogs food unless I know the exact type, ingredients etc. Timber is on a very specialized diet, as well as Leather who has very bad food allergies, skin problems, cancer, etc., and she can't eat anything unless it's approved.

I do not agree with the way that lady handled her dog. If I didn't like someone giving my dog food, I would take it away from my dog nicely, and politely tell the person that my dog is not allowed to accept food from strangers. It's unimaginable that someone would actually slap their dog for accepting food. I mean, getting mad at a child is one thing, a child has the mental capacity to understand the consequences of taking anything from a stranger, but being physically abusive towards ANYTHING is just wrong :mad:

05-25-2003, 01:34 AM
I have to agree with the others. I know that at the pet store people give the animals things. But you can control your actions and even tho you don't work there it still could have reflected back to your mom.
Not very mature.

05-25-2003, 08:56 AM
I also have to agree with everyone else. I'd rather someone ask me if they can give the dog a treat instead of just giving it to them. I wouldn't have been as rude but I would told them not to give them the food nicely.

05-25-2003, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by shais_mom

Not very mature.

That's what I was thinking. I like people to ask first, because there are some things my dogs won't eat, and Kito usually won't even take something from a stranger anyway. At Petco, they usually ask first, and last night they guy was even making Riley do tricks first (he doesn't know many yet).
I agree the woman shouldn't have been hitting her dogs, but there was no reason to have a shouting match with her, especially swearing at her.

05-25-2003, 12:15 PM
I think you should always ask - her dogs may have food allergies, and not knowing what was in those biscuits, she could have been upset at the possibility. As a person with allergies, I can be careful about what I eat, but dogs can't ask!

Remember to ACT calmly, even if you do not feel calm. Yelling at that woman will do no good. In the future, if this sort of incident happens again, you could say "Please don't hit the dogs, it's not their fault, it's mine. I apologize, why are they not allowed biscuits?"

That might distract her into telling you her reasons, and deflect some of her anger toward her dogs onto you, but at least you will understand more than her dogs would.

05-25-2003, 12:19 PM
I agree, I think ppl should ask beforing giving something to someone else's pets..I don't think she should have hit them though! Thats just cruel..

05-25-2003, 03:20 PM
U can't blame the owher from getting upset, ur mom didn't ask, (but hitting th dogs was 100% wrong). I would have freaked out aswell, only cause if that treat wasn't 100% nut free it would have killed Max.

05-25-2003, 04:17 PM
That lady sounds completely nuts. Besides if her Danes are full grown, they can easily just reach those bowls and treats themselves!! If those dogs are offered food, they are suppose to take it that's how it goes. She should not hit them, man if I was there I would have called the cops right then on her! I don't put up with that!

Secondly, you should never give treats to someone elses animal with out asking first. I know the people at petsmart have a tendancy to almost NEVER ask.
I've never told them no, but I will basically say to them, "if your going to give him one, at least give him a command first."
One of my dogs a border jack was going through the NILF style.
Personally I think it's just rude, it's like a stranger turning around and giving a peice of candy to your baby with out asking first, that would totally flip me out.
Plus you never know if that specific animal is highly allergic to something in those treats which are given, you don't want to unintentionally harm the animal.