View Full Version : Arghh!

05-23-2003, 09:06 PM
Some people really need to treat they're kids how to respect animals. My neightbours being some of them. They're daughter is..how can I put this...well let's just say that the only person in our house who likes her is my niece and even that doesn't always hold true. Anyway she doesn't respect anyone and that carries over to animals as well.

I no longer let me dogs near her, and that's been true since it was just Smudge, but now that I have the other two it's really in effect. The reason behind that being that she once hit Smudge on top of the head with her shoe because he was sniffing her...it other words being a dog. I don't want to even think about what she would do to Winter, and thankfully Tama seems to not like her.

Anyway for some reason her parents bought her a cat a few months ago, and tonight it escaped or something all I know is that Smudge started parking and I went to see what he was barking at. I got to the window in time to see the girl picking up her cat and promptly smacking it on the head, the cat of course hissed and tried to smack back (smart cat) at which point the girl picked up a stick and started to hit it on the head. She might have been playing with it but I highly doubt it.

My response to it was I through open our balcony door and told her never to hit animals especially with a stick and that if I ever see her do it again, there will be trouble.

but still ARGH!

05-23-2003, 09:44 PM
It sounds to me like that child has some serious issues that need to be worked out. Many times children who abuse or hit animals are being abused or hit themselves - that's how they learn that behavior.

Hitting any animal with a stick is serious, she could easily kill the cat. Can you get it from her (if it's not dead yet?).

Seriously, sounds like a sad situation.

05-23-2003, 09:51 PM
too bad you couldnt get a pic of that.. but you should tell her parents of the abuse. or call aspca. though I wonder if telling the parents would do any good, where did she learn that behavior!

05-23-2003, 09:53 PM
:mad: Sad...sad....sad....

05-23-2003, 09:53 PM
oh that's horrible. A child who has issues like that shouldn't be allowed to care for another life. I think that if you see her hit it again, you should call animal control or something and see if they can take the animal away from her. I hope that cat's okay.

05-23-2003, 10:24 PM
How old is this child? I agree that she seems to have some serious issues...

05-23-2003, 10:35 PM
She's 8 or 9, and to be perfetly honest I don't think her parents give a care what she does. Considering that her father once through a stick in my yard saying that it was so Smudge could play with it, and then he promptly told me how he used to keep his dogs quiet, let's just say I wasn't impressed.

As for getting the cat taken away, I don't think it can happen considering that this was the first time I'd seen the cat ever and they've had it for a year or so. I'll just have to keep an eye out I guess.

05-23-2003, 10:53 PM
aw..well if the cat won't get taken away..I hope the cat fights back enough for the family to want to get rid of her and give her to the spca for a more caring family to adopt....i feel so bad for the cat:(

05-24-2003, 08:05 AM
I can bet you anything that is not the first time this poor cat has been subjected to this obnoxious 9 year old.

I'd try and get the cat away from those idiots. Not only do they have no business owning a pet, they also have no business having children, if they're not going to discipline them and teach them respect for animals!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

I'll pray for that poor cat.

BTW, are they any chance related to that stupid woman who whacks her cat with a rolled up newspaper???

05-24-2003, 08:44 AM
posted by Crikit:She's 8 or 9, and to be perfetly honest I don't think her parents give a care what she does. Considering that her father once through a stick in my yard saying that it was so Smudge could play with it, and then he promptly told me how he used to keep his dogs quiet, let's just say I wasn't impressed.>>>

This is part of the big problem, her parents. :(

I once saw a judge Judy, (I think it was Judge Judy)
where this family was sueing for the price of their puppy that
had died. This little puppy so young, had such a hard life,
I think Heavon was the best place for him.
The puppy first had suffered a broken leg, because of the
way the very young kids were playing with it.
When the puppy came home with his cast on, the parents
told the kids not to play with the puppy.
Well since the kids were in the back yard, with-out
any adult supervision, one of the kids put the puppy
in some type of container and closed the lid.
The puppy died and the parents sued one of the neighbors,
(since their his child was accused of putting the puppy in the container).

Where were the parents?

(The father was in the friken house and had let the puppy
outside in the back yard with all those young children playing)

I felt so bad for the little deceased puppy, and so did Judge Judy.

I have heard other stories on these judge shows that
amaze me of the stupidity of parents and their children
who grow up to be just like them. :mad:

05-24-2003, 09:31 AM
:mad: :mad: :mad: Omg, poor cat:( Does the girl even like animals? Seems to me that she doesn't, so why'd they get her a cat? I can't imagine what she does to the cat from inside the house, maybe that's why the cat escaped. I wish the cat had really run away and a nice family adopted her.
I pray for the poor cat, I hope that the family will soon take the cat to the shelter for adoption. Anything to get the cat away from that family.:mad: :mad:

05-25-2003, 02:17 PM
Report her to the local authories...She does not deserve to own an animal. The cat should be removed & rehomed.

I had a rabbit & gPig when I was her age. I knew the difference between good care & cruelty.

If she doesn't know the difference, she shouldn't have access to a pet.