View Full Version : cats checking on each other...

05-24-2003, 09:19 PM
earlier today I saw that Patches was sleeping, looked so cute, and both Emma and Louise, at different times, went over to him and looked, just looked at him for a good minute, then walked off... I guess they were checking to see that all was alright with their baby brother!

do your cats do that?

also....I always have at least 2 bowls of water around for the kitties, but yesterday Emma was drinking from one, and even though there was another one next to it, Patches went up to her, they were face to face, and did the cat communicating thing, then Emma left and let patches drink from the bowl... I guess you had to be there, but it was just as if he asked her if he could drink from there and she stopped and let him ! today, the same thing happend, but it was Louise drinking, then she stopped and let Emma have that bowl! I have never seen that happen before yesterday.
does anyone else have cats that do that?:confused: :D

05-24-2003, 09:57 PM
How sweet .... checking on baby brother!!!! :)
Some of my cats are strange about their drinking water too! I try really hard to replace their water with clean and fresh water often. Plus I have one of those Pet Fountains as well. However, several of my cats will go and drink out of the dogs' bowl (YUCK)!!! :rolleyes:

05-24-2003, 10:37 PM
That's so sweet Mary. :) I've never noticed my cats checking on each other except when one of them wasn't feeling well. Storm will play nurse to them and make sure that they are okay. :) As far as the water dish goes, if Storm wants to drink from the dish and Cirrus or Sunny is already drinking from it then he'll make them move. He's the alpha cat so they back down. Maybe you're seeing the pecking order in your cats. Do you know which cat is the alpha cat?

05-25-2003, 01:27 AM
no, it's not that, if anyone, it is Em that is the "mother" to them all, and she let Patches have the bowl, it was like he asked her... strange I know but that's what it was like. :)

05-28-2003, 09:54 PM
That is very sweet to watch! Sammy was quite concerned when his new baby brother Romeo was sick. He followed him everywhere, to the potty, to the kitchen for a drink,he would lay on the floor at just watch the baby. And Sammy would always nap right next to him. If Romeo meowed in a different part of our place, Sammy would run very quickly to find Romeo to make sure he was o.k.:) As far as drinking out of strange places, it makes me NUTS when Sammy will hop onto the toilet seat and start drinking!:eek: :eek: I thought dogs only did that! I think it began with the fascination of watching the water swirl around after it had been flushed! Needless to say, we keep the lids down now!

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-29-2003, 08:55 AM
Ally has a weird drinking habit too. I give her BOTTLED water in her bowl, and change it 3 times per day. But she can often be found in the basins catching drips on her little tongue - the tap water is desalinated sea water and tastes AWFUL - go figure!!!

05-29-2003, 10:43 AM
same here. I fill up his bowl with fresh water and all he does is pat at the bowl, spilling some water over the side, basically just plays with it, then walks off. Minutes later he can be found in the bathtub or sink licking up excess water, or even worse, drinking dirty water soaking in dishes! ewwwww .. I think Toby prefers dirty water to fresh water!